View Full Version : Help! How can we stop Murphy from doing this?

10-07-2002, 09:53 PM
Hi everyone! I am in need of some assistance!! My older sister got a new dog from the Humane Society last week, and he is a Lhasa Apso mix named Murphy. He is approx. 1-3 years old; however, he is terribly unsocialized, and he keeps sitting in his own poop after he goes to the bathroom!! He is new to potty training and my sister is working very hard with him, but he does not seem to have any inhibitions in regards to soiling his sleeping and eating area. She takes him out very frequently, but it doesn't seem to help! Does anyone have any ideas as to what my sis might to do keep him from doing this??? :confused: Thanks in advance!!

10-07-2002, 10:33 PM
Is he medically okay? It seems strange for a dog not to mind that! Is his fur trimmed pretty short right now, so we're sure he knows he doing it?

Treat him like a puppy - take him out a few minutes after eating, stay out until he "goes," all the standard puppy tricks, but it make take a little longer with him, as he's an adult, and not used to that being objectionable behavior!

10-07-2002, 10:51 PM
Thanks for responding! Murphy is getting over Kennel Cough and worms, and is getting neutered later this week. He's had some problems, but it still seems strange that he wouldn't mind messing himself like that!! His hair is shaved very short right now. My sister is having to give him two or three baths a day, which I know isn't good for him! I hope we can solve this problem soon!!

10-08-2002, 07:24 AM
Sounds as though Murph's previous owners didn't treat him very nicely. I too find it strange that he is willing to sit in his own feces. Maybe that is what is normal for him. I think it is called neglect. So glad your sister is willing to put the time in on this little guy. I hope that once he figures this entire change out, he will be the ideal pup.

Treats for being good usually work. Treats - just the first sound of the word, can often get a dog's attention. We had a dog that would jump up if you just said the letter T. Hehehehehehe.

I guess a bath a day with gentle soap won't hurt the dog as long as it is gentle soap and she is just washing the areas that really need it.

I too would treat this doggie as you would a puppy. Start from scratch.

Keep us posted. And maybe a picture? We ALL love pictures here at Pet Talk.

Welcome to the group/forum!

10-08-2002, 07:33 AM
Glad he's getting over the Kennel cough and the worms, once those are gone, things may go easier. Just washing off the affected area is probably better than a whole-dog bath!

Taking him out frequently, especially after meals and praising him a lot!!!! when he does "go" outside ... he's just an older puppy, that's all. I am glad for him that he finally got a home that cares about him!

10-08-2002, 11:19 AM
My sister got a dog from a pet store (McKinney--west highland terrier) and he had the same problem. For him, it was because he was used to being in a cage 24/7...so it was nothing unusual for him to soil his sleeping areas. It was very difficult to get him out of this habit. Actually, he refused to go potty outside at first. Does Murphy still go potty outside when you take him? Like we'd have him outside for the entire day, and he would NOT go...put him in a kennel for one minute and he'd let it *all* out lol. Quite annoying. We had to actually put a box with no bottom out on the grass to get him to go outside...I'm not kidding, lol. It was a lot of work. I don't think Murphy is that bad though.

It is not normal for a dog do soil his sleeping or eating areas, usually it comes natural for them to not to. However, it does happen depending on how the dog was treated.

I would do like everyone said, and treat him like you are potty training a puppy. Take him out frequently...don't give him a chance to go. Praise him lavishly when he goes outside!

If you buy a high quality dog shampoo, it shouldn't be too big of a problem to wash him frequently for now. Maybe even just squirt him off with water sometimes too.

10-08-2002, 12:57 PM
That is so sad, have she talked with a local vet about that? I hope the little pup gets better.

10-08-2002, 02:31 PM
If he's sitting in it when he goes outside, it might be a good idea to keep him on a leash. When he has done what he has to, gently lead him away from it, maybe offer a small treat. And lots of praise! It will take a lot of time to undo what neglect has done.

Good luck.


10-10-2002, 09:24 AM
Thanks for all the advice!! According to my sister, Murphy is doing a little bit better. I have forwarded to her all the advice, and hopefully she and my brother-in-law will take it to heart. They were a little bit spoiled by their last shelter dog, who was well trained but had been dumped because she was pregnant (I know, awful, isn't it?!?) I know it will just take lots of time and patience to get Murphy properly trained, after who-knows-what type of abuse he's suffered until recently. I'm sure that the combination of past abuse, stress from new surroundings and being sick is what has caused his bad habit of messing himself.

Today is the big "Snip-snip" day for him also. Please wish him luck!! I sure wish I had a photo of him to share, but my sister lives 400 miles away, so I haven't even seen him yet. Also, she is taking her time getting film developed. Hopefully soon!! :)