View Full Version : Cat enclosures

10-13-2009, 02:37 AM
The other day my cat phoebe's boyfriend Riley (my neighbour's cat) got hit by a car and died :-( apparently he dragged himself home before collapsing and dieing. He was only 18 months. This has shocked me into protecting my two cats vinnie and Phoebe. I simply couldn't bare it if either of them got injured or killed by a car.

We live in a cul-de-sac close that is surrounded by a 40mph road :-S But people don't even have the decency to drive slowly down our cul-de-sac which I find incredible. What need is there to screech through a residential dead end road when you don't know what might be around the corner??

Fair enough some people (inhuman people as far as I'm concerned!) do not think that a cat or other animal's life is that important, but do they even consider that there might be a small child crossing the road/playing in the road when they are charging through trying to save precious SECONDS. Honestly, I hate them :-@

Anyway the main reason I am posting this is I was wondering if any of you have made cat enclosures in your back garden, how you went about doing it and whether it's a good idea to make your own.

My boyfriend and I are thinking of adding top bits to the existing fence from the inside of the fence, sort of brackets going up then inwards with strong fencing wire.

Also, does anyone have any ideas how to make the garden more appealing after fencing off trees etc because there won't be as much to do for my cats once we've done this, and our garden isn't huge (Moderate home in England!)

Any thoughts/ideas would be much appreciated :-)

Jenni, Matthew, Vinnie & Phoebe

PS. If we do manage to make the enclosure successfully then I would be tempted to rescue another kitty as I know I'll be able to guarantee their safety

10-13-2009, 06:44 AM
There are several people on here that have cat enclosures and that have posted threads about them. Here are a couple of links you can check out. Some of these threads have links to other threads or sites with other ideas. I think that is a great idea actually. Hope you can figure out one that suits your needs.

link one (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=138731&highlight=outdoor+run)

link two (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=142373) In the third post of that second link, are some others that I linked to before.

Check them out and let us know what you come up decide to do.

Pinot's Mom
10-13-2009, 07:39 AM
I'm sorry, I don't have advice on enclosures. Our yard is not fenced and we live on a private driveway. Pinot has been trained since day one to stay in the back garden mostly, with trips around front to sit in the sun, but has never been enclosed (although we are always with her when she goes for a "romp"). It works rather well. I don't think you can train after the fact, though, so an enclosure is probably best. Let us know! Thanks for the pictures, too! Pretty kitties!:)

10-13-2009, 09:03 AM
This is why any cat that is with me is indoor only. I understand that's not always possible, but it's the best way to ensure your cats safety.
I am currently taking care of my friends cat and he was outdoor when he was with her. Not here. No exceptions. I grew up with outdoor cats out in the country and they always ended up hit by cars. So I made a promise in my adult life to never have an outdoor cat again.
But I think the enclosures are wonderful things. I am so amazed at the cats here on PT that are trained to stay in their yards.

I'm sorry to hear about Phoebes boyfriend kitty. :( RIP Riley.

10-13-2009, 09:32 AM
I will have to fund enclosures of My Ebony Beau Tubster Memorial Shelter, and post them. They still like couing out even though its becoming chilly!!!
I will have to put up tarps for the Winter!!!
We are sorry about Little Riley who now has his Wings of Silver and Gold and is with Our Awesome Angels in Virginia.
Looking for a place to reunite with his Loved Ones.
One Fine Day.

10-13-2009, 09:18 PM
Firstly let me say that your furkids are ADORABLE! I love their markings! The little one is just precious! Good for you wanting to protect them!
My boys are indoors only. I first got them when I lived in SF so they are city kittys! :p I agree 2000% with Cindy. Indoor is my first choice.
I do know that it's not common to have an indoor cat especially in the countryside in England.
I know I've seen ALOT of cool enclosures here on PT. Some homemade, some store bought. I'm sure you'll get alot of good advice/suggestions here.
Kisses and scritches to you cute kids!

10-14-2009, 03:22 PM
I agree with every one INDOOR is the only safe way to go.

10-15-2009, 04:15 AM
Cheers everyone! I have convinced my boyfriend (who just so happens to be a builder ;-) ) to build the enclosure this weekend. I think what we are going to do is make the existing fences cat proof because the garden isn't big enough to just enclose one part of it. There are a line of trees at the back of the garden just infront of a fence so unfortunately we are going to have to build a whole fence in front of them to stop them climbing them and getting out. This is a bit of a shame as Phoebe loved hiding in these trees then ambushing insects! Vinnie has never been outside as he is still small so it won't be so bad for him.
We were thinking of building a climbing frame structure to put in the middle of the garden too, so they have something to climb.
We are not going to have the cat flap accessible to them at all times though - just incase they got out of the garden somehow while we were at work :-S I think we will get a lockable one so that when we are in we can have it so they can go in and out. I don't know I think I just worry too much!
Obviously I will post pictures of our efforts, although it will probably take a while! :)