View Full Version : Our Catmobile Kitties

11-26-2009, 06:13 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our PT friends! :love: !

Dear fellow Catmobile Contingent Purrents,

This morning Soncat told me something that I must pass along. He heard Groucho come in early this morning and saw the Catmobile pulling away. When asked about it, Groucho told Soncat that a group of the kitties took the Catmobile and went from farm to farm rescuing turkeys. All rescued turkeys were hidden in the Catmobile and whisked away to the next farm. When they couldn't fit another turkey inside, the Catmobile crew went to the White House to ask for all their new friends to be pardoned. The pardon was granted and all the birds were taken to a safe haven.

Groucho won't say who came up with this idea or name any of the other kitties involved. All he will say is rounding up all those turkeys took a bit of effort but the rescue was a huge success and the rescuees were very thankful.

If any of your kitties know anything about this, would you please post in and let us know?

11-26-2009, 06:21 PM
Theres a battle in the Found Cats minds as they do love gobbling Turkeys, but at the same time they are tender hearted and would save Turkeys if they got to know them rather than seeing them on platters covered with gravy.

11-26-2009, 08:59 PM
Cassie wasn't in on the turkey rescue mission. She's been sleeping on the cushion her auntie Lvpets2002 sent her ... she was there last night when I got home from choir rehearsal, and she was there this morning when I left for Thanksgiving service.

Killearn Kitties
11-27-2009, 06:03 AM
Oh well, I just don't know what to think! I believed that my girls rushed off to celebrate Thanksgiving with Edwina and JJJ3 in California (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=157166), but now I am not so sure. Was it just a front? I hope not.

I will have to believe my girls were where they said they were (until proven otherwise :eek:).

Pinot's Mom
11-27-2009, 08:59 AM
Oh well, I just don't know what to think! I believed that my girls rushed off to celebrate Thanksgiving with Edwina and JJJ3 in California (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=157166), but now I am not so sure. Was it just a front? I hope not.

I will have to believe my girls were where they said they were (until proven otherwise :eek:).

That's where Pinot is supposed to be, too! :confused:

11-27-2009, 09:44 AM
Well Juke Joint Joseph is back and is as Happy as he has been, so he must have met his HH Lady Edwina Rose, and it was crowded last night so Our Awesome Angels, thier Families and Friends must be visiting from California.:love::love:
Thats great to have a Full House again.:):)

11-27-2009, 03:26 PM
Hi Maggie and Killearn Kitties Meowmie,

I'm not casting any blame here, but I did wonder if our ace co-pilot Pinot mapped out the farms targeted by the rescue. Groucho still isn't talking about who participated in the rescue mission or how it even came about. Just one question comes to mind...could this be what Cassie and Aroara were discussing with the Catmobile driver on their last trip to Chicago?

Pinot's Mom
11-27-2009, 08:11 PM
The Catmobile caper mystery...:confused:

Pinot is still saying she was in California, but she would help any animal in distress. Does anyone have any evidence??