View Full Version : A little kindness goes a long way

12-16-2009, 07:08 AM
While grocery shopping yesterday, I dropped just a dollar into the Salvation Army pot. People were walking right by him w/out donating anything and I could tell that the man ringing the bell was discouraged. After I dropped in the dollar, he said "Bless you and Merry Christmas" and he began to sing "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas". He had a lovely voice and I could hear him as I walked my cart to my car. I offloaded everything and felt guilty that I donated only a dollar, so I went back and put some more money in. I said "Keep singing. You have a good voice." He said "You really think so?" I said "Yes, I do. Maybe it'll encourage people to donate more, too." He said "I love to sing but I don't do it much any more. I used to sing in church. It makes me feel good." I said "Well, it makes others feel good, too, so keep singing". His face lit up like a Christmas tree and then he sang just a little louder. It made us both feel good and I feel as though I did make a difference, perhaps not financially but his spirits were lifted and so were mine.

12-16-2009, 08:15 AM
Good for you, Mary!

I don't put in the kettle, although Mum always did when we were kids. Around here, there have been so many robberies of the "kettle folks," I prefer to mail a check.

What times we live in.

Glad you found a sunny spot!

smokey the elder
12-16-2009, 08:57 AM
Someone in Denver (I think) has dropped gold coins (!) into some kettles a few years in a row. No one knows who; they are very stealthy.

12-16-2009, 09:39 AM
Awww Mary, that brought tears to my eyes. That is such a wonderful story. :)

12-16-2009, 10:14 AM
I went to the grocery store the other day and the Salvation Army man was there. He was standing by the long line of carts for people to use.
They were all jammed together so it was impossible to just pull one cart out.

He stopped ringing his bell and came over to help me - and he was just so darned nice about it.

When I left the store I remembered to put some money in the kettle and he was just as generous with his "God Bless You".

12-16-2009, 10:44 AM
All the grocery stores have kettles at this time of year. Going to the grocery 3 times a week, I do not always put money in the kettle. :)

12-16-2009, 10:53 AM
Well, my point was that it isn't the money that made this man sing so much as the fact that his contribution recognized. His is a thankless job and I think that sometimes they feel that they wouldn't even be noticed if it wasn't for the ringing bell. He made contact w/someone and it made us both feel good. :)

12-16-2009, 10:54 AM
Good for you Mary. That was a heartwarming story to read.

I don't put any money in the kettle, simply because I never carry cash with me. I just use my debit card.

However, I do donate a lot in goods throughout the year, since there is a Salvation Army store in town, and I'm not much into having yard sales. And I don't use it as a place to get rid of junk - everything I give is in like new condition.