View Full Version : Leftover Thursday #344?

11-25-2009, 02:19 PM
I have to say something about Thanksgiving.....


THat is the best part.

Everyone panics and HAS to be somewhere on TGD.....

Why not take one of the days of your 4 day weekend and extend the 'holiday'?

Some us do work, and thanks for putting up with rude people, without the one person to make your shopping a little easier?

Thank them!

Anyway? I know all of you will check in over the weekend and I will try to be here as often as I can to fill your orders...

If not, jump over the counter and feel free to help yourselves.

Thanks to all of you that make "Thursday's" to look forward to.:)


Pinot's Mom
11-25-2009, 02:27 PM
We won't be having so many leftovers; this is the first year, in I don't know how long, we'll be home....just me, my hubby and my kitty...so we're doing a chicken instead of a turkey! It's within an hour of that four day weekend, so barkeep, I'd like to lift a glass of Pinot Noir to all the patrons of Thursdays I'm thankful for as well!


Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!! :)

11-25-2009, 02:56 PM
:) Oh I will asure you no left-overs at my house.. We are having Ham instead of turkey.. Yes all of the babies will get some.. I will get the dressing & the veggies.. Hey as long as we are all Blessed.. Ok anyone seen Ork?? Last I saw him he was chasing a turkey.. No No not you Richard..:D:p

Killearn Kitties
11-25-2009, 02:58 PM
Well I'll take some leftovers, given that I don't have the feast in the first place.
Does that mean I have to wait until Friday to eat??? :eek:

11-25-2009, 03:48 PM
Like Pinot's Mom it's just the 2 of us for dinner. But we do turkey :)

I get a turkey breast, fix all the trimmings in scaled-down portions - and we still have plenty for two days of re-runs.

Friday will be hot turkey sandwiches; Sunday will be a turkey casserole - throw all the leftovers together, pour gravy over them and bake for a bit.

Saturday will be pizza - to cleanse our palate :)

I'll have one of whatever you're serving.

Queen of Poop
11-25-2009, 04:54 PM
All this talk of turkey and such is making me HUNGRY!!!

Could you send a plate north?? Wrap it well as it is supposed to SNOW tomorrow!!

11-25-2009, 09:01 PM
All this talk of turkey and such is making me HUNGRY!!!

Could you send a plate north?? Wrap it well as it is supposed to SNOW tomorrow!!




One Pinot?



No, really, Thanksgiving should be every meal!

One plate?


He was chsing me, until the turkey caught his eye!


On glass of Pinot, easy!


11-25-2009, 09:20 PM
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Not sure if I will be able to bring home any left-overs from my sisters house.
Depends on how many people are their. We tend to eat a lot. :p

With the smaller peices of the Turkey makes a great Turkey salad for
sandwiches with sliced celery, onions etc. with miracle whip or your favorite salad dressing.

I'll take what every you give me. :D

11-25-2009, 09:35 PM
I need a drink...see my thread in General for details.

Queen of Poop
11-26-2009, 06:20 AM
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of you. Here it is just another day as we had our Thanksgiving in October.

11-26-2009, 08:31 AM
I will contribute leftover cookies, soft pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting, little raisin shortbread turkeys, and tollhouse are currently sitting on platters in the kitchen, wrapped and ready to head to New Hampshire!

Barkeep, a nice cup of chai for this foggy, foggy morning please!

11-26-2009, 10:42 AM
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

I'll take what every you give me. :D

I think champagne is called for.

One unlimited refill cup?:D



Straight shots, you call. Ya gotta stay on top of things.:(



You can always cross the border and do it again?



Hot tea and sunshine.


Queen of Poop
11-26-2009, 01:37 PM
I'm having a good hour so I'd like to buy a round for the bar!!:D

11-26-2009, 01:41 PM
If not, jump over the counter and feel free to help yourselves.

Thanks to all of you that make "Thursday's" to look forward to.:)


Me? Jumping over a counter? Now that would be a sight to behold indeed even if I didn't have arthritis! :D:D:D


11-26-2009, 02:41 PM
Me? Jumping over a counter? Now that would be a sight to behold indeed even if I didn't have arthritis! :D:D:D


Agreed! I didn't know that Richard had a death wish for me. :(


11-26-2009, 04:38 PM
Happy T day everyone! Mine kind of sucks but at the same time I have Nicholas and the cats and my hubby and all you guys to be thankful for. *hugs*

Pinot's Mom
11-27-2009, 08:55 AM
Good Morning all! How was turkey day? In the spirit of leftovers, we had the pecan pie for breakfast that we didn't eat for dessert last night!:)

Anyone else for a completely unhealthy breakfast? Coffee's up, too!

11-27-2009, 09:07 AM
Good Morning all! How was turkey day? In the spirit of leftovers, we had the pecan pie for breakfast that we didn't eat for dessert last night!:)

Anyone else for a completely unhealthy breakfast? Coffee's up, too!

I'll brew tea, but will do some pecan pie with you?


DJ, thank you!

Same back at ya!


MOFF and Pom,

That is the beauty of the bar, you can do anything, like jumping over the bar here.

It may be a sight to see, but if you can do that......:)



One round, a little late, but..


Queen of Poop
11-27-2009, 09:13 AM
I've never had pecan pie. I'm guessing it's good!

Hot tea please this morning. It's a chilly day here and we are expecting some of the white stuff this morning.

11-27-2009, 09:17 AM
My breakfast was a couple of slices of cold turkey with cranberry. My granddaughter is now having her breakfast - stuffing - but at least she heated it. :)

I could go for a cup of hot chocolate please. It's cold and windy here today. I'm staying put - no shopping for me. Actually - I'm done - unless I see a little something to pick up as a stocking stuffer gift. Besides that - I'm broke! :(

11-27-2009, 12:34 PM
Skipped breakfast here but had the left over stuffing and cranberry sauce for lunch. :D

Pecan pie sounds yummy!!! :D

Queen of Poop
11-27-2009, 02:11 PM
OMG it is snowing! I just turned around in my office chair and looked outside and it's all white coming down. Still melting on the ground though, for now! Guess that's to be expected this time of year.

How be I serve everyone a hot chocolate? With a scoop of ice cream and/or a marshmallow.

11-27-2009, 04:07 PM
OMG it is snowing! I just turned around in my office chair and looked outside and it's all white coming down. Still melting on the ground though, for now! Guess that's to be expected this time of year.

How be I serve everyone a hot chocolate? With a scoop of ice cream and/or a marshmallow.

Marshmallow in my hot chocolate please? :D

Queen of Poop
11-27-2009, 04:23 PM
One hot chocolate with a marshmallow coming right up!!

Lady's Human
11-27-2009, 05:10 PM
Sorry for not being at the bar for a bit, but....

There's no computter in the dining room, and the dining room has a fireplace (toasty), and leftover thanksgiving dinner.

I think I"m going to roll myself back there in a minute. :p

Cinder & Smoke
11-27-2009, 07:59 PM
but ...

There's no computer in the dining room, and
the dining room has a fireplace (toasty), and leftover thanksgiving dinner.

So, given the choice, WE lost, huh?

Forsaken for a half-eaten dead bird and warmth ...

11-27-2009, 08:36 PM
This evening's supper was left-overs :) Can I please have coffee (well, decaf)? As a treat I bought half-and-half for Thanksgiving Day coffee and we didn't use very much so I brought it to Thursdays.

11-27-2009, 08:55 PM
I ate the one piece of apple pie I got to take home from yesterday for breakfast today, which is just a perfect day after Thanksgiving thing, in my opinion!

Still a few pumpkin cookies left (the recipe makes a LOT) and a few tollhouse - I delivered a bunch of packages to friends and others today, including a baggie of cookies to the guy who, for years, has rung the Salvation Army bell by the bucket for donations outside my local supermarket. I don't know his name, nor he mine, but he recognizes me every year, and is always very nice and friendly, and sends me on with heartfelt blessings, even though I don't donate to the bucket. So the bell was quiet for a minute (but just one cookie's worth) as I bet he tried one, and then it resumed.

11-27-2009, 09:12 PM
Sorry I have not been a round lately - come to think of it, I've not been square either...... Neeuk, neeuk, neeuk :D

Please sir, may I have a warmed brandy??? That will go down good on my drive home.

We are to swing below zero at night in the next couple of days - Brrr!!!

11-27-2009, 09:31 PM
Sorry I have not been a round lately - come to think of it, I've not been square either...... Neeuk, neeuk, neeuk :D

Please sir, may I have a warmed brandy??? That will go down good on my drive home.

We are to swing below zero at night in the next couple of days - Brrr!!!

LOL, one woarmed brandy?



Great story!

I'll have a cookie.



A decaf and half and half!



I think I can do with a little rejection!;)

I'll stoke up the fireplace.!

I don't blame you!;)

Thanks for filling in!



Join the broken!:)

11-27-2009, 10:17 PM
Sure Richard - do you want a pumpkin cookie - soft cookies with cream cheese frosting - or a tollhouse? One of each?

In exchange, a nice cup of chai, please, it's a cold any rainy day in a whole string of cold rainy days. Not cold enough for snow, just cold and wet, and grey.

11-27-2009, 11:09 PM
Sure Richard - do you want a pumpkin cookie - soft cookies with cream cheese frosting - or a tollhouse? One of each?

In exchange, a nice cup of chai, please, it's a cold any rainy day in a whole string of cold rainy days. Not cold enough for snow, just cold and wet, and grey.

One of each, trade for tea?:D


Pinot's Mom
11-28-2009, 07:08 AM
Good Morning y'all!! It's a lovely brisk morning and there's french vanilla coffee brewed and at the bar-it's a little strong, mind you, but it's good! How about a hot cinnamon bun to go with it? All in?;)

11-28-2009, 08:03 AM
Good Morning y'all!! It's a lovely brisk morning and there's french vanilla coffee brewed and at the bar-it's a little strong, mind you, but it's good! How about a hot cinnamon bun to go with it? All in?;)
i'm in..

Last night we had a short sprinkle come thru......Thankful there is no school today!!

I'll cook up bacon and taters too?

11-28-2009, 09:11 AM
Good early morning from the West Coast....er.....Wet Coast I mean. I'm up early because I have to be somewhere at 8:30am. Guess what?? I'm Santa....:) I'm putting on a Santa suit for Pet Photos with Santa - a fundraiser for PADS (Pacific Assistance Dogs - www.pads.ca (http://www.pads.ca)) Hey, if all goes well I can be the Santa for the bar......then again, Richard's lap is much more comfortable than mine.....:D:D

One Spanish Coffee to go please. Hey, never mind, don't most Santas have liquor on their breath???? :D

11-28-2009, 12:11 PM
one spanish coffee to go please. Hey, never mind, don't most santas have liquor on their breath???? :d



11-28-2009, 12:38 PM
i'm feeling totally unmotivated this afternoon. i've several important chores to do but i'm slacking off big time. may i have a cup of coffee, double cream to motivate me to clean up the house.

Pinot's Mom
11-28-2009, 05:24 PM
I've been working the Christmas cards - bound and determined to get it done between today and tomorrow!

I'm ready for my usual, though and some good sharp cheese; thanks barkeep!

11-28-2009, 06:04 PM
i'm feeling totally unmotivated this afternoon. i've several important chores to do but i'm slacking off big time. may i have a cup of coffee, double cream to motivate me to clean up the house.


I caould send the ORC with your order and orders to help you out?

One cup double cream!



Do a few, take a break, send out your farthest one first....

A glass and some cheese!!!!!!!

LOL, I aways think of the Gromit and Wallace when I hear, "CHEESE!"


Queen of Poop
11-28-2009, 06:47 PM
The hint of snow we got yesterday disappeared today. Cause for celebration, almost the end of November and no snow on the ground!!! I like it. What can you surprise me with barkeep? Oh, and while you're busy with that, where's the broom, this place could use a sweep.:eek:

11-28-2009, 06:56 PM
The hint of snow we got yesterday disappeared today. Cause for celebration, almost the end of November and no snow on the ground!!! I like it. What can you surprise me with barkeep? Oh, and while you're busy with that, where's the broom, this place could use a sweep.:eek:

how's about a hot toddy?

And I do have a broom, it's in the L&F!


Queen of Poop
11-28-2009, 06:57 PM
how's about a hot toddy?

And I do have a broom, it's in the L&F!


Excellent, thank you.

At the risk of looking stupid, what is the L&F?

Queen of Poop
11-28-2009, 07:18 PM
Suddenly it struck me, lost and found!!

Wow, I'm certainly wearing my blonde hair well today!!! :rolleyes:

11-28-2009, 11:18 PM
Suddenly it struck me, lost and found!!

Wow, I'm certainly wearing my blonde hair well today!!! :rolleyes:

You do not want to know what is in there!:eek:;)

Lady's Human
11-29-2009, 12:02 AM
Do NOT, I say again DO NOT go intot the L+F without an escort, a ball of string to use to find your way back, and somethign to defend yourself with. Orc works fine for the latter, but make sure you have fresh batteries for his remote.

All sorts of strangeness has been reported, from things that go bump in the day, to missing firefighters.

While I'm here, barkeep, how about a shot of coffee in some irish?

11-29-2009, 12:26 AM
Do NOT, I say again DO NOT go intot the L+F without an escort, a ball of string to use to find your way back, and somethign to defend yourself with. Orc works fine for the latter, but make sure you have fresh batteries for his remote.

All sorts of strangeness has been reported, from things that go bump in the day, to missing firefighters.

While I'm here, barkeep, how about a shot of coffee in some irish?

Fresh pot on.....

I was watching the high lights of the games on today.

Some really good football today!!!

Cinder & Smoke
11-29-2009, 01:09 AM
how about a shot of coffee in some irish?

Did we have a *ruff* Turkey Weekend?


11-29-2009, 08:45 AM
Good Morning y'all!! It's a lovely brisk morning and there's french vanilla coffee brewed and at the bar-it's a little strong, mind you, but it's good! How about a hot cinnamon bun to go with it? All in?;)

I'll have everything you're having, Pinot's Mom! The Steelers and the Ravens tonight. It should be a good game. GO STEELERS! Terrible towels are ready.

11-29-2009, 11:11 AM
I'll have everything you're having, Pinot's Mom! The Steelers and the Ravens tonight. It should be a good game. GO STEELERS! Terrible towels are ready.

No, no, no.....the Terrible Towels are for rooting your team on.....not as placemats for a cinnamon bun!


11-29-2009, 12:54 PM
Chilly, windy, gloomy, and dropping temps here today! I need something hot. Maybe another round of hot chocolate and some warm chocolate chip cookies. :D

Pinot's Mom
11-29-2009, 01:27 PM
I'll have everything you're having, Pinot's Mom! The Steelers and the Ravens tonight. It should be a good game. GO STEELERS! Terrible towels are ready.

I didn't see this earlier! I'm waitin' for that game, too!! It's such a grudge match - we'll see who comes out alive;)!

Barkeep, if you please, keep the red wine stocked for the game ... oh, and my husband is making his famous guacamole!!:) David, please see if you can keep the Orc out of it this time!

11-29-2009, 01:46 PM
Chilly, windy, gloomy, and dropping temps here today! I need something hot. Maybe another round of hot chocolate and some warm chocolate chip cookies. :D

Hot chocolate and warm cookies.

I heard a doctor today say if you feel bonky to eat a little chocolate each day for two weeks!


PM, Red for the game and tortilla chips too!


Queen of Poop
11-29-2009, 02:07 PM
I found a pumpkin pie at the store this morning. It has rice flour crust so it doesn't upset my tummy. Anyone want a slice? I've also got some Christmas tea to go with it.

11-29-2009, 02:18 PM
I'm in for that rice crust pie! Where did you get it???

11-29-2009, 02:30 PM
I'm in for that rice crust pie! Where did you get it???

Aisle 8, next to the bread and stuff....:rolleyes:;):confused:

I am sorry, I could not help that one....:o

You guys sit, I'll brew tea.

Queen of Poop
11-29-2009, 02:43 PM
I'm in for that rice crust pie! Where did you get it???

Community Natural Foods. Just east of Chinook Centre. They have another location downtown too.

Pinot's Mom
11-30-2009, 07:47 AM
I'll have everything you're having, Pinot's Mom! The Steelers and the Ravens tonight. It should be a good game. GO STEELERS! Terrible towels are ready.

:) Gotcha David!! Did your terrible towel come in handy?;)

There's celebratory champagne for mimosas at the bar this morning, with some lovely crepes and fresh fruit. There are also some Christmas cookies someone baked and coffee brewing. Help yourselves!

THE RAVENS WON! Wasn't pretty, but THEY WON! :D

11-30-2009, 07:55 AM
:) Gotcha David!! Did your terrible towel come in handy?;)

There's celebratory champagne for mimosas at the bar this morning, with some lovely crepes and fresh fruit. There are also some Christmas cookies someone baked and coffee brewing. Help yourselves!

THE RAVENS WON! Wasn't pretty, but THEY WON! :D

That was a pretty good game.


champagne, OJ, fruit and crepes-on Monday morning!


12-02-2009, 02:37 PM
** knock knock knock**
Anybody around???? Gosh, I checked for this week's Thursday and couldn't find one so thought I would come over quickly while I have a minute to spare.

Could really use something strong Richard. I'm back in school again and feel like a dumb idiot. :rolleyes:

12-02-2009, 03:00 PM
:) Gotcha David!! Did your terrible towel come in handy?;)

There's celebratory champagne for mimosas at the bar this morning, with some lovely crepes and fresh fruit. There are also some Christmas cookies someone baked and coffee brewing. Help yourselves!

THE RAVENS WON! Wasn't pretty, but THEY WON! :D

You're right, it WASN't pretty! However it took overtime for the win. Dennis Dixon actually did a good job subbing for Big Ben.