View Full Version : Irresistible Indy!

11-02-2009, 10:16 AM
Oh, be still my JRT loving heart!:love: What an adorable, vivacious, life loving pup you are, Indy! Then again, being a JRT, no surprise there!:p No breed knows how to grab life by the tail, shake it, and enjoy it for all it's worth like a JRT!:D I can hardly take the cuteness, you motoring around in your pool lounger, hanging onto that basketball (just in case you get an energy burst:D)! You're a doggie after my own heart Indy, part angel, part mischief maker, 100% love!:love: And while I've never been Mom to a JRT it's my dream to be one, one day! And hopefully she/he will be as sweet and loving as you!:) Congratulations on your well earned induction into the Dog of the Day Hall of Fame, Indy! I hope you and your proud family enjoy a very special, fun and love filled day of celebration, sweetheart!:cool: Hugs and kisses to you, adorable Indy!:love::love::love:

11-02-2009, 12:40 PM
You look happy in the pool Indy! You're a little cutie! Congratulations on DOTD!
I hope you're having a fun day!:D

11-02-2009, 04:18 PM
Hello Indy,

You are a very pretty girl sweetie.:) It is a pleasure to meet you.
You sure look like you are enjoying time in the pool. Congratulations
on being chosen as our DOG OF THE DAY. Have fun celebrating you
honor today.:) Sending lots of hugs & kisses Indy.

11-03-2009, 06:50 AM
Like Tatsxxx11, an JRT will stop my heart for a second and take me to my dream of having one in my life. You did that for me Indy when I saw your face yesterday. I just had to come back to leave a message for you. It's obvious how much fun it would be to be in your company but when I saw you could be *relaxed* too, I knew you were the perfect dog. So congrats on being Dog of the Day, but I think everyone who knows you has thought that all along. I'm just glad I got to know you a little too. xxx000