View Full Version : Precious Precious!

12-31-2009, 09:22 AM
Good morning sweet baby girl! Happy Dog of the Day and happy New Year to you and yours! Yes beautiful girl, your names suits you to a "t," and lots of hugs and kisses right back at ya! Do you have a special outfit to usher in the New Year? Of course you do!:D What an impressive collection of stylish garb you have there...something for every occasion, including those cherished rides on your Harley!:cool: That shot of you in your green snuggie is beyond adorable! hehe What an active, adventure, fun and love filled life you lead! A true bon vivant, gal about town, that you are!:D But I'd bet nothing beats those late night lap snuggles with your Mommy!:love: Your family has a treasure in you Precious, and we're honored to crown you our very special, most deserving, New Year's Eve "top dog!" Lots of love and kisses to you, precious Precious! Enjoy a safe and very happy Dog of the Day bash and New Year's celebration!!!:love::love::love: Hope you're spoiled rotten!:D

Pinot's Mom
12-31-2009, 11:12 AM
Precious, those pictures are a HOOT!! I can imagine you are the most stylish doggie in town; no wonder everyone waves at you!! What a cutie!!

Happy DOTD to you, honey, have a very special day!! :D

12-31-2009, 11:57 AM
COngrats on your DOTD status, love your name, Happy New Year to you and your human.

12-31-2009, 01:09 PM
Aww Precious, you truly are precious!!!:love: I love those pics of you! Congratulations on being DOTD!:D

12-31-2009, 04:09 PM
Hello Precious,

Boy, do you ever match your name.:love: I especially love the green
outdoor outfit.:) You are indeed a precious girl. Congratulations on being
chosen for honors as our DOG OF THE DAY.:) Sending out plenty of hugs
and kisses just for you baby girl.:)