View Full Version : Today is Milly's 4th Birthday!

10-07-2009, 07:39 AM
Today is my motormouth Meezer Milly's 4th Birthday!:D
It is a yucky rainy day here so I will post a couple of photos of her taken on sunnier days.

She's being a little camera shy here.

Actually she was just washing up after eating something yummy!

One more quick photo of Milly soaking up some sun.

That's all the pictures I have time to post for now.
I have a lot more photos of Milly and her daughter Izzy that I will post in the next day or so.
Milly is asking me for a treat now so I better go and give it to her now.:)

10-07-2009, 07:59 AM
Happy Meezer Milly's 4th Birthday!!

10-07-2009, 08:53 AM
Happy Birthday Milly. You are such a gorgeous gal. :love: :) :love:

10-07-2009, 09:32 AM
:love: Happy 4th Purrffday Milly & Have Many More.. Your so Adorable..

10-07-2009, 09:39 AM
A Big Happy Fouth Purrrthday to YOU Marvellous Milly.
All the Found Cats , Porch Cats and All of Our Awesome Angels send thier love and Best Wishes to a Classic Siamese Beauty.
And we know that Samatha is bringing Milly something special from the Resort in Maine where Our Awesome Angels are staying this week.
HAPPY PURRTHDAY TO YOU MILLY and may you have many more
From the Soiamese Six Pack.

10-07-2009, 09:45 AM
Happy 4th Birthday, Milly!

You're such a beautiful girl, Milly. I hope you have fun today and will get all the treats you can eat! I wish you many happy and healthy years years to come! :love:

10-07-2009, 09:50 AM
Happy Birthday gorgeous girl!!!!

I hope and pray this is the 4th. of many wonderful years full of health and joy for you beautiful Milly.

Love and kisses from Central America!!!!

10-07-2009, 10:26 PM
Happy Fourth Birthday, beautiful, gorgeous, stunning Meezer Milly! I always love to see photos of you and Izzy!

Your fan,

10-07-2009, 11:06 PM
Happy Birthday, beautiful Millie!

I love seeing you so happy and content, and your meowmie even leaving off posting about you because you want a treat! ;)

Hope your birthday was wonderful, and that your daughter deferred to you all day. :)

10-08-2009, 12:00 AM
Happy Birthday, Pretty Girl! I hope you have many, many, more! Party Hearty!

10-08-2009, 06:48 AM
Coco Puff is so sorry to have missed your birthday, Millie. He sure hopes that it was wonderful and truly blessed and happy and so do I. :love:

10-08-2009, 07:05 AM
Happy birthday, MILLY!!!!!


10-08-2009, 07:19 AM
Deer Millie
Hope your birfday was fun. Say hello to my dearest Izzy for me?

Pinot's Mom
10-08-2009, 07:32 AM
I'm so sorry I missed this yesterday!!! Pinot would never forgive me for not posting birthday wishes for one of her pals!


I know it was a super special day and you deserve it!!:love:

10-09-2009, 05:03 PM
Happy Birthday Milly!!!! You are the prettiest Meezer EVER!!! Hope you had the best BIRTHDAY EVER!! And many many more!!:love:

10-10-2009, 02:14 PM
Thank you everyone for the Happy Birthday wishes for Milly.:)
Milly had a great Birthday, she got her favorite food for dinner and I got her some more cat treats and a few catnip mice as presents.
She loved the treats the best, Izzy had a wild time playing with her new toy mice until Milly decided that she was having a little too much fun and she bopped Izzy on top of the head with her paw.:rolleyes:

I will start a new thread with pictures of both Milly and Izzy.
I have so many pictures to post, I am way behind in keeping up with all the pictures I take of them.
Hopefully I will post enough pictures to keep all you Milly & Izzy fans happy for a while.;)

10-10-2009, 06:06 PM
HAPPY BELATED 4th BIRTHDAY MILLY!!! You sure are a gorgeous meezer and I hope you'll have many more happy and healthy years ahead of you.:) My Pearly girl turned 4 in May so you're almost the same age.;)