View Full Version : Toby !!!~~

Daisy and Delilah
11-25-2009, 11:21 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to you, handsome little man!! What a cute little guy we have to grace our screen on this fine turkey day. We are still looking for the "cuteness overload" warning. Kudos to you for all your wonderful accomplishents. Your training is going fantastice isn't it, cutie? What a good little boy you are. Nothing could be more stylish than the likes of you all dressed up in your wardrobe, Toby. You look sensational!!! Congrats on being our special Thanksgiving Day DOTD!!! Please tell Mom to give you tons of kisses from us here in Florida to help in the big turkey day celebration. Please share some kisses with Lola. A big hello to sis Kennedy. Happiness always and have a wonderful holiday!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

11-26-2009, 10:26 AM
Oh Toby, what a cute little guy you are!!!:love: Those are very nice pictures of you. Congratulations on being our Thanksgiving DOTD!
I hope this day is special for you! :D

11-26-2009, 12:21 PM
Greetings to you Toby man! Happy Dog of the Day, and Turkey Day to you and yours!:) We hear you've got a bit of a "big head," but that's understandable, being so irresistibly precious, smart, talented and lovable!:D And no one wears Thanksgiving better than you, Tobster!:p You most certainly have a second profession waiting for you as a doggie fashion model! hehe But I'm sure you're more than happy, simply being a best friend, devoted furkid and loving companion to your family; the center of their universe!;) Your Mommy is so right, the unconditional love our puppers fill our days with is simply priceless, and no doggie does "love" better than you, Toby!

Enjoy a very happy, fun and love filled day Turkey day Toby, celebrating with your canine sis Lola, skin sis Kennedy, and your proud Mom and Dad!!! Hope you're treated to all sorts of fun activities, and maybe a little turkey, too!:D Cuddles and kisses to you precious Toby, and to Lola too!:love::love::love::love: Happy Thanksgiving to all! (Don't eat too much, now!;))

11-26-2009, 01:09 PM
Hello Toby,

Pleased to meet you today handsome boy.:) Wow, you have had a lot of
training. I'll bet you are very smart as well as handsome.:love: I hope you
and Lulu & family have a wonderful Thanksging day.:) Congratulations on
being our special DOG OF THE DAY. Sending lots of cyber hugs & kisses too.:)

11-26-2009, 01:37 PM
Toby you are the cutest little fellow I've seen in a long time!!! :love:

I don't often get to the dog side of Pet Talk but when I saw your sweet picture, well, I had to come meet you. I am so glad I did too! How precious that you posed so well for your Thanksgiving picture! I hope you are being spoiled rotten today.

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our special Dog of the Day!!! :D

11-26-2009, 02:49 PM
OMG - you are sooo cute! I love your pictures! Enjoy your DOTD status! And Happy Thanksgiving! :)