View Full Version : If your mail is late.....

Lady's Human
11-30-2009, 03:43 PM
Looked through the mail today, and much to my surprise was a flyer for Tractor Supply. I was surprised because the sale was from the 25th through the 29th.......and today is the 30th.

Should this happen to you, call the store, and ask to speak to the manager if there are items in the flyer you would have bought. The local TSC will honor the prices in the flyer, (thanks guys, big thumbs up!), and ask THEM to call their corporate and complain to the USPS.

Next, call your local post office, and ask to speak to the postmaster. Don't get upset with them, unless you're in a central area, it's likely not their fault. During the conversation, ask for the number to the district consumer affairs office.

DO NOT HANG UP UNTIL YOU ARE GIVEN THIS INFORMATION. (depending on the postmaster, they may be very, very reluctant to give you the info, you're asking for their boss's phone number)

Call the number given and complain.

What's happening is that the USPS is trying to make money by giving the advertisers cut rates on pricing, then not processing the mail in a timely manner, because it would cost either additional overtime or make them hire more employees to get the mail out the door on time, They had a sale on shipping, gave bulk mailers a 20-25% discount, and now aren't delivering the mail on time.

Great business practice guys. We're losing money, so let's cut the rates on our core business.

Brain surgeons they ain't.

11-30-2009, 03:54 PM
Hmm, the "package truck" decided today to deliver two packages to 69 Cummings instead of 69 North - wonder what's up with that? Our neighbor called, and I got them anyway ....

Cinder & Smoke
11-30-2009, 04:11 PM
... ask for the number to the district consumer affairs office.

(depending on the postmaster, they may be very, very reluctant to give you the info,
you're asking for their boss's phone number)

Make ya a wager --- MY PostMistress wouldn't KNOW the number,
nor where to find it!! :eek:
She'd have to leave a note asking the Relief Clerk where to call.

BEEN There - Dun that! :rolleyes:

Great business practice guys.
We're losing money, so let's cut the rates on our core business.

Brain surgeons they ain't.

Postal Solution for Gross Stupidity?
1) Give 'em a raise
2) Send 'em 50 miles away on Temporary Special Assignemnt -
... AND pay 'em mileage, expenses, overtime, and an "acting rate" of pay!


11-30-2009, 05:29 PM
That's nothing.
Our post office is so 'helpful' that they no longer list the phone numbers for the individual officies in the county, maybe the state too for all I know, so you can't call your local branch at all!

If you want to call the office down the road, you have to call an 800 number at a head corporate office and go through a dozen press 2, press 3 things until you get a recording of something. You never get a human. I had to bribe our mailman to get the post office's new direct phone number and he's not supposed to give it out.

Lady's Human
11-30-2009, 05:35 PM
Anyone needs the phone number for a local PO, let me know.

Or your district offices, etc.

Not listing the phone numbers for local Post Offices has nothing to do with your local Post Office, it's a decision made at the national level to cut down on the number of complaints the Postmasters receive.

Laura's Babies
11-30-2009, 09:08 PM
What chaps my hide is you go in to mail a package and they start asking you a mountian of questions and go throught the whole sales pitch when you tell them with their first question "NO! Just regular mail please!".. Sure would make the lines move faster if the quit asking all those questions and listen to what you say!

Cinder & Smoke
11-30-2009, 09:40 PM
Not listing the phone numbers for local Post Offices has nothing to do with your local Post Office,
it's a decision made at the national level
to cut down on the number of complaints the Postmasters receive.

Ahhhh ... the Brane Surgeons at work again! :mad: :rolleyes:

Problem: Too many *COMPLAINTS* from the Customers

Solution: Hide all the phone numbers and send the *complaints* to a buncha
. DUMMIES who can honestly say "Sorry, I know Nothing!"

Never Thought Of:Actually FIXING the poor service that generates the Complaints.


< shakes head - hears that rattlin noise > :(

11-30-2009, 09:54 PM
Guess I'm one of the lucky ones - we've been here for 20 years, and I've had only one serious complaint. That was due to a vacation relief person.

Our mail comes at pretty much the same time every day - if there is a problem they leave a note in the box. The people at the post office are wonderful :)

The number is listed in the phone book - and you get a "real" person when you call :)

Lady's Human
11-30-2009, 11:03 PM
What chaps my hide is you go in to mail a package and they start asking you a mountian of questions and go throught the whole sales pitch when you tell them with their first question "NO! Just regular mail please!".. Sure would make the lines move faster if the quit asking all those questions and listen to what you say!

Thank the mystery shopper program for that. They HAVE to ask you those questions or else they are subject to discipline.

It doesn't matter whether they see you day after day to ship items, they have to ask you the same questions.

12-01-2009, 12:57 AM
Hey LH could you point me in the direction of who I need to speak to for my Postal Service issue? My Post office owned mailbox (I live in an apartment and the boxes are out in front of our building) got vandalized and my key no longer works. Ive had to meet the mailman just to get access to my mail. I put in a repair request by phone about a month ago and have yet to have my issue solved.

I went to our local office and the clerk took down a written request and that was last week. Is there anything else I can do but wait?

*SIGH* I do like our normal mail guy though, very punctual and always really nice! :D Hopefully they wont lay him off for being too helpful lol

Lady's Human
12-01-2009, 06:56 AM
That's an easy one.

Call the postmaster, and ask him or her to contact their Field Maintenance office to get the box replaced.

Don't leave it with a clerk (not knocking clerks, but they have a lot of work to do, sometimes in several offices, and thigns can get lost in the shuffle).

Give the postmaster a week. If there are still no results, as the postmaster for the contact information for the POOM. Again, you're asking for his/her supervisor's contact info, so don't expect a cheery result. If you can get everyone who uses that CBU (cluster box unit) to call the postmaster and if need be the POOM, I'll bet you get results.