View Full Version : National Cat Day!!!

10-30-2009, 07:21 AM
I just learned that yesterday was NATIONAL CAT DAY (http://icanhascheezburger.com/2009/10/29/happy-national-cat-day/)!!!

Make sure to give your kitteh some extra special love in celebration! :love::love::love:

10-30-2009, 07:23 AM
O dear!!! Will our cats EVER forgive us for NOT knowing about yesterday??? Somehow, I think some treats just might do the trick!!!! Thanks Pat!!!

10-30-2009, 07:26 AM
Ha! Every day is national cat day around here! ;)

10-30-2009, 09:10 AM
Ha! Every day is national cat day around here! ;)

For sure! Last night I had Buddy on the arm of my recliner and Mamma laying on the footrest part against my leg. I had to pee soooo badly but I sat there for a good 10 minutes so as not to disturb them until I finally couldn't hold it any longer! :D

10-30-2009, 10:21 AM
Gosh, how will Fister ever forgive me! :eek: He only got a FEW treats, BUT... we had a good long cuddle in the afternoon, and he came to bed with me, helping hold my book. :D

10-30-2009, 12:48 PM
Shhh! Don't tell my boys or they will never let me live it down! Well, maybe if I break out the Temptations and let them eat their fill. Yeah, that Might make up for it.:rolleyes:

10-30-2009, 01:14 PM
Oh is that why the Found and Porch Cat Angels drew me to the Take Out Counter at Metros Food Stores where it was 2 dollars off the Take Out Chicken a huge 2.8 Pound Southern Fried Beauty for 9 Dollars!!!:):):):)
They have already eaten the First Course and Pouncer Roccalno and Silver Surfer have had thiers too!
Theres more plus Meals on Wheels Tonight.
I think they like thier Cat Day Presents!!!