View Full Version : Another Tasha tidbit

12-06-2009, 08:13 AM
Been sharing little stories as Tasha discovers the world, under "Tasha tidbits." Here is another.

A friend and I have speculated that Tasha's miller kept the dog cages in a building. This based on the fact that early in the summer, if we were outside, she would go INSIDE to pee and poop. :rolleyes: Among other things. Well, I have more to suggest she was in a building those long 4 years.

Last evening into the night we had our first snow. Not much, just a dusting. But it covered the grass. Marlin got me up at 5:30 as usual for his first pee of the day. And Tasha trotted out with him, as she does daily. She doesn't necessarily GO, that she still sometimes saves for inside. :eek:

Tasha took one step out the door and felt that funny stuff. So she bent to sniff at it. Then she raised her head and . . . realized it was all over her grass! OH MY! What can a doggie do, except bark, Bark, BARK! at this intruder! And bark she did, running here and there, as though she were trying to chase it. This was her deep throated "I MEAN BUSINESS" bark.

At 5:30 AM on a Sunday!

I am sure the neighbors were thrilled with us. :mad:

I eventually got through to her with the COME! Command and she stopped and came back in. As you know, when they are focused it takes a while for a command to penetrate, lol. Marlin was long inside and back snuggly and warm in MY bed. Geesh!

If the miller had kept the cages outside on the side of a building (as I've seen in some pictures), I don't think she would have reacted this way. Now that is is daylight and we are all up, she just walks over it like it isn't there. Well, THAT didn't take long for her to adapt to!

12-06-2009, 10:36 AM
That poor baby. She's so lucky to have found you and gotten out of that bad situation.

12-06-2009, 11:23 AM
Well Tasha - it sure didn't take you long to adapt to that horrible cold, wet, white stuff, did it?

Myndi is almost 14, and she still hates it. When we have a significant snowfall, we have to shovel an area for her to do her business, since she refuses to walk in it for the most part. Sparky tolerates it, but doesn't lolly-gag around outside like he usually does.

We had about 2" of snow here yesterday. The pups were NOT happy. :( But then neither was Mom.............:mad:

12-06-2009, 07:23 PM
Oh, Tasha! I hope you will soon learn that snow can be fun. I'm glad you are learning to potty outside. I love the thought of you saying what you think about snow! (But maybe 5:30 AM isn't a good idea?)

Love from your fan,