View Full Version : Wednesday is

Laura's Babies
10-05-2009, 05:11 PM
Bye Bye time. Can you believe how fast these 27 days off went by?

The boat is suppose to be a 3 1/2 hour drive from me Wednesday and be there at 7am. That would put me having to get up and out of here by 3 am.. I am thinking about just leaving tomorrow and getting a room for the night. I have talked to my Captain today and he said he thinks the boat will be a lot later than that, according to his math so I am calling the boat tomorrow and see. LOL! I told my Captain if I do drive it Wednesday morning.. I am going to BED when we get there. If this other cook don't leave anything on the stove, the guys are going to get mighty hungry while I sleep.

This time home, I have noticed my girls are so much more affectionate that they have ever been. Giz just cracks me up with how hard she will hit my chest with her head to get my attention and her "ACH!" as she does it. If I ignore her, she will keep hitting my chest with her head until I stop whatever I am doing and pay her some attention.

Samantha has been a cuddle bug the whole time I have been off. She wants to snuggle all the time and bury her face on me.. she gets right in my face demanding it. I have ate that up!

Boo wants her time too and I have noticed she howls a lot when I am still and not moving around. She will howl and I will yell back at her "I AM STILL HERE!", shortly, she appears and is in my lap. I have noticed more and more she wants me to pick her up to put her in my lap now. Her age I think has caught up with her at 14 years old.

Amy, she is far more demanding too. She use to come just once a twice a day, wanting to be held.. Now it is off and on all day long and she is snuggling more and more..

They know it is time for me to be leaving... :(

10-05-2009, 05:21 PM
Time flies when you're having fun!!! Have a safe trip!!:p

10-05-2009, 05:47 PM
No way! I'm thinkin' that your calendar must be off, Laura. :rolleyes:

Laura's Babies
10-05-2009, 08:02 PM
No way! I'm thinkin' that your calendar must be off, Laura.


This trip completes my 9th year on this boat.. December trip will start my 10th year on there..

10-05-2009, 08:32 PM
Be well and be safe!

10-06-2009, 12:22 AM
How long until retirement? It must kill you to leave your babies! Godspeed and come back safe.:)

10-06-2009, 04:43 AM
Safe journey and safe home, Laura!

Laura's Babies
10-06-2009, 05:42 AM
How long until retirement? It must kill you to leave your babies! Godspeed and come back safe

If I retire at 65, I have not quite 2 years... about 10 more trips.. But I hate the thought of retirement.. Maybe by then things will have picked up with the ecomony and I could find a part time job. If not, I would have to find something to do..

10-06-2009, 07:45 AM
Have a safe trip Laura.

And that retirement??? - you might just find that you like it. :p It's really easy to get used to. :D

10-06-2009, 07:51 AM
Oh your poor babies will miss you, but they'll be OK! :)

Have a safe trip, Laura - and Happy 10th Anniversary!

Pictures if you can, please! :p

Laura's Babies
10-06-2009, 12:14 PM
They have watched me all morning, rushing around to get everything done. I am leaving today, in just a little while. Going on up and getting a room up there tonight so I can get on the boat rested. I made sure I will sleep tonight... I only got about 5 hours last night. It was terriably foggy here this morning and that cinched it.. I don't drive in fog and not going to kill myself trying, so when I go to pick up the rental car, my luggage is going with me and I leave from the airport..

So BYE BYE, see all of you when I get back!

10-06-2009, 06:44 PM
Safe journey and safe home, Laura!

Right, right, right! :love:

10-07-2009, 08:24 AM
Good luck and we will see you again soon :)

Bye bye safe travels!


10-07-2009, 12:27 PM
:) WoW yes that time again of departure.. Stay Safe & have a very nice work trip.. See you home soon.. I know the babies will miss you so much..