View Full Version : Shady Breeder Caught

01-09-2010, 12:33 PM
I believe I posted earlier about this Dog breeder who sold sick animals.
Well, she had her day in court & this is the result. She is a real piece
of work.:mad:


01-09-2010, 01:00 PM
I didn't read the previous story, but I hope the people that got the sick puppies got some kind of justice out of this.

01-09-2010, 01:35 PM
I hope Virginia is notified if she moves there! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I hope that cleaning all those cages may help teach her something, but sadly, from her response, I doubt it will.

01-09-2010, 05:42 PM
That woman is bitter and has no remorse accept for being found guilty.
I doubt she would learn anything at this moment in time.
We can only hope maybe in the future she might. ONLY HOPE!