View Full Version : Great story

10-07-2002, 11:54 AM
Hi guys! I am a student teacher and had to create a big book. I decided to write a story about Tango's cancer this past summer. I took pictures of Tango's vet and had pictures of Tango with his bandage (Do ya'll remember the bright yellow bandage) and pictures with his sattelite collar on to keep him from licking. The book turned out so neat and everyone loved it. Many people were amazed to discover that animals could even get cancer. I just wanted to share that with everyone because I was so excited on how the book turned out. :)

10-07-2002, 03:22 PM
good job! :) i didn't know tango had cancer! :eek: how is he doing now?

10-07-2002, 03:46 PM
Great job!! Oh, how frightened we all were for you and Tango!! And I'm sure it was very enlightening and informative for your "readers" too!

10-07-2002, 03:47 PM
What a wonderful thing you have done! When I lost Jake I had to sit down and write a letter to everyone on the Graphics List I am on.. Jake had become our mascott and was loved by 42 people who had never met in real life only on here. His story included pictures and e mail tags everyone had made for him.. from the very first to the very last. In writting about him I found a sense of peace and later learned that it changed the way several people looked at their dogs and the role they play in our lives. Jake was VERY SPECIAL to me and was my soul mate and will never be forgotten.
If you would like to read his story go to..http://pets.burnerkitty.com/4280

My question to you is this.. Have you thought of having your book published and then taken to your local hospitals to maybe pass around to kids with cancer? Its just a thought!
Hugz Jessica, Tucker and in spirit Jake

Jakes First Pic and Last


Dakota's Mommy
10-08-2002, 11:47 AM
Tucker216, what kind of a dog was Jake? Are those truely pics of him? If so, he was a beautiful dog. I'm sure his personality made him seem to much better and more personal to you, but those pictures are great. Thanks for sharing!

10-08-2002, 01:03 PM
great story about Jake. Thanks for sharing. For those asking about tango, he is doing much better now. His hair is still trying to grow back. Luckily he did not have to have chemotherapy but he lost most of the hair on his legs, feet stomach, neck and face just as well. He is only missing hair on his neck and underarms now. he is visiting a canine dermatologist in Novemeber to see what is taking so long for the rest of the hair to grow back. Wish us luck! :)

10-08-2002, 02:34 PM
Hi Dakota's Mommy, Yep those are real pics of Jake! The one of him on the bridge was made by my best friend Lisa! She made a graphic out of one of his pics and then added the wings and the bridge and background and stuff! Jake was an English Pointer and a release to the shelter. I still vist his website all the time look through his baby book and end up sitting here crying but then Tucker the Moose( who is currently snorring on the couch) comes over and plops his big butt in my lap and I end up laughing so hard its hard to breathe!
I am including another graphic made for me when I lost Jake .. Both dogs in this one are also Jake.
