View Full Version : Boo Bear and Coco Puff; update 1/2; a weird update; post #41

12-22-2009, 09:24 AM
My boy Boo Bear looks crestfallen. He hasn't made a sound since I came back from the vet's yesterday. He's usually very vocal. I think Pidge's trip to the Bridge has finally sunk in.

Coco Puff, on the other hand, hasn't stopped crying and I can't figure that one out. He and Pidge weren't buddies; they just more or less lived in the same house. When I came home yesterday, he went over to the carrier and sniffed it, looked inside and IMMEDIATELY ran upstairs and looked under my bed b/c that's where Pidgie had been sleeping day and night. Then the yowling started and it hasn't stopped. This boy knows she's gone.

Boo Bear is on my lap right now and he's like a limp rag. I feel so bad for him and my blue eyed boy Coco Puff. :(

12-22-2009, 09:36 AM
I think that even if Our Cats dont look as thjough they are close, that theres a strong bond between them.:(
The sad things is they never have closure and are always waiting for thier friends to be there!!:(
My Found Cats as Boo Bear and Cocoa Puff keep watching out for Moose , Bo Bo and Ebony Beau.:(
I am sorry to hear that Pidge has passed on, and Tonight on Curaco Beach there will be a Big Beach Party in His Honor with all of his favorite foods.
He is not an Awsome Angel and will find a place where you can all be together again.
One Fine Day:love:

12-22-2009, 09:41 AM
Awe.... poor boys. They are missing their Pidge. It will take them some time but they grieve just like we do. I know when my Mac got adopted, his buddy Bear was just inconsolable, it was so sad!

12-22-2009, 09:46 AM
This brings tears to my eyes. :( Poor Boo Bear. And even though Coco Puff didn't seem very close to Pidge, it's something different. Somethings is missing and not right in the house.
The only time I saw something close to this was after we let DJ, Bruce's Cocker Spaniel, go to the bridge. Taz seemed to look for him for a few days. They were not close AT ALL, but he still looked for him. And after Taz left me Zoee seemed to look for him. But was quickly distracted by Taggart chewing on her neck.

Please give Boo and Coco loves from me. And hugs to you as well Mary.

12-22-2009, 10:11 AM
I'm so sorry Boo Bear and Coco Puff are going through this and you too as well.

All you can do is be there for them and hug them and tell them it will be ok. I'm so sorry again and my prays are going out to you and Boo Bear and Coco Puff.


12-22-2009, 12:27 PM
My two boys do not seem very close at all, they don't actually fight, but snuggle buddies they ain't! The last time Ming had to stay at the vets for a few days, Mac looked around for him and seemed confused. The good part is in a couple of hours he seemed to be enjoying his new title of "The Only Cat in the House". I hope Boo and Coco Puff adjust quickly. You don't need any more grief or worry right now.

12-30-2009, 07:37 AM
Boo Bear is still lost. He walks all through the house, looking in rooms; I know that he's looking for Pidge. He actually has a lost expression on his face. When I come home, I usually find him sitting alone in the middle of the room, just staring. If you can find a moment for a prayer for my senior blackie Boo Bear, I'd be so appreciative. He's 18 now and I sure don't want to lose him to a broken heart. :( Coco Puff still walks around meowing but he isn't taking it as hard as he did. After all, Boo Bear and Pidge were sweethearts for a long time.

12-30-2009, 08:09 AM
Aw this is heart breaking. They are sad, and also they are picking up your emotions.

Can you find some time to spend an extra 3 to 5 minute with each one individually, morning and evening? I know working we all have our routines. They need a bit of comforting, I think.

Would Boo Bear feel better with a stuffy to snuggle up next to? Sorry, no real good ideas pop in to my head here. Chin rubs to both of them.

12-30-2009, 08:53 AM
Aw this is heart breaking. They are sad, and also they are picking up your emotions.

Can you find some time to spend an extra 3 to 5 minute with each one individually, morning and evening? I know working we all have our routines. They need a bit of comforting, I think.

Would Boo Bear feel better with a stuffy to snuggle up next to? Sorry, no real good ideas pop in to my head here. Chin rubs to both of them.

Oh sure, they're both getting lots of extra attention both from me and my son. Boo Bear is his boy. Boo has never had a snuggly; Pidge was always his snuggly but it's worth a try. Thanx, Sandie. :)

12-30-2009, 09:12 AM
Aww - that is so sad. Poor boy misses his Pidge as much as you do. Hopefully time will heal his sadness too.

How are the other cats doing? Is it business as usual, or are they reacting too? Okay - I'm wracking my senior brain here for names. There's Specs and Creamsicle, but I'll be darned if I can come up with the last one. :(

Sandie had a good idea. Maybe you could go to the toy section of a store like Target or Walmart or Kohls, and get a life size stuffed fluffy toy cat. You should be able to find something left over from all the ones they always have at Christmas.

ETA: Duh!!!!!!!!!!!! Yodie.

12-30-2009, 10:04 PM
prayers and a candle

01-02-2010, 06:55 AM
A snuggly doesn't work. :( Boo Bear is just grieving, that's all there is to it. He's been sleeping downstairs, not even wanting to snuggle in w/me but last night I was encouraged b/c he stayed upstairs when I put the rest of the Fur Posse to bed. Then he went to the bottom of the stairs and looked up. I know he was hoping to see Pidge at the top of the stairs b/c she always waited there for me. My son carried him upstairs and petted him and talked to him for a while. Then Boo went into my bedroom, stood on his hind legs like a prairie dog and peeked up over the edge of the bed, again hoping to see Pidge there. The look on his face was so sad that I got tears in my eyes b/c he turned to me w/a vacant stare as if to say "Where is she?" I'm watching him like a hawk b/c I fear that he's going downhill now. He's eating, using the litterbox, etc. but his grieving really has me worried.

Coco Puff is still looking for LBK but he isn't as vocal as he was. I think he's getting used to the idea that she isn't there now, thankfully. Two sad cats is just too much. I'm sad enough knowing that my son will be leaving for L.A. on Monday morning. :(

01-02-2010, 02:45 PM
Oh, I am so sorry. Poor Boo, and poor all of you.

01-02-2010, 04:16 PM
Mary, have you tried explaining it to them. Actually saying the words out loud? Sonya (the Pet Psychic lady) swears they understand everything we say. Maybe Coco Puff is vocalizing asking you questions. :confused:

It couldn't hurt to explain to them that Pidgie has crossed the bridge and is okay and that you'll all see each other again some day (or whatever your beliefs).

01-02-2010, 04:42 PM
Boo looking for her on the bed, that just brought more tears to my eyes. :( Poor guy. He just doesn't understand.

Hugs to you, Boo Bear and Coco Puff.

Queen of Poop
01-02-2010, 05:27 PM
I feel so badly for all of you. Grief is so very difficult, and each person/animal experiences it differently. When Sami left us Sasha grieved for 8 months. I was certain she would die. She spent all of her time in my walk in closet. Then one day she snapped out of it, thank goodness. Hugs for all 3 of you. I wish I could make it better. :love:

01-02-2010, 06:34 PM
Prayers on the way for Boo Bear and you!!! :love: :love:

Chester was that way when Luke went to the Bridge. For months he looked behind my recliner where Luke used to sleep. Even Grandma peeked behind there a few times.

01-02-2010, 06:53 PM
Mary, have you tried explaining it to them. Actually saying the words out loud? Sonya (the Pet Psychic lady) swears they understand everything we say. Maybe Coco Puff is vocalizing asking you questions. :confused:

It couldn't hurt to explain to them that Pidgie has crossed the bridge and is okay and that you'll all see each other again some day (or whatever your beliefs).

Actually, I have, Lisa, several times but I'll keep doing it. It doesn't comfort me much either right now so I know where he's coming from. I just wish he could talk. He's just totally deflated. My son and I just now got home from seeing a movie and Boo came to me and I'm holding him as I type. When I tried to put him down for a second, he held on to me even tighter.

Thanx for your prayers, friends. Please keep them coming.

01-02-2010, 08:00 PM
Mary, this is so sad.:( I hope that both of your cats will start feeling happier soon. It sounds like Boo needs a lot of extra attention and loving to help him get through this.

I've never experienced this with any of my cats because they all seemed to know that my RB Pepper and RB Starr were sick and they just accepted the fact that they never returned home. My roommate keeps receiving visits from both Pepper and Starr so I'm sure that my cats do too. I've seen my Pepper once and I thought I also saw Starr once so I'm sure that they're here a lot without my knowledge.

01-02-2010, 08:12 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Boo and Coco Puff are missing Pidge so much.:(
Keep giving them all the love and attention that you can, hopefully it will get easier for all of you with time.
Sending hugs your way, especially some for Coco Puff from his sweetie Milly.;)

01-02-2010, 09:01 PM
Major LES here thinking of your Boo missing his Pidge. My heart breaks for him. :(

HUGS to you both.

01-02-2010, 09:45 PM
I have read this thread several times but couldn't type anything at the time. This is so very, very sad. I have not experienced anything like what you are going through. Max was glad when Speckles made the trip because he always felt he was the top cat and now he loves being alone with me.

Just for you.

Slick :love::love:

01-04-2010, 06:44 PM
Medusa, how are things with Boo?


01-04-2010, 07:25 PM
Any point contacting Nancy Efrusy?:love:

01-04-2010, 08:27 PM
Medusa, how are things with Boo?


No change, I'm afraid. And now that my son has gone back to L.A., he seems worse b/c he and my son are such good buds. I've been talking to Boo, telling him that Pidge is safe and well and not in pain, that she misses him but that she's w/Puddy and that we'll all be together one day. I swear, it irritates him when I do that so I've stopped. He jerks his head away so he's earned the right to be left alone. He's on my lap, though, as I'm typing this.

Any point contacting Nancy Efrusy?:love:

I think I'll pass on that this time. She's a very nice lady but I doubt that she'll tell me anything that I don't already know. My boy is grieving, he's old and not in the best of health himself. I love him so much and I wish Pidge were here to snuggle up to him. :(

01-04-2010, 11:18 PM
I hope he cheers up soon. It must be heartbreaking to see him like this. Give him loves from me.:love:

01-05-2010, 05:08 AM
I figured it out as I was lying in bed last night: Boo is mad at me for taking his Pidge away and not bringing her home. If you'll recall, when I took her over to him as we were leaving for Dr. Lee's so that he could say goodbye, he turned away and made a sound as if to say "Leave me alone!" He still loves me, as is evident by the fact that he comes to me for love and attention, but he wants it only when he comes to me now. If I try to show him affection at any other time, he becomes aggravated.

Yodie is mad at me, too. She's had that collar on for a month now and she's really depressed. I give her plenty of attention, too, but when I have to shove meds down her throat and squirt meds in her ear twice a day, she gets furious! She's had enough and she avoids me now. She won't sleep w/me either. And it's not going to get any better for a while b/c even if the incision stays closed today after the stitches are removed, she still has to wear the collar for a while b/c of her eye, poor girl.

Boy, do I feel like a villain!

01-05-2010, 09:37 AM
That's a very good point.

Time will heal hopefully.

My prays for you and Boo Bear and Coco Puff.


01-05-2010, 01:55 PM
Awwwwww, for you and your kitties. Not an easy time of it for any of you.

Lots of {{{{{HUGS}}}}} and ~~~~~PURRS~~~~~ to you all.

01-05-2010, 03:46 PM
I know that Joseph must miss John Hancock, they were such good friends and always sitting together.
And we all miss Moose the MagnfiCat who was such a Social Butterfly of a Cat and whose PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRR made everyone feel better!!
We are praying that Boo will realize that what happened was not your fault.
Maybe when Pidge visits , things will be cleared up.

01-17-2010, 04:29 AM
When I went to bed last night, Boo was asleep on the back of the sofa and I said 'goodnight' to him and he stayed there. Coco Puff went to bed w/me. A few minutes later, Boo started wailing so loudly that I ran downstairs thinking that something had happened to him. I turned on the light and there he was, sitting in the middle of the throw rug where he and Pidge used to sleep together, just wailing. He ran over to me, I picked him up and he wrapped his arms around my neck so tightly. I think this boy is afraid. I'm not sure of what but that's the impression I got. Maybe he's still worried that something bad happened to Pidge or maybe he's afraid for himself, I don't know. I've had several "talks" w/him explaining what happened to Pidgie, that she's safe and misses him, too, etc. I just don't know what else to do for my poor boy. :(

Laura's Babies
01-17-2010, 08:25 AM
This is so heartbreaking and they do grieve like humans do. I have no advice to ideas on what you could do other than to pay far more attention to them than ever.

Just a thought here and maybe it is a way out thought.. You took Pidge out of the house and she never came back.. Could they be afraid you will take them away and never bring them back?

I would contact Nancy and see if there is anything you or she can do to help. We never had any idea how bad Mama's death traumatized Boo until she told me that. Pidge being taken out and never brought back has surely traumatized them. Maybe they need to know YOU miss her too and are grieving just as bad as they are. Nancy said Boo just wanted to be heard and have her feelings known so we would understand HER feelings and that made all the difference in the world for me and for Boo. I think Nancy could help! It is worth a shot if it could help them and YOU! Maybe Pidge might even come through and talk to them and let them see she is alright now. I would do it in a heartbeat.

01-17-2010, 10:30 AM
I know you have talked to Boo and Coco Puff - if you haven't, add that YOU wanted to bring her home too, and were as broken-hearted as they are that she didn't come back.

I don't know if Boo would "get" visiting her grave with you holding him.

Poor dear baby...hugs and loves to him. At least you are there for him to hug tightly when his poor heart hurts so bad. :(

Prayers for the kitty hearts to heal - and yours too!:love::love::love::love:

01-17-2010, 09:36 PM
I've sat w/Boo on my lap and I've also held him and rocked him while standing. That's his favorite; he loves it when I throw him over my shoulder and he lets his legs hang down, secure knowing that I'm holding his little butt. I've told him that I cried, too, b/c I miss Pidgie so much, I've told him that she misses us as well but that she's happy now and not sick or old or in pain. I've told him that he doesn't need to be afraid, that I'll always take care of him, that I'll never leave him and that he will see Pidgie again one day. I've said it all, talking to him as I would a dear child. For a while I thought I had gotten through to him b/c he was acting closer to normal but last night was so sad. He actually trembled when I picked him up and held him close. Tonight, though, he wanted to go downstairs to sleep instead of going to bed w/me so I let him. I don't want to force him to do something he doesn't want to do even though I'll worry about him b/c I won't be able to reach out and pet him to reassure him. I sure hope his little broken heart mends soon b/c this is really breaking mine.

01-17-2010, 11:39 PM
As if your pain is not enough to bear, you have to witness Boo's pain, also! Sometimes life is very cruel. My prayers are going up the Big Guy to heal both of your hearts!:love:

01-18-2010, 07:30 AM
As if your pain is not enough to bear, you have to witness Boo's pain, also! Sometimes life is very cruel. My prayers are going up the Big Guy to heal both of your hearts!:love:

Thank you. :) I'll get over it b/c I have reasoning. Boo Bear, on the other hand, worries me. He's on my lap right now and he's purring so I guess he's doing ok right now. :)

Laura's Babies
01-18-2010, 08:44 AM
Just keep talking to him and loving him. Maybe hold him while you cry and let him see your tears and hear your pain too. This is just so heartybreaking and sad...

01-18-2010, 01:50 PM

I'm so sorry to hear about Boo Bear wailing now. I remember when Anika passed and I took her out of the house but no one seemed too upset. Maybe because I have too many? Not sure why, some seemed semi-sad but nothing else. My prays that Boo Bear heals soon and comes to you for some comfort.


01-18-2010, 02:48 PM
Oh, Mary, I am so very sorry for all of you in your grief. I lit candles for Boo and you both:

Love, {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} and ~~~~~PURRS~~~~~,
Pat, Sydney, Poppy, Elmer, Bob, and Sparkler

01-19-2010, 08:16 PM
Boo Bear and meowmie, how are you today? I lit another candle for you.

Scritchies and lovies,

01-20-2010, 06:50 AM
Boo Bear and meowmie, how are you today? I lit another candle for you.

Scritchies and lovies,

Boo bear did something strange last night. He and Coco Puff slept w/me and in the middle of the night I heard Coco cry but it was so weak that I didn't get up to check b/c it sounded like a meow when he's dreaming. Then I heard him hiss and cry and this boy isn't a hisser so that time I got up to see what was going on. Boo had mounted Coco and had his neck in his teeth just like he used to do w/Pidgie! I said "Boo Bear! I can't believe you!" and I had to pull him off Coco who was stunned. I picked him up and held him for a few minutes and he kind of whimpered. Boo just calmly walked into the guest room where the food, fountain and litterbox are, ate a little, then hopped back up into bed. He had done that to Pidge just a couple of days before she died. Then this morning, as soon as I got up, Specs attacked Boo Bear! Yet Specs was in the basement when all that transpired between Boo and Coco. Honestly, this place is a nut house right now! Thank you for the candle, Elyse. We definitely need it. :confused:

01-20-2010, 12:28 PM
I hope your furkids get this sorted out. I feel for both Coco and Boo.:(

01-20-2010, 04:03 PM
I sure hope that things settle back down to some reasonable normalcy very soon. All of this must be maddening. :(

01-22-2010, 02:26 PM
Have things settled down yet Mary???

01-22-2010, 02:43 PM
Have things settled down yet Mary???

Kinda sorta. Boo and Coco both want to sleep w/me; all the Fur Posse do but I can't have 5 cats in bed w/me. It's all I can do to get any shut eye as it is. I caught Boo ready to bite Coco on the back of the neck again and I put a stop to it. Boo has always been a needy cat but he's uber needy now so I just give him as much lovin' as he can stand. LOL He just seems so lost. I talk to him every day but I know myself that when people keep talking to me and I don't want to hear it, it's irritating and I think sometimes that I irritate him, so if I see his body go rigid, then I know he's heard enough. He just wants to be held so he's usually either on my lap or I toss him over my shoulder and I stand while I rock him back and forth. He loves that.

01-28-2010, 08:33 AM
Mary, it's a bit late, but I found this site on grieving cats while looking for another grieving site. It might help?


I hope you and your babies are well.:love:

01-28-2010, 08:51 AM
Mary, it's a bit late, but I found this site on grieving cats while looking for another grieving site. It might help?


I hope you and your babies are well.:love:

Thank you, Candace. You've been so helpful. :)

01-28-2010, 09:00 AM
Very interesting article, Candace.