View Full Version : Asking for PT thoughts and prayers, again... UPDATE in #12

10-17-2009, 08:07 PM
We're worried, very worried....

We have 2 brother kittens who are sick. Spunky B (gray & white) seems worse than Scruffy B (cream & white). They were sneezing their little heads off and and wheezing, running fevers ect. Took them to the vet and he said it's a virus that's been going around (just like us humans) He prescribed antibiotic and antihistamine and gave us enough for the entire clan (14!) Well the only one who's as sick as the babies or more so maybe is Miss Kitty. She's not eating or drinking. Has slept most of the day. We have given her meds but still, it worries us that she's not eating/drinking. At least the babies have. I might add that Miss Kitty sort of adopted the babies when we brought them in from outside. Bathing them, nurturing them, playing with them...a lot of contact, so that explains why she's gotten sick. She seemed to take to the babies with a mother's instinct. We're assuming she's had babies before, she's a natural! We have no idea how old she is, we think she might be an elder kitty. She's a very special girl and we ask for your thoughts and prayers not only for the babies and the rest of the clan, but especially for Miss Kitty.

10-17-2009, 08:13 PM
Thoughts and prayers for Spunky, Scruffy and Miss Kitty!

10-17-2009, 08:29 PM
Hope the meds kick in and all those kitties feel better soon!

10-18-2009, 07:15 AM
Oh Miss Kitty, how unfair! She was just trying to be a good mom to her newfound babies and now this. Prayers are going up right now for her and the kittens that all will be well. Keep the faythe. :)

10-18-2009, 07:49 AM
Prayers and good wishes and healing energies for Spunky B and Scruffy B and Miss Kitty and all your clan.

10-18-2009, 10:55 AM
Thats such sad news about Miss Kitty and Spunky B and Scruffy B.:(
We are praying that your White Coat can get your Dear Ones over this , they are such Great Little Cats of The Future :love::love:
And Miss Kittys just getting settle in too.
Love to them all from the Found Cats Hotel.

10-18-2009, 03:00 PM
I am praying for all your kitties. I hope the meds knock that nasty bug completely out of your house!

10-19-2009, 06:34 AM
Lots of prayers and good thoughts going out to your little sick ones. Hoping everyone gets well soon..........and esp. Miss Kitty................:love::love::(

10-19-2009, 04:41 PM
Lots of prayers and positive thoughts going out for your adorable kitties. Please let us know how they're doing? Could I ask you to give each of them some feel better scritchies and lovies from me?

Queen of Poop
10-19-2009, 05:05 PM
Prayers and good thoughts to all the sick little ones.

10-19-2009, 07:03 PM
A candle with light and healing energy for Spunky B and Scruffy B and Miss Kitty: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=9397561

10-22-2009, 04:27 PM
Sorry for not updating sooner, but I know you’ll understand. It’s been a rough week with Spunky B, Scruffy B and Miss Kitty. Not to mention Munchie, Freckles, Tweety, Stormy, Bugsy, etc….snotty noses, not eating, battling to give medicine… on top of the daily up keep of the clan with feeding, and litter boxes. I’m sure if we could catch what they have we’d be sick too! Seems just about every one of the kids felt out of sorts to some degree. We are POOPED!

Anyway…over the weekend Spunky B seemed to take a turn for the worse we thought. The meds didn’t seem to be kicking in like we thought they should. Monday we called the vet’s and spoke with one of his assistants. She told us to be patient that it will take time for the meds to take affect. She said if we could bring them in and they would board them in isolation room and twice a day give them a breathing treatment with a vaporizer. Well…since money is an issue we couldn’t afford that. She then suggested we closed the kids up in a small room with a vaporizer and Vicks for 10-15 minuets twice a day. Well… since we don’t have a ‘regular’ vaporizer, we came up with a solution: a slow cooker turned on high filled with water and spoonfuls of Vicks! Not only did it help the babies, but we were breathing better as well! LOL. Funny thing, the time spent doing the breathing treatment has also been a bonding time for Spunky B. He was the shy, stand offish kitten who would turn and run if you looked in his direction. Now the little bugger won’t leave us alone! If he’s not sleeping in your lap, he’s between your legs in bed sleeping! Amazing what a little TLC will do!

BTW, thank you for you kind words and thoughts and the candle was so touching. The babies are doing much better now. Back to their old mischievous selves, eating, drinking, poopping and peeing. Miss Kitty is still struggling, though she is better than when I first posted this. She's begun eating and drinking a little bit, but not like she used to. She has some terrible sneezing spells when the antihistamine wears off. Spunky B did too, in fact his little nose would bleed a bit, poor baby.

Stormy (our Prozac kitty) hasn’t done anything but sleep the last day and a half. This morning he ate and drank a bit, but for the most part just slept. The others seemed to have fought if off better, Thank God!

Bugsy, however, who normally has sinus issues anyway, may never get better if he has anything to say about it. He’s one tough kitty to give meds to. Despite his nose being clogged full of snot he can smell the antibiotic a mile away! Putting it in some moist food is about the only way we can medicate him, and even then if he smells the slightest bit of difference he runs away.

So, that about sums up things. Again, the kind words and thoughts mean so much. PT members are the best when it comes to support. Thank you all! And please, don’t stop…Miss Kitty and Stormy area still having a rough go of this thing.

As time allows, I’ll keep you updated.

God Bless, Lori Be…

10-22-2009, 04:31 PM
I am glad to get an update. I've been wondering how you and the crew are doing. Sounds like your hard work is starting to pay off. How nice that SpunkyB has become friendlier as a result. Keep up the good work on your end and we'll keep the thoughts coming from this end. I sure hope all the kitties make it through this. And you too!

10-22-2009, 09:07 PM
More thoughts and prayers for the kitties!

10-22-2009, 10:38 PM
What a brilliant idea, using the slow cooker as a vaporizer! So, Spunky, how are you enjoying life as feline Velcro? ;) Cuddles are almost as good as air...

Love, Columbine