View Full Version : Emma...and Patches

10-11-2002, 02:59 PM
some of you might remember that a few months back my Emma had trouble with her paws...and after 3 shots, the vet said that if she ever gets it back, she will need to be on pills, every other day, for the rest of her life...well I have been checking her paws occasionally and always watching for signs of her licking them too much, and all has been okay, til Wednesday. It's started up again, just the slightest bit, I saw just the start of the sore spot so I made her an appt. at the vet for Monday afternoon. so, that's that,she needs the pills for her lifetime now.:(

it's okay, because I can give her the pill in her canned food:)

and...while I was on the phone, my Mother called me, sounding panicky, and said somethings wrong with Patches! I said to the girl on the phone, HOLD ON and dropped the phone, but he is fine! he was gagging, like the other cats do occasionally. it was scary because he has never done that before, but, he is bigger now and all cats do that. he didn't throw up, so I am not sure if it might have been his first hair ball or gagging from eating too fast?? it is always scary when a cat does that, but it happens, that's all. he really is a porker, has gotton fat! I have stopped his canned food, I put him in the other room when I feed the others now, he got fat because I was feeding him the cat food 3 times a day(small amounts) for the medicine, now I just put it in the treats.:rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-11-2002, 03:07 PM
Sorry to hear Emma's sore paws are back. But wasn't that an old vet that had said that? Haven't you found someone new since then that might have a different diagnosis? Or was that just for the eye thing.

Sorry I'm confused but I thought if you weren't that happy with that one vet that a new/different one might have a different opinion for poor little Emma.

Good luck and let us know how things go.

10-11-2002, 09:23 PM
when all that was going on with the cats eyes, I got what I felt was a run around by the regular vet, so I went to the eye specialist. then he was only there one day a week, and I could not talk to him on the other days, if I had a question, so I went to the other eye specialist at the same clinic, she is there 4 days a week. the first eye vet was wonderful, and so is the second one.

as for the regular vet, she was wonderful with Cookie, but now, with these other 4, I just feel like she isn't giving them the same attention, probably because she did not think I should get other cats...anyway, one day I needed to take Louise to the vet, and no one at the regular clinic was available, and they wanted me to go all the way across town to the emergency vet clinic(which is also the clinic where the eye specialist is) well it was not an emergency, but it was important,so I called another regualr vet, and took Louise there. I was irritated about them not seeing her, and I think they might have been irritated that I took her to another vet, anyway I just don't feel comfortable there anymore,
I thought, that since they are all up to date on their shots, and untill I see what happens with Emma's paws, I didn't want to officially change vets. now I know that she has to be on the pills, and I want to see how they work. most likely I will take them to a different vet next year, the one that I took Louise to the one time.

well does that clear things up LOL! I can see how you could be confused, I have taken them to so many!:confused: :eek: :eek:

and...Patches has 10 more days for the eye drops, then he goes back for a folow up visit, and , hopefully, that will be it! right now his eyes look great! today he took his last anit-viral pill! and that means no more canned food for him til he looses weight.

10-12-2002, 12:49 AM
Mary, I'm so sorry to hear that Emma's paws are sore again. :( At least you know what is causing it and that it's treatable. My Pepper has to be on medicine twice a day for the rest of his life too so I know the feeling. I sure hope that Patches eyes will continue to be fine after he's finished taking his medicine. All fingers and paws are crossed here. Good luck. :)

10-26-2002, 03:17 AM
Emma's paws are doing good... a couple weeks ago, it startedup, and I had to get the prednisone pills for her to take every other day, for the rest of her life...but since then she is doing good!

10-26-2002, 07:21 AM
Yeah for Emma and her paws! I am glad to hear she seems to be doing better. :)

10-26-2002, 04:57 PM
I'm glad the paws are better, Emma. You get well!!!! And stay well!!!!!

10-26-2002, 08:05 PM
I'm so glad that Emma's paws are well again. :) I'm sure as long as she takes her medicine, she should be fine. :)