View Full Version : Madison!

12-08-2009, 09:36 AM
What a cute little girl you are! And an amazing ambassador for your breed. Your family must have done a good job raising you.:D

People always seem to forget about the "terrier" part of "Pitbull Terrier." They are the same amount of rambunctious and people-loving as other terriers, it's just that they are bigger and stronger and need people to take the time to teach them!

Random thought:
Temple Grandin has said that it has been proven that animals with a white patch on their chest are friendlier than those without.

12-08-2009, 12:29 PM
Madison, you are a gorgeous girl... I love your smile, there's nothing that warms my heart more than seeing a happy pooch :D
My daughter's pit bull is also a very loving animal, & I love it when he snuggles his head into my chest for a neck rub & hug...
Long life & lots of snuggles to you beautiful:love:

12-08-2009, 12:30 PM
Madison you are SO cute! I love that smile on your face. You sound like such a sweetie and doing pet therapy already, wow! Your brother Canito is ridiculously cute as well and the 2 of you must have lots of fun. I am SOOOOOOOO happy that you were rescued and not forced to spend your puppyhood in a shelter and then god knows what would have happened so whew.....you found a wonderful furrever home and it sounds like you bless eachothers lives every day! Congrats on being our dog of the day and please give Canito a smooch from me and Sunny :)

12-08-2009, 02:25 PM
Happy Dog of the Day to you, precious Madison!:) Now that's a smile!!! What a beautiful girl you are sweetheart, inside and out; from your striking markings and soft, loving eyes, to your gentle spirit and heart of gold, you're everything a family could ever wish for in a furkid in more! Bless you beautiful girl, for helping to heal your Mommy's heart after the passing of your beloved predecessor. And the smiles you bring to the faces of all of those you meet and greet on your rounds as a Canine Crusader, a priceless gift!:love::cool::love: Thank you Madison for devoting a portion of your life to such a worthy cause! It's no surprise to read that you capture the hearts of all who cross your path! You're not only a most worthy Dog of the Day honoree Madison, you're one amazing ambassador for your breed, and for doggies world wide!:) And between you and your utterly adorable fursib and sidekick Canito, well, how does your Mommy take the cuteness overload? hehe Congratulations and lots of love and cuddles and kisses to you (and Canito too) on your much deserved day of honor, beautiful Madison!:love::love::love: Hope you're both enjoying a happy and fun filled day, being spoiled rotten and loved to pieces! (Please have your Mom give you an ice cube or two, for me!:D)

12-08-2009, 04:22 PM
Hello Madison,

I love all your pictures. You sure look like a happy girl. :love:
I am very happy to meet you today sweet pea, and offer my congrats
& best wishes for you as our delightful DOG OF THE DAY.:) I hope you
and Canito have a fun celebration of your honor. Sending lots of hugs
and kisses too. I wish you a long & happy,healthy life sweetie.:)

12-08-2009, 04:43 PM
I love your story! You are a perfect example of what a pit bull should be!
You and your brother are quite lovely pooches, by the way!
Enjoy your DOTD status! :)

12-09-2009, 07:12 AM
Happy DOTD Madison, as a American Pit Bull Terrier owner I can say that the pittie truely is a one of a kind breed and to do therapy work, well you and my Penny girl can be great breed ambassadors with such credentials. Keep smiling that wonderful pittie smile and doing what you do girl. Hugs from all of us at the P&O Gang :D