View Full Version : I have a very sick doggy :( **updated**

11-28-2009, 04:36 AM
Thanks for the well-wishes, and I wanted to give an update. I did call the vet, and they suggested we keep a close eye on him, give him burger/rice for a couple of meals, and if he pukes again to bring him in. Thankfully, no more puking, he's eating/drinking/pooping/peeing just fine, and we are very thankful for that. :) Oh, and he's all playful and happy again, too. :) So, no more candy on the table, lesson certainly learned! :)

No, there was no chocolate in the mix, and most of the wrappers were paper, and the lifesaver ones were the clear cellophane (which is what he puked up).

So, yesterday, my hubby got up very early (5 am) to do some Black Friday shopping. I left Malone downstairs and went back up to bed until 7:45 when Lydia & I got up. DH's normal routine is to be downstairs and have breakfast at 7, and feed Malone at about 7:20-7:30, and take him out. So, by the time we got downstairs it was quite a bit later for Malone than his usual time.

I didn't notice it at first, but when I went into the dining room to find him, there was an empty candy dish on the floor. It HAD been filled with about 3# of individually wrapped lifesavers, Peppermint starlights, and Starbursts, and there was not even a single trace of anything...no wrappers, no crumbs, no nothing. :eek::eek::eek: They were leftovers from a conference that we had on November 7, and the candy dish had been sitting on the table ever since...Malone had never even taken two glances at it, but I guess he was thinking that we weren't going to feed him breakfast because it was so late.

He has thrown up 3 times tonight (once yesterday), and is acting very lethargic. :( I feel so sad and responsible that this happened, and should have known that that candy dish was an accident waiting to happen with him. He has been so good about snatching things lately that I honestly didn't even think about it though.

I hope his belly starts to feel better soon......not sure if I should call the vet (Saturday emergency fees) or just wait until this afternoon to see if he perks up.

11-28-2009, 08:23 AM
Oh, Malone, you silly, silly boy!

Anna, I so hope it all passes through his system with no harm done, and quickly. Prayers on the way.

Cinder & Smoke
11-28-2009, 10:11 AM
... there was an empty candy dish on the floor.
It HAD been filled with about 3# of individually wrapped lifesavers, Peppermint starlights,
and Starbursts, and there was not even a single trace of anything ...
no wrappers, no crumbs, no nothing. :eek::eek::eek:

...not sure if I should call the vet (Saturday emergency fees) or
just wait until this afternoon to see if he perks up.


3 # of anything is a LOT ... are any of them Chocolate?
And what were they *WRAPPED* with - paper, foil, plastic?

I wouldn't *wait* any longer - especially since you say
"He has thrown up 3 times tonight (once yesterday),
and is acting very lethargic."

CALL an ER Vet *NOW* - and be ready to take him in if they suggest they
need to see him.
An important question is: Are the wrappers likely to bunch up and block
somewhere in his digestive tract?

PLEASE - for Malone's sake - don't *wait* any longer - ASK for expert advice.

/s/ Phred

11-28-2009, 10:20 AM
Has he been pooping, or throwing up at all? How does his belly feel to the touch? Might be worth a vet trip if nothing's moving through "the system ..."

No chocolate in that group, Phred, so no worries there - the Starlights are just sugar and mint, the Starbusts are fruit-flavored chewy things and lifesavers- you know those!

11-28-2009, 09:38 PM
I wouldn't wait, I'd be on the phone with the ER clinic right away!

Eating things like that, particularly that amount, and with the addition of lethargy and vomiting is red flag. Dogs can get pancreatitis from things like that which need to be treated right away. Also some of the sugary human sweets can contain Xylotol which may not have been marked on the packages which is toxic to pets.

Please call the ER vet and at least get their opinion on whether it's something that can wait until Monday.

Good luck, I hope everything turns out fine.

11-29-2009, 09:50 AM
How is he today Anna?

11-29-2009, 10:06 AM
I hope Malone feels better today. Poor guy.

11-29-2009, 12:02 PM
Malone!! That's a no no!
How is he doing today, Anna?

11-29-2009, 03:29 PM
Aw, that is great news, Anna! I am so happy to hear he's ok. :D Bad boy or no please give him a big hug from me.

11-29-2009, 04:19 PM
Great news.:) No more candy for you big boy.:)

11-29-2009, 05:17 PM
I'm just seeing this now, I'm sorry to hear that Malone was a naughty boy to eat something that made him so sick.
I'm happy to hear that he is feeling better today.:)
Does he have minty fresh breath now or is it fruit flavored?;)

11-29-2009, 06:06 PM
Sorry to hear Malone wasn't feeling well. Those silly pups will do some much to scare us! Glad he is doing better now!

11-30-2009, 06:02 PM
Glad to hear he's doing better today. :)
Our pets sure do know the best ways to give us heart attacks don't they? And why do they always do it in the middle of the night, on holidays, or weekends??