View Full Version : Big Problem!!!!!

10-11-2002, 08:27 PM
My mom got a male Lahsa Apso Schnauzer mix,that is about 8 months old and is VERY protective of my mother....Well my 9 month old GSD male,Sport, is very protective of me and the family and the other family pets....We decided to intorduce Sport and Scamp to each other today and right when Scamp came in with my mom Scamp began to growl,now Sport is not a fighter unless he really has too,so Sport began his growl,he didnt lunge on his leash like Scamp did Sport stayed right infront of me the whole time,like I told him to.....So we ended up having to put Sport back outside because there was NO WAY little o me was going to be able to keep Sport back from Scamp if he did happend to go after Scamp,Sport weighs at least 77 to 80 pounds very musclear and athletic and lil ole Scampers is 10 pounds and TINY!!!!!
Scamp is the one that has started all the growling with Sport,Chester,and my female CHewy!!(My brothers Great Pyrenees just looks at him like he is insane)
What can we do????
Please help
Thanks Bunches!!!


10-11-2002, 09:42 PM
Well, I have a GSD and speaking from my dog encyclopedia and my own experience, they are not so great with other dogs. My friend has a Lasa Aphso named Rusty and he is a purebred, but close enough. He gets along fine with his house-mate, Jessie, who is even a female! I wouldn't give up after the first try, dogs are very protected and usually will not do well at the first meeting. I have and will never bring Lady to my friend's house because she is a 75 pound dog and he is like 10 pounds (as you mentioned before, big difference). If you still want to try and get them to get along try and bring them to a place where neither of them is on their own territory, like a park that neither of them never visit or something. Also, you and your mom should just try and stay as much out of the way as possible except to hold the leash (obviously). That is just my suggestion though.

10-11-2002, 11:54 PM
Thank You,
I will try this,it sounds like a very good idea I wouldnt have thought of the park....My mom was once bit by a retired police dog,GSD, so is kinda scared around GSDs so I think I will try to get my dad to get the two to the park,shes not really scared of Sport but when he starts growling at another dog shes afraid Sport might bite so wants him outside just to be safe.....Thanks bunches,I will try to find a day that we can take the two to the park...........



10-11-2002, 11:56 PM
so I think I will try to get my dad to get the two to the park,

Try to get my dad to help....sorry about that...



10-12-2002, 11:22 AM
Great!! Good luck!