View Full Version : Mine, ALL MINE!!! Muahahhahaa

Indigo Bully Connection
01-09-2010, 05:47 PM
lol Well, I reckon my aunt didn't want the responsibility of a dog anymore. Thursday was D-day for Mable to go back home. She did see her "mom" that day, she got petted.... then mom left for work and hasn't come back or called me. This makes me feel so torn... I KNOW Mable is better off with me, I am really glad she is going to stay because of her children being so rough with her and her having the joint issues and cataracts... but I expected more out of my Aunt... More... loyalty? I know I wouldn't be able to ever give away any of my 9 month old puppies let alone a dog who I had for 10-12 years.

01-09-2010, 05:48 PM
Well, it sounds like Mable is in a better place with you, anyway. I am so glad you are working on her weight - with joint issues, that will certainly help take some stress off her frame, poor thing!

01-09-2010, 05:59 PM
What good news! Miss Mable will be much better off with you. Keep us updated on the ole' girl!:)

01-09-2010, 06:02 PM
I agree with Karen,
She is much better off with you. And she will live the remainder of her life happy and safe with you.
I still get shocked/surprise how some people treat their dogs and not to mention elderly humans family members. :(

01-09-2010, 06:38 PM
that is sad that her mommy didnt want her back....owners like that make me so upset.....but everyone is rite....u and her are gona have a wonderful time with eachother and it is for the best that she is with u.....so how is her hips doen....may i ask wut ya got for her

01-09-2010, 06:50 PM
Mable will be better off with you. I don't know how someone could do that! :( Now I think you have too many dogs, send me Jarvis.:p

01-10-2010, 03:36 AM
awww IBC, I am super super happy to hear that mable will be staying with you, she is so much better off and will so much more happy, and you can alway s try the "Penny Craig" diet, lol :D I wish you luck and I too wa shoping your aunt would be a bit more devoted to Mable. Hugs girl you are doing the right thing.

Indigo Bully Connection
01-10-2010, 10:00 AM
Thank you everyone, Mable is happy to stay. She won't leave my side unless I put her in her crate haha.

that is sad that her mommy didnt want her back....owners like that make me so upset.....but everyone is rite....u and her are gona have a wonderful time with eachother and it is for the best that she is with u.....so how is her hips doen....may i ask wut ya got for her

Her hips are starting to show improvement... it's tough though because of all of our coooold weather. Once she gets moving in the morning she's generally okay. For her hips she gets:

2 fish oil capsules a day
1 scoup of Oste-o3
and for now she's getting Adequan shots 2 times a week for 2 more weeks.

01-10-2010, 10:39 AM
How sad that your aunt didn't want Mable. We true dog lovers understand the fierce love and devotion to our furchildren. Shame on any one who does not cherish every moment with their fur family. Dogs are such soulful beings and I can't even imagine life without them. Good for you for taking Mable. She's super-duper cute. Bulldogs are such funny critters. I'm glad she'll be getting the retirement she deserves in a home that loves her as she deserves to be loved, poor thing.

01-10-2010, 10:40 AM
I love the name Mable, by the way :)

01-10-2010, 10:41 AM
Poor Mabes. :( Well, at least you get a precious new dog out of this that you will be able to give the life she deserved to. Sometimes family surprises you. :-/

01-10-2010, 10:56 AM
Post by .Indigo Bully Connection

2 fish oil capsules a day
1 scoup of Oste-o3
and for now she's getting Adequan shots 2 times a week for 2 more weeks.

I'm not familiar with oste-o3 as a suppliment, I see it is suppled as a pill and as granules. I have been giving My dog Koko 3vcaps HP along with a pill containing glucosamine, Chondroiitin and MSM. It seems to be helping except when there is a severe weather change when a low pressure with rain comes in. During these times I have to also give her buffered aspirin or Rimadyl This seems to help but she is just not her self during these periods.She especially has trouble finding a position when out to potty.

I have limited experience in treating pain brought on by Arthritis, caused by hip dysphasia. Have you found that oste-o3 and the Adequan to be a good approach for treatment. Do you think this would be better than the approach I am taking. I hate to see my dog go into that sag when the weather changes. I want to do every thing I can to make her comfortable.

01-10-2010, 11:38 AM
Get Miss Mable some warm Booties to wear. Booties really do help with sore joints, just like us humans wearing slippers helps our joints when we're in the house.. or warm boots when we're outside.

I see so many dogs outside in our cold & they are limping from the cold. Digi goes outside with her booties & sweater on & she's romping around. Th eother day I was in a rush & took her outside bare naked.. She pee'ed ok, pooped & then the paws went up & she was limping from the cold... Bad mommy :( I carried her back to the apt.

Mable might hate the booties at first, but after a few days of wearing them when shes awake, she might be totally cool with them on.

For "training" booties, go to the Dollar Store & get those ones.. They are cheap junk, but they are perfect for getting a dog or puppy use to booties. Then once the dog is fine with the booties you can get a better/warmer quality at a pet shop.

Also as she has short fur, a sweater might be a good idea for her too. Elderly humans get cold VERY easily. My Dad has to BBQ alive in his condo all summer long as his mother (he's caring for her to keep her out of a nursing home) is cold in the summer. She has a blanket on her all year round. I'm sure elderly doggies are the same. They just can't tell us they are chilly.

01-10-2010, 12:00 PM
Maybe your aunt realizes she is not caring properly for Mable and knows you are/will. But don't be surprised if she comes back in a few months demanding HER dog back. Once Mable is all better (thanks to all YOUR hard work) she'll probably want her back. :(
I think it's great she is staying with you. She deserves all the love and care you are giving her.

01-10-2010, 12:59 PM
Mable looks to be a lucky girl!

01-10-2010, 02:54 PM
that is good...im glad that is working....yea with this new cold snap we are having rite now dozer isnt doen so well.....and we cant get anymore tablets or fish oil till one of us gets a job.....well im glad everything is all better

Indigo Bully Connection
01-11-2010, 02:37 PM
that is good...im glad that is working....yea with this new cold snap we are having rite now dozer isnt doen so well.....and we cant get anymore tablets or fish oil till one of us gets a job.....well im glad everything is all better

She started this process of getting better durring the start of the cold snap, and I can see amazing improvement. I can't wait to see how she moves when it starts to warm up!

How sad that your aunt didn't want Mable. We true dog lovers understand the fierce love and devotion to our furchildren. Shame on any one who does not cherish every moment with their fur family. Dogs are such soulful beings and I can't even imagine life without them. Good for you for taking Mable. She's super-duper cute. Bulldogs are such funny critters. I'm glad she'll be getting the retirement she deserves in a home that loves her as she deserves to be loved, poor thing.I love the name Mable, by the way :)

Poor Mabes. :( Well, at least you get a precious new dog out of this that you will be able to give the life she deserved to. Sometimes family surprises you. :-/

Maybe your aunt realizes she is not caring properly for Mable and knows you are/will. But don't be surprised if she comes back in a few months demanding HER dog back. Once Mable is all better (thanks to all YOUR hard work) she'll probably want her back. :(
I think it's great she is staying with you. She deserves all the love and care you are giving her.

This one is directed to all three of ya... HAHA my aunt Khris seen her today and asked when I was going to be done with her or if I wanted to keep her. I was flabberghasted! I have no problem giving her back as long as she maintains her... I don't think she wants to have any part in getting her better. Which is still sad to me. I don't want to seem callus, I love mable with all my heart, she's been coming to work with me everyday. She doesn't eat as much as my other dogs...but on the same note it is one less mouth to feed in a home where I already have 6 dogs if she does go back. I would love to keep her, but my wallet would love for her to go home :(

Get Miss Mable some warm Booties to wear. Booties really do help with sore joints, just like us humans wearing slippers helps our joints when we're in the house.. or warm boots when we're outside.

I see so many dogs outside in our cold & they are limping from the cold. Digi goes outside with her booties & sweater on & she's romping around. Th eother day I was in a rush & took her outside bare naked.. She pee'ed ok, pooped & then the paws went up & she was limping from the cold... Bad mommy :( I carried her back to the apt.

Mable might hate the booties at first, but after a few days of wearing them when shes awake, she might be totally cool with them on.

For "training" booties, go to the Dollar Store & get those ones.. They are cheap junk, but they are perfect for getting a dog or puppy use to booties. Then once the dog is fine with the booties you can get a better/warmer quality at a pet shop.

Also as she has short fur, a sweater might be a good idea for her too. Elderly humans get cold VERY easily. My Dad has to BBQ alive in his condo all summer long as his mother (he's caring for her to keep her out of a nursing home) is cold in the summer. She has a blanket on her all year round. I'm sure elderly doggies are the same. They just can't tell us they are chilly.

That is a great idea about the booties and sweater. I'll see about picking some up this evening!

Mable looks to be a lucky girl!

Post by .Indigo Bully Connection

I'm not familiar with oste-o3 as a suppliment, I see it is suppled as a pill and as granules. I have been giving My dog Koko 3vcaps HP along with a pill containing glucosamine, Chondroiitin and MSM. It seems to be helping except when there is a severe weather change when a low pressure with rain comes in. During these times I have to also give her buffered aspirin or Rimadyl This seems to help but she is just not her self during these periods.She especially has trouble finding a position when out to potty.

I have limited experience in treating pain brought on by Arthritis, caused by hip dysphasia. Have you found that oste-o3 and the Adequan to be a good approach for treatment. Do you think this would be better than the approach I am taking. I hate to see my dog go into that sag when the weather changes. I want to do every thing I can to make her comfortable.

I'm new at this as well... Mable was already taking Rimadyl, but it was a daily thing. My aunt didn't go out and get the Glucosamine/Chondroitin like I asked her to, when I tried to rehab her while living at my grandmothers before I put her on IAMs joint health...but my grandma couldn't stick to a routine, so who knows how well that course of treatment could have really went for her.

What I did was talk to my trainer who works dogs in Schutzhund. His daughter has a Mal who has basically no hip sockets and gets around like a 2-3 year old healthy dog. He said they used Synovi 3 along with the Adequan.... They have spent thousands of dollars in trial and errors finding the right products for their dog. Synovi 3, which is a DVM pharm. produce (I found out the FDA shut them down thanks to Google)... he gave me the name and number to his vet so I called them and asked what they are using now that Synovi is off the market.... Oste O3. I'll post tonight what the ingredients are... I bought the Granuals because you get a little more bang for your buck, and I mix her dry food with some canned to entice her to eat the power.

When I took her to my vet to get the prescription for the Adequan, I told her that since she's older now, I'd like to get her off of Rimadyl because of all of the nasty side effects from long term use. She gave me Metacam as her pain medicine. I'm happy to say in the last 2 weeks, I have given Mable 3 does of the Metacam because she tries to over do it because she's feeling so much better.

When we brought her home she couldn't "walk" more than 6 feet and then have to stop and take a break. I was ready to tell my aunt she was a lost cause...Last night, (she's had 2 injections so far)... she tried to jump up on the couch and made it half way lol. It's a heck of an improvement.

01-11-2010, 02:52 PM
[QUOTE=Indigo Bully Connection;2226053]She started this process of getting better durring the start of the cold snap, and I can see amazing improvement. I can't wait to see how she moves when it starts to warm up!=QUOTE]

yea we are having a major cold snap rite now and dozer is jus having such a hard time moving around.....i feel so bad for him but there is nothing we can do cept give him a lil asprin

01-11-2010, 11:06 PM
I have found that when it is cold and dry Koko is very active with no signs of distress. It is during the warmer wet days that she seems to have a hard time. I know if she starts getting a pained look on her face it will rain soon.