View Full Version : worried about dental work

01-10-2010, 10:47 AM
I adopted my tortie Laila at age 1 from a shelter and was told she had had bad cat flu. At age 5 Laila needed to have all her teeth out due to severe gum infection and I do know that cat flu can stay in a cat's body all through its life and weaken the immune system. After her extensive dental work the vet told me he had left one lower canine in her mouth because of the risk of damage to the jaw if both lower canines come out.
Now, a year later, Laila's body is rejecting that last tooth and tomorrow she will have the root removed. The tooth itself just snapped off. The vet assured me he would not pull the root but slowly chip it away to minimize risk to the jaw but I am a nervous wreck. I know if she needs a wire in her jaw that it will only be temporary but I would rather that not happen.
I don't even know what question I want to ask, I just feel like crying. If anyone said a prayer for Laila tomorrow I would appreciate it.

01-10-2010, 11:09 AM
Both you and Laila are in my thoughts and prayers.

We adopted our first tortie (Cammie) 6 years ago. She developed the "breath of death" and had to have 7 teeth removed. She has been very healthy since then. We give her human baby food most days -- but she still loves her crunchies.

There are a couple of folks here who have cats who have all teeth removed. They've all done very well. Hopefully, they'll check in today and give you some moral support. :)

Sending you and Laila happy and healing vibes.

01-10-2010, 11:39 AM
Thank you Lisa. It is very appreciated.

01-10-2010, 04:22 PM
Oh dear, I can feel your fear right through the monitor. Of course, we'll pray. Prayers going up right now for you and sweet Laila that all will go well quickly, easily and in peace. Keep the faythe. (((HUGS))) :love:

01-10-2010, 05:24 PM
I hope your kitty does fine for the dental work. I've seen a number of pets have both their lower canines removed at work before. I don't recall that any of them required any wires or had any problems. Maybe it's a technique thing, not sure. Either way I hope your kitty comes through things just fine with no complications.

01-12-2010, 01:31 AM
I hope that everything will go well. She'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

01-12-2010, 09:14 AM
Prays coming for your baby and for you as well.
