View Full Version : interesting poop pick up trick

10-10-2002, 07:34 PM
As I was driving home from school today I saw a lady walking a big husky dog along the side of the road. I have seen her before and she was always carrying a newspaper so I thought maybe she walked to a corner store with him, but today I discovered what it was there for.. when her dog got all ready to do his poop, she scooted the paper underneath his bum to make sure he didn't poop on someone's lawn. He pooped, it landed right on the paper, and she was able to wrap it up and put it in a bag (I was slowing for a stop sign, so I had time to gawk :D ) I thought that was a pretty cool idea, if your dog would allow paper to be there. My parents dogs would stop the poop and turn around to sniff it :p :rolleyes:

10-10-2002, 07:39 PM
Someone here recently posted that they do that (slide some newspaper under their furkid) when they are making those noises right before they get sick. They do give plenty of warnings with those icky sounds! :rolleyes: That way nothing goes on the floor. I have to admit I never thought of that and it's pretty clever. I usually try to carry the dog/cat to an area that isn't carpeted and wind up not being very successful. Also the dog/cat seems quite annoyed with me afterwards. :rolleyes:

10-10-2002, 07:43 PM
I had never thought about it for being sick because if I go anywhere near my kids or my parents dogs they run away, and then we have a trail of puke. I just let them have their moment and then go clean it up :) But the paper idea is pretty clever

10-10-2002, 08:09 PM
LOL I'm sorry.. when you said that you had to gawk.. I just started laughing.. but seriously, that's a clever way to pick up the poop..

10-10-2002, 08:30 PM
With a fenced yard, I'm spoiled. My dogs do their business in the grass in the back, and my responsibility is to periodically go back there and clean up after them. Today, I should have. Someone called to look at the house, and as usual, I ran around in a tizzy, straightening up, loading three big dogs in the back of the Jeep and took off. The poor real estate agent that showed the house left me a message saying that she was so sorry, one of them had tracked "poop" onto one of the bathroom rugs. She was so embarassed!! But in reality, I'm the one who is embarassed!!!! :o

Good idea with the newspaper when you're walking though.........if mine would let me do it. :)

10-10-2002, 08:44 PM
this is such a funny thread...I really needed the laugh tonight...it conjures up some pretty funny images. I'm spoiled too...Either Malone runs up into the woods to do his business, or he has one special area in the yard.

10-11-2002, 06:35 AM
We have several acres of wooded land behind the house and it serves as Drake's bathroom. I never poopscoop unless we are at someone's house and he has to use to bathroom or when we go to the park. But that newspapar is a good one!

10-11-2002, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by Logan
The poor real estate agent that showed the house left me a message saying that she was so sorry, one of them had tracked "poop" onto one of the bathroom rugs.

Oh Logan, thanks for the laugh this morning (even tho I'm sure you didn't find it quite as funny;) )

We have about 1/2 an acre for a back yard, which is plenty of room for the 3 of them. But it does have to be cleaned up quite regularly (:eek: what a fun job, I'm glad Mark does it!)
And I too have tried to carry them to another room to "get sick". Sometimes I'm successful, others I'm not. Guess it just comes with the territory. But the newspaper is a great idea, although I don't think mine would let me do that!

10-11-2002, 10:31 AM
LOL! What an idea. :D

Of course Kia is a walking pooper, so I usually have more than one pile to clean up. :rolleyes:

Kia made hacking noises at my parents house one day and I quickly rushed her outside where she got sick on the deck. Then I just hosed it down. :D

10-12-2002, 06:05 PM
I'm crazy! Would'nt bother me a bit to carry a newspaper as well as a bag. I may just sit and read it untill Rosie heeds the call!!
Great idea!!;)

10-12-2002, 09:09 PM
I don't have a dog, but I do work with dogs, and their people. And one of our customers had a schnauzer who was trained to poop in a plastic container, like an empty butter tub, and the they'd put the lid on and toss it out. I always laughed when I saw them doing this outside our shop.

10-13-2002, 06:39 AM
Jen, that is just amazing, a "Porta Potty" for doggies. ;) Somehow I am quite sure Bella's aim would be a bit off (after all of the circling she does to select just the right place :rolleyes: ) that is if I could ever convince her to do that! :o

10-14-2002, 12:27 AM
LOL what a charming thread! Nebo is also one of those walking poopers.......can't just stand in one spot and make a pile...noooooo he has to have each one about a foot apart lol. Now Reggie is a very talented dog. I believe he holds it all in just waiting to go on a walk. Even if he has been in and out all day, has no idea we are going on walk........somehow he *always* manages to poop at least 5 times on a short walk. :rolleyes:

I haven't tried the newspaper trick. I think Nebo would just turn around and attack it. I just carry some poop bags in my pocket, lol.

10-14-2002, 10:26 AM
Don't use a newspaper but do use the plastic bags that the newpaper is delivered in. Easy to pick up using the hand inside the plastic bag and then pull it inside out and tie a knot in it. No matter how much opportunity mine get to *go* before a walk, they want to wait until they are on the walk. Fortunately half way around the route we take is a little park with a trash can. I stop by the edge of the curb, they poop, I pick up, tie the knot, and toss in the trash can.

10-14-2002, 12:26 PM
Rachel, that's funny that you should mention newspaper bags because last summer we stayed in a KOA up in Maine. They have a path to walk your dog on with trash can stations. Attached to a board is a whole sheaf of newspaper bags--I think they get them from the local newspaper office. They ARE very handy, and if I had to pick up poops, I think I would call the local newspaper & see if I could buy a sheaf. :D

10-15-2002, 12:15 PM
I had actually trained Dakota to go in the bathtub whenever he is going to throw up. He's such a smart dog. It only took two tries before he learned it. It's much easier to clean up that way, especially if it's all liquid. Just turn the shower on and watch it go down the drain.

10-15-2002, 01:21 PM
I never thought a subject like this could bring in so many replies LOL. It is a good idea though! Before we leave on our walks I try to make my dogs potty in the yard but of course they always have to go again on the walk. Luckily most of the time we hike in the woods and they use the woods so no pick up is nescesary.

10-16-2002, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Stenograsaurus
I had actually trained Dakota to go in the bathtub whenever he is going to throw up. He's such a smart dog. It only took two tries before he learned it. It's much easier to clean up that way, especially if it's all liquid. Just turn the shower on and watch it go down the drain.

That is just amazing. Dakota deserves a *What a dog!*

10-17-2002, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by Rachel

That is just amazing. Dakota deserves a *What a dog!*

Yeah, he's one of a kind to me. :D It's pretty shocking some mornings when I pull the shower curtain back to step in. Half the time he gets sick in the middle of the night and I don't even know. Of course, I'd rather pull back the curtain and notice it than step on it on my way there. :eek:

10-18-2002, 11:51 AM
Originally posted by Nancyszoo
I'm crazy! Would'nt bother me a bit to carry a newspaper as well as a bag. I may just sit and read it untill Rosie heeds the call!!
Great idea!!;)

Hope your not in the middle of a good article when the calling comes! LOL

10-18-2002, 11:57 AM
On the topic of dog poo - My boy Buddy has always gone all over the yard front, back didn't matter and no way could I change that. But, after we adopted Abby they both go only in the corner of the back yard! It sure has been nice for clean up duty. Logan, well at least your thinking smart to get out of the house b/4 potential buyers come!:D
Or Logan are you afraid you will be recognized since you have been hob-nobbing with the rich and famous!;)