View Full Version : All you have to do is open the door and walk through. . .

11-12-2009, 06:58 AM
I'm astounded at how quickly things have started to move with my music since I made the decision to follow my passion. I wrote before that I have started recording a CD of original music and that is going well. In fact, I mastered 6 songs to create an EP to distribute to "interested patrons" and sell at events to help fund the project.

I now have performances scheduled for tonight and tomorrow, a big event
on November 21 (Legendary Ladies of Music http://moxywomen.com/article.php?id=49 ), a showcase of my original music sponsered by Heartbeat Productions, a local company here in the Tampa Bay Area and a pending holiday performance in the middle of December! These all came to me - I didn't look for them at all. Just put the word out that I make music. . .and there it is!

I'm not giving up the safety net of my regular job just yet :D, but who knows? I'd love to make music a full-time endeavor. But I just wanted to say, please follow your hearts, live your passions. It's what you were put here to do! Just open the door and walk through. . .

Much love,

Laura's Babies
11-12-2009, 07:48 AM
Hay, do you have any of video's on You Tube of you and your music? I love the "undiscovered" new musicians. I have been following Phillip Mills all over the internet, found him on You Tube... LOVE his music and bought his CD when it came out. He loves Jim Brickman's music and got to play at one of his concerts.

Susan Boyle is a great example of following your hearts, living your passions.

11-12-2009, 08:42 AM
Hay, do you have any of video's on You Tube of you and your music? I love the "undiscovered" new musicians. Susan Boyle is a great example of following your hearts, living your passions.

I don't have any of my songs on Youtube, but there are two videos of me playing Native American flute at events. My username on Youtube is Catherinedana as well, so you can look me up that way. More to come!
