View Full Version : I'm confused and upset about my job now.

12-22-2009, 08:34 PM
As some of you might know I work at Chickfila. First off let me say I like my job-I've made tons of friends and the people are mostly all pretty cool. One of our managers use to make the schedule out for the daytime people, but the owner of the store decided she wanted to start making the schedule out. When our manager was making the schedule he always gave me good hours. I use to get like 25 hours a week which was good for me because it's what I wanted at the time. Now that (our boss) is making the schedule I don't even get 15 hours a week at times. I asked her about this and she said the reason I'm not getting any hours is because I'm slow. HELLO? I asked her what did she mean-what was I slow at? and she said everything I do I do it slow. I don't think I do things slow-if you ask me I'm faster than a lot of the people my age that I work with. I kinda believe she's playing favorites and giving certain people more hours. Cuz see, when our manager did the scheduale I got way more hours and he never complained about me being slow one time-now that she's doing the schedule I'm all of a sudden slow....I don't get it. I don't know how I can be any faster.....I don't know what I can do faster....I thought I did fine. I've been there since April and nobody has said a thing to me about this until she starts doing the schedule and then she says something... I don't know how else I can please her and I don't know what to do. I thought-why don't I just quit and find me another job? but I really need a job and I don't really wanna quit-I just don't know how else I can be any faster at what I do when I do it as quick as I can already. But if she doesn't start giving me more hours then I can't keep staying there and not get paid no more than I do. What should I do????

12-22-2009, 08:44 PM
Ask her to give you specific areas that you are slow in and ask her advice on how you can improve your speed.

12-22-2009, 08:47 PM
You should ask her to set specific goals for you to meet, so you can "earn" more hours. Tell her "too slow" isn't very helpful, and you'd like to do a better job, and were not aware of any problem before this, and you want to get better.

It cannot hurt, and will show you want to improve, and that may help. In the meantime, you can look around for another job in case she doesn't follow through with you, and you need more hours.

But remember, it is in her and the company's interest to keep an already-trained employee, rather than hire and train someone new ... so she should want to work with you.

12-22-2009, 09:36 PM
Good advice has been given. But whatever you do do not quit this job without having another one lined up. Use this extra free time to look for another job.

12-22-2009, 09:38 PM
What everyone else said. first of all I would try to schedule a meeting to sit down and talk with her and ask her specific questions that need specific answers.

IN the meantime if you are really unhappy and feel that it won't improve you can start handing out resumes while still working this job :)

12-23-2009, 06:23 AM
I feel your pain. I work at a huge department store and if you call out sick, the next week you'll get little or no hours. They play these stupid scheduling games. That's one of the reasons why I'm thinking of quitting. One day aweek, 4 hours a day. It's not even worth the GAS it takes to get there!!! The morale in the store sucks, everyone hates the store manager because he's condascending, arrogant and will talk about you behind your back. If you ever get called into his office, make sure you've got a witness with you because he's a compulsive liar who will change the story to make himself look good. I've had it. I've been on a medical leave and do NOT miss the place (well maybe some of the people). My pet sitting business seems to be taking off and it might be able to supplement my income and I can tell BB&B where to put their job.

12-23-2009, 06:47 AM
If there is ever a reason for young people to go to school, this serves as a wonderful example. Jobs like the one you have are entry level jobs. Hours often stink, managers play games, and you have little power in either skills or education to bargain with.

I would not quit this job. I would experience the difficult task of sitting down with this person and see where she thinks you are lacking. However, in your position, I would not think it hard to figure it out. You run a register and put together peoples orders, essentially. So, she is probably saying you are too slow in one of those areas. You either are or are not slow.
If you are not, find another job cause you are not going to win this fight.

If you are, work on it and you should see a positive change. If not, well, see paragraph above.

12-23-2009, 08:43 AM
Would it make sense to have a meeting with the owner and your manager? Since the manager did not seems to have problems with your work, perhaps you can all come to a middle ground someplace. Give the opportunity for discussion, improvement and also it is a conversation that includes 3 people so that there is no margin for changing the story or "misunderstanding". In the meantime, yes, you can look for a new job when you are not at work. Not a bad idea.

12-23-2009, 10:45 AM
I completely agree with Cataholic. You can't win this one. Start looking for another job. Don't quit but look for another job.

12-23-2009, 07:21 PM
I feel your pain. I work at a huge department store and if you call out sick, the next week you'll get little or no hours. They play these stupid scheduling games. That's one of the reasons why I'm thinking of quitting. One day aweek, 4 hours a day. It's not even worth the GAS it takes to get there!!! The morale in the store sucks, everyone hates the store manager because he's condascending, arrogant and will talk about you behind your back. If you ever get called into his office, make sure you've got a witness with you because he's a compulsive liar who will change the story to make himself look good. I've had it. I've been on a medical leave and do NOT miss the place (well maybe some of the people). My pet sitting business seems to be taking off and it might be able to supplement my income and I can tell BB&B where to put their job.

I'm sorry you're having such a rough time w/ work too:( it sucks doesn't it?
I haven't ever even called in sick. I have worked every day that they have needed me since I started in April-except about a month ago I asked to switch hours w/ a friend of mine cause I wanted to go somewhere and then about 2 weeks ago I had to go to a funeral so I asked to take off. Other than that I'm always at work on time...sometimes (like your manager) they just aren't fair and then there's not much we can do about it which is no fun:(

12-23-2009, 07:23 PM
If there is ever a reason for young people to go to school, this serves as a wonderful example. Jobs like the one you have are entry level jobs. Hours often stink, managers play games, and you have little power in either skills or education to bargain with.

I would not quit this job. I would experience the difficult task of sitting down with this person and see where she thinks you are lacking. However, in your position, I would not think it hard to figure it out. You run a register and put together peoples orders, essentially. So, she is probably saying you are too slow in one of those areas. You either are or are not slow.
If you are not, find another job cause you are not going to win this fight.

If you are, work on it and you should see a positive change. If not, well, see paragraph above.

Yea, I'm just gonna try to do better. I don't know exactly how cause I already go as fast as I can (in my opinion) but maybe I could try to be a little faster...I dunno...we'll see I guess. I work tomorrow which is Thursday so we'll see what happens. I'm actually off Saturday. Maybe she'll give me more hours next week, but I highly doubt she will this quick :rolleyes:

12-24-2009, 07:32 AM
Document everything. This way if a time does come that a serious pow-wow has to be scheduled, you'll have all your notes documenting everything.

If you want to quit, make sure that you have another one lined up first. I made the mistake of quitting a great staff writer's job at a newspaper, figu8ring I'd have no problem at all finding another writing gig. BIG MISTAKE!!!! I wound up on unemployment and food stamps until I could find a menial position. After 3 years, I threw my hands up in the air and said "Screw it!! I'm packing up and going home!!!!" I've never looked back.

12-24-2009, 05:13 PM
Document everything. This way if a time does come that a serious pow-wow has to be scheduled, you'll have all your notes documenting everything.

If you want to quit, make sure that you have another one lined up first. I made the mistake of quitting a great staff writer's job at a newspaper, figu8ring I'd have no problem at all finding another writing gig. BIG MISTAKE!!!! I wound up on unemployment and food stamps until I could find a menial position. After 3 years, I threw my hands up in the air and said "Screw it!! I'm packing up and going home!!!!" I've never looked back.

oh ye, I will. I won't quit unless I have another job to turn to. And you know what else? The day I was off for the funeral they gave out the paychecks-and I wasn't there so I didn't stop by to get mine. So a few days after I go in and ask for it and they tell me it's in the office and when I go back there and ask for it they tell me it's up front-so when I go up front and tell them they don't know where it's at either :rolleyes: so one of my managers told me that she would have to call and make sure it wasn't cashed (wich it wasn't! but i guess they just ave to make sure) and she said as soon as they confirm it hasn't been cashed they can print me out another one. That was over a week ago and everyday that I've been at work I have asked her about it and she always says she hasn't caled yet....how long should that take?

12-24-2009, 05:18 PM
uh it shouldn't take that long to verify it hasn't been cashed... and they should KNOW whether you picked it up or not. So essentially they are holding your check? are they allowed to DO that? for this long?

12-24-2009, 05:21 PM
Well I wouldn't think they'd be allowed to do that-and plus you're right. They should know if I've picked it up or not-and if not then I think they should keep up w/ it until I pick it up.... But you're right...it probably shouldn't take that long to confirm whether it's been cashed or not. Honestly, I don't think she's called yet...and I don't know why she won't-I've reminded her many times

12-25-2009, 01:27 AM
Well if "she hasn't called yet" that means she hasn't even set the wheels in motion to replace the check THEY lost! Sounds like BS to me. I'm a manager and my FIRST priority is to make sure my staff is paid! No matter WHAT else is going on, an ERROR on their part that effects YOUR livelyhood should be a priority. Like I said, start looking! :rolleyes:

12-25-2009, 04:14 AM
Yea, I told my mom I'm going to remind her every day I go to work until she calls and I get my check-that's just not right-I didn't work 2 weeks for nothing. It's so frustrating!

01-07-2010, 05:52 PM
Just thought I'd let you know...I got my check! yayyyy! I asked my manager about it again to see if she had called yet the other day and she said no she still hasn't called...and my other manager asked what was wrong and I explained itto him and he went and looked and found it in the safe...someone hadt stuck it in there...so I'm so glad!!! lol...I've got it now ;]

01-07-2010, 07:00 PM
I hope the other manager made a note of that...your present manager is nothing short of incompetent!

01-08-2010, 12:16 AM
Tonight (or today at 4 when I got off work) my boss asked me if I could stay and work till close....see I got there at 11am today and got off at 4pm. But there has been snow and the roads are frozen in places now and so they were letting people that lived on the mountain go home...so my boss (the woman who took away my hours! ;[ asked me if I could stay until close...which is 9pm. Seriously...I would have...but my mom kept calling me and if I had of stayed any later and worked my mom would have worried to death and have probably been mad at me ;[ so I told my boss I couldn't that I had to get home. She said ok and seemed fine with it...but...I just hope that didn't hurt me in getting more/less hours. She had just now given me more hours this week than she has in a long time.. what do you think?

01-08-2010, 11:13 AM
I think the other manager had a "word" with her...your check being there all the time and all! ;)

01-08-2010, 09:07 PM
I hope so ;] ;)