View Full Version : Todays Dog

Golden Retriever Lover
11-25-2009, 08:20 AM
Buttercup is beautiful!

Our 13 year old Golden, Allie, is the love of my life - I know exactly what you are saying!

Enjoy each day with Buttercup - I do with Allie, and, our 3 year old Golden, Macie, is a close second. They make coming home from work each day a treasure. No wonder they are "man's best friend" !

11-25-2009, 01:49 PM
A very happy Dog of the Day to you, beautiful Buttercup!!!:) Nothing touches my heart more than the sight of a beautiful Retriever such as you! That is unless of course that Retriever is a beloved senior!:love: My heart melted, and my eyes filled with happy tears, reading of your happy life, how much you mean to your family, of the deep love they hold in their hearts for their beautiful best friend!:) You and your humans have changed locations, homes, many times over the years. But through all of the moves one thing has remained constant, and that is their love for you! Tomorrow is the day we give thanks for our many blessings, and no doubt right at the top of your family's list of greatest blessings will be having a sweet, loving best friend and furkid in you! I wish for you and your wonderful family a very happy and love filled Dog of the Day celebration, a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving, and many more wonderful years of shared love and companionship! Lots of hugs and kisses, woofs and wags to you precious Buttercup, from me and my Lab Star!:love::love::love: And great thanks to your family for their service to our country!:love:

11-25-2009, 02:41 PM
:love: ButterCup your so Stunning with Beauty.. Congrats on Dog of the Day..