View Full Version : Precious Penny

12-13-2009, 09:34 AM
What a sweet little doll you were Penny - sad to hear that you have passed on. I'm sure your mom and dad miss you alot. Congrats on being Dog of the Day! :love:

12-13-2009, 11:51 AM
What a beautiful little girl you were, pretty little Penny. I just can't imagine anyone losing you and not frantically looking for you. But you certainly found a wonderful home and new parents to love and cherish you. I know they must miss their little jewel with all their heart and soul.

I too have a senior Pom and she is almost 14. She has a heart murmur but is doing well and isn't even on any meds for it, but I know the day will come sooner than I want, when I will have to see her go to RB. I cherish every day that I have with her, and her "brother" too. Somehow, they're never with us long enough, no matter how long they live.

So Pretty Penny, we hope you're having fun at RB while you wait for the reunion with Mom and Dad. And to Mom and Dad - rest well with the thought that you will be with Penny again one day. :love:

12-13-2009, 11:52 AM
Oh, what a precious little doll you were, Penny. My heart breaks, and my eyes fill with tears, as I look upon your heart melting photos, knowing that you have left for the Rainbow Bridge.:( Your beautiful, sweet face, that smile could melt the hardest of hearts, Penny. Not even that gentleman at the nursing home, who had shut himself off to all others, was able to resist your charms. Such is the healing power of canine love. I can only imagine the joy and happiness you brought to the lives of so many during your 15 years on this earth, Penny. And while you may no longer be there with your family and friends in body, your legacy of unconditional love, the indelible pawprints you left on the hearts of so many, will live on forever. I give thanks that your Mommy was able to be there with you during your final moments on earth. But there is no doubting that each and every mintue of your wonderful life, you knew just how loved and cherished you were.

Many thanks to your Daddy for sharing you; your heart warming story and all that you meant to your family, with all of us on Pet Talk. You truly were the Dog of a Lifetime, precious fur angel Penny, and so veryworthy of being honored here this Sunday.

Love to you up in heaven sweetheart, from me and my girl Star. Wait patiently there with all of our beloved furry angels, until that happy day of reunion. And hugs to your dear Mommy and Daddy. How lucky you were to have such loving parents. And how blessed they were to have had you as their furkid, their best friend and loving companion for so many years.:love::love::love:

12-13-2009, 01:09 PM

Aww! That was such a cute story! Hope you're enjoying rainbow bridge because you're so special! I'd be so upset if you died because you seem like such a great little pooch! Nice job being DOTD!

God bless you Penny:love:

12-13-2009, 03:10 PM
Wow...Penny - you chose the right home to end up at! I know that you are terribly missed...:love::love::love:

12-13-2009, 03:50 PM
mad me cry reading her story :( sounds like a wonderful dog .

12-13-2009, 04:04 PM
Dearest Penny, What a sweet little pup you were. I know you left
a lot of good memories for your human family. You certainly were their
DOG OF THE DAY everyday.:)

12-13-2009, 06:26 PM
Today's stories are really pulling at my heartstrings. What a sweet, sweet story, and how wonderful you were to able to take Penny in. Many blessings to you. She sounds wonderful. I'm sure you miss her. Take care.