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12-24-2009, 12:49 PM
So I dressed Penny Pooh in her new coat from Libby and put on her booties, the rubber ones, and we went to do some errands. We went to Wal-greens first since they messed up her prescription and had to fix it. Penny and I have been in Wal-Greens many times to pick up her meds, and this is the first time in her new coat, everyone there loves her, there is one employee there that has ooh'd and ahhh'd over Penny since we first starting oging in there. If she is there and Penny sees her shes goes straight to her. :D We waited and got her Rx and went to leave and there was a customer on our way out, that asked me about her booties, so I told her where I got them and what they were for, Penny went to sniff her hand and the lady pulled back just a little bit, Penny waited patiently and in the middle of our conversation, I look down and the lady was petting her. :D

Then we went to Petsmart, we needed treats and bloodworms for the fish, on our way to the back to get Penny's treats, we encountered a little dog, that looked like a Min Pin mix, cute little guy, well the owner was not paying attention and the dog was on a flexi lead and it lunged at Penny, she stopped and sat down beside me and the lady was jerked a bit, she snatched her dog away like Penny was gonna eat it, I laughed and asked her if she was ok, she looked at me funny and I asked her if the little dog had hurt her arm, she said no, told me she liked Penny's coat and she was sorry her dog was so ill-mannered (her words). We get treats, grab bloodworms and go to head to the check out counter and that little dog is again wandering around with the flexi lead loose and lunged at Penny again, she did the same thing as before and sat down next to me and ignored the little dog, *squee* so happy about this, even though she is a trained therapy dog, she doesn't like for other dogs to show aggression, she's a lover, lol. So we go to a different check out and we are standing in line waiting our turn and I hear a very small child like voice behind me asking if she could pet my dog, I turn around and there was a little girl about 6 or 7 years old behind me, she was sooo cute with little dark curly hair and rosy cheeks, lol.
I told her of course and she kneeled down and Penny gave her a big kiss and then she got love, the little girl was so tickled. She said thank you and got up and went to where her dad was, I told the little girl thank you about 5 times for asking to pet penny and not just running up to her, I told her that was a very responsible grown up thing to do. :D

All in all it was a great day and I was so very impressed at the little girl asking to pet my dog, and Penny was so good, she did exactly what she was told and what her training to be a therapy dog was for, it was AWESOME!!! Sorry so long, I had to brag just a bit, lol :D

12-24-2009, 03:07 PM
Good girl Penny!:D

12-24-2009, 03:20 PM
Do you have any pics of your epileptic, certified therapy dog, who happens to be an apbt? Its so wonderful to hear about your dogs and how well they represent themselves in public. I also like how you dress them up. they always look so approachable and non threatening. if more peope represented the breed like you do, maybe more folks would stop and consider a shelter pit instead of running to a back yard breeder or a puppy store when looking for a pet

12-24-2009, 05:14 PM
What a good girl Penny! :D You must be so proud of her Tye. :love:

12-25-2009, 10:06 AM
Good girl Penny!:D

:D Thanks CP, Penny loves to do her therapy work, even if we are just going to pick up her meds, lol. ;)

Do you have any pics of your epileptic, certified therapy dog, who happens to be an apbt? Its so wonderful to hear about your dogs and how well they represent themselves in public. I also like how you dress them up. they always look so approachable and non threatening. if more peope represented the breed like you do, maybe more folks would stop and consider a shelter pit instead of running to a back yard breeder or a puppy store when looking for a pet

You know I should take my camera with me but it is hard to take pics and talk to ppl, but I am gonna have to have someone come in with me sometime, lol. I do have pics of her with her CGC and TT certificates and one of her with her TDInc. instructor the day she passed her therapy dog test ;) And most people,e specially with Penny, do not pull their hands away, she is just to cute, lol. hahah I am not sure they like when I dress them up, nahhh, they like their coats and vests, backpacks, they don't like me when I dress them up for Halloween, lol. And that is always the first words out of my mouth, go to the shelter and adopt one ;) And thanky ou for the compliments, we all work hard at being good breed ambassadors :D

12-25-2009, 10:07 AM
Here is Penny with her certificates ;) -
This is Penny and the TDInc. evaluator, Becky -
And here she is with her CGC and TT certificates -

What a good girl Penny! :D You must be so proud of her Tye. :love:

aww thanks Krista, i am super proud of her, she is always such a good girl :D Penny says thanks and sends kisses your way :D

Daisy and Delilah
12-25-2009, 06:44 PM
Penny is so pretty. I would love to gvie her lots and lots of kisses!!:D

Queen of Poop
12-25-2009, 06:59 PM
OMG she's so beautiful. She looks like she'd be great to hug. And such an accomplished lady! I think she needs a big kiss, please give her one!:love:

12-25-2009, 07:51 PM
**clapping** Awesome job, Penny dear girl! You are such a wonderful pup.

You have every right to beam and be proud of your girl!

12-25-2009, 09:44 PM
Yay for a great outing, Penny! ((((HUGS))))

12-26-2009, 07:30 AM
Penny is so pretty. I would love to gvie her lots and lots of kisses!!:D

lol D&D, I will make sure to give them to her from you, she will love that :D

OMG she's so beautiful. She looks like she'd be great to hug. And such an accomplished lady! I think she needs a big kiss, please give her one!:love:

She is great to hug QP, and she says thank you for the kisses and sends you back some of your own, lol :D

**clapping** Awesome job, Penny dear girl! You are such a wonderful pup.

You have every right to beam and be proud of your girl!

Thanks Freedom, I am quite proud of her :D

Yay for a great outing, Penny! ((((HUGS))))

Thanks CM, Penny sends hugs back :D