View Full Version : Suzie

11-01-2009, 07:36 AM
Hi Suzie.....You sound like a wonderful little lady. I am very happy that you found a family that loves you very much and will take care of you like you should be. The love of an animal is a wonderful thing. They will always be there for you. Suzie, You are a very beautiful little girl. Congratulations on DOTD. I got to see how pretty you are and to read such nice things about you. Suzie, I hope you have many more wonderful years with your family.:love::love::love:

A Dog Lover:love:

Daisy and Delilah
11-01-2009, 08:34 AM
Hello to you, precious little girl!! It is such a pleasure to meet you this morning. Even though we see your age in print, we can not believe it. Those long, blonde, tresses are absolutely gorgeous. We loved reading your wonderful friend's story about the love the family has for you. Especially about how fond you are of your Dad. He is the great man that saved you wasn't he, Suzie? We can never imagine a delicate, beautiful, sweet, little girl like you being treated so badly. However, we know there are monsters in this world. We also know they will reap what they sow some day. Congrats on your big day today as our DOTD!!! Please tell the family to cover you with kisses all day. We are sending those kisses from Florida. We wish you happiness always, sweetheart!!!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Overcast Florida :cool: :cool:

11-01-2009, 09:40 AM
Good morning Sweet Senior Suzie. What a beautiful little lady that you are, and you certainly don't show your age. It's wonderful that you found such a loving home and family to love and take care of you forever. It makes me angry to think of what your other people did to you. Bless your Dad for rescuing you and getting you away from such horrible treatment.

We're sending special wishes to you today in honor of being DOTD - for many more happy years with your family. I'm sure that in their eyes, you are "Dog of a Lifetime". Big woofs and doggie kisses being sent from Delaware to you from Myndi and Sparky. :love::love:

11-01-2009, 10:20 AM
Good morning sweet Suzie! Happy Dog of the Day to you, beautiful girl!:) What an honor it is to meet you today sweetheart, and crown you our extra special Sunday honoree!:love: No pup is more deserving than you, Suzie! I have to agree with my fellow Pet Talkers, it's hard to imagine you're a senior...you're simply gorgeous and have such a look of youth about you! Must be all of that love your Daddy showers you with that keeps you so young at heart! It's heartbreaking to think that anyone could abuse an innocent, defenseless doggie, especially one as gentle and loving as you. But as D&D have so wisely said, their time will come!!! Thank God your guardian angel Daddy came to your rescue in time, (fathers know best;)) and the rest as they say, is history.:cool: No wonder you wait so patiently at the door for his return each day;
you and he are soul mates!:love:

Congratulations to you beautiful, sweet Suzie...Dog of the Day, Dog of a Lifetime!!! Enjoy your much deserved day of honor Suzie, with wishes for many more happy, love filled years with your wonderful family! Love and kisses, woofs and wags to you sweet Suzy, from me and my girl Star!:love::love::love:

11-01-2009, 04:06 PM
Suzie, what a beautiful little lady you are. I'm sorry you had such bad people in your early life, but thank goodness you were rescued by a family that knew it would love you. It makes my heart melt to hear about you and your dad. What a devoted girl you are. Wish I could give you a kiss on that pretty little face. Congratulations Suzie on being our DOTD.

11-01-2009, 04:23 PM
Hello Suzie,

Yes, it seems like you could teach people all lot about love & devotion.:)
I am so glad that you now have a wonderful family that appreciates you.
Congratulations on being chosen for honors as our DOG OF THE DAY.:love:
Hope you get anything you wish to celebrate your honor. Sending many
cyber hugs & kisses sweetheart.:)