View Full Version : Charlie the charmer!

10-07-2009, 05:36 AM
:D Good morning and Happy DOTD to you sweet Charlie! My standard dachshund Henry and I want to wish you a super fun day with lots of sunbathing in puddles of sunshine, big yummy sticks to chew on and especially lots of treats to celebrate YOU :love:

Hearing about you this morning made me nod and smile, yes, that's a dachshund for you. Follows his nose and fearless ripper of stuffed toys.

Have a great day!

10-07-2009, 10:24 AM
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2577/3989746271_4e2afc4c47_m.jpgHello, Charlie, and a Happy Dog of the Day to you! :D What a cutie pie you are. I love those beautiful Doxie ears, and that sweet Doxie face. :)I also see, that like my Wolfenstein, you love to get your tummy rubbed!:cool::love: I would love to give you a tummy tickle too, but ask your Human Mom to do that for me. :cool: Ella sends kisses, and Wolf sends high fives for your appointment as Dog of the Day. You sure do make a beautiful choice. :)Have a wonderful afternoon and get in a nap, and a few extra goodies!

10-07-2009, 11:34 AM
Happy Dog of the Day to you, charming Charlie!:) What a precious Doxie man you are, Charlie! My girl Star (Lab) can't get enough belly rubs either!:D You kids sure know how to melt our hearts, and it's no big surprise to hear how you won over your humans' hearts the moment you woofed into their lives, totally and unconditionally!:D Even when you're being your most mischievous, (climbing onto the table for those treats:D) your irresistible! (Don't ever grow out of your puppy mode!:p) Hope you enjoy a very happy and fun filled Dog of the Day, sweetheart! May it be a day filled with endless belly rubs and hours of bathing in those cherished sun puddles!:) Love, cuddles and kisses, and bunches of belly rubs to you adorable, charming Charlie...our very special and most deserving "top dog!!!":love::love::love:

10-07-2009, 04:20 PM
Hello Charlie,

What a cutie you are Charlie, and it's a pleasure to meet you.:love:
You seem like you may be small in body, but giant, in personality & spirit.
Congratulations on being chosen as our special DOG OF THE DAY.:) I wish
you many, many happy years with your family sweet boy. Hugs & kisses
going out to you Charlie.:)

Daisy and Delilah
10-07-2009, 06:15 PM
Our Mom is always talking about getting a doggie like you, Charlie. You are one cutie patootie!! We loved hearing about all your adventures. A wild child at the age of 10 months. We're picturing you running around on this little short leggies, as cute as can be!!! The only thing we regret right now is not being able to jump in the sscreen after you. We would cover you with kisses and bewwy rubs. Please tell Mom to do that for us. Congrats to our cute little DOTD!! We wish you happiness always, Baby Doll!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sweltering, Humid, Florida :cool: :cool: :(

10-07-2009, 08:45 PM
You're just adorable Charlie!!!:love: What a sweet little face you have. It sounds like you keep your family busy.;)
Congratulations being DOTD! I hope this day is special for you!:)