View Full Version : Problems with Jorgie....

09-28-2009, 09:33 PM
My problems with Jorgie stem from the fact that he's still semi feral in his behavior. He's my gorgeous long haired Norwegian Forest kitty, whom I love to death, but he's driving me nuts. I can't get near him to groom him, or pick him up, and he runs like a bat out of h*ll when I do venture anywhere near him. I try to get him to associate me with good things (food, treats, toys... etc....), and all I get is the "deer in headlights, omg she's goona kill me" look from him!!! :(:(:(

I so need to get him groomed. I so need to get him to JenLuckenbach to groom him but can't even make an appt until I can figure out how to get him into a carrier without causing both of us heart attacks.

Any suggestions???

He's so bad at this point, he needs to be completely shaved down. He's like a mini rastafarian...:o:(

09-28-2009, 09:39 PM
Any way you could leave a carrier around him for a few days, so he gets comfy about it, then move his food in there after a few days, etc., to lure him in? Then, not the first time you catch him relaxing in it, but a few times later, you can latch it and put up with the hollering ... or are there too many others around him who'd be more likely to take the bait?

09-28-2009, 09:41 PM
Any way you could leave a carrier around him for a few days, so he gets comfy about it, then move his food in there after a few days, etc., to lure him in? Then, not the first time you catch him relaxing in it, but a few times later, you can latch it and put up with the hollering ... or are there too many others around him who'd be more likely to take the bait?

I have carriers out everywhere all the time because I have a few who like sleeping in them ... just NOT Jorgie. SIGH.

I can get out canned food but if I don't stop honeybunn first, he scarfs it all down, and without him there, Jorgie normally won't eat because it's like it's safe if Honey is there too. I have weird cats.

09-29-2009, 01:58 AM
I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems.:( When I had my semi-feral cat Cirrus, I couldn't even pick him up and I was afraid to because he'd most likely bite me. The few times I had to get him into a carrier were always very stressful for both of us.:(
I know this sounds harsh but I had to put a carrier in my bathroom and I tried to put it behind or near the toilet. Then I had to chase Cirrus into the bathroom with a broom and then chase him into the carrier with a broom and try to close the carrier as quickly as possible so I wouldn't get bitten. This was the only way that I found that I could do this.:(

The reason he's no longer with me is because he and Storm would fight a lot and he was also trying to become the alpha cat. Sunny was the only cat that he liked but I knew it was only a matter of time before he wouldn't like him either. He needed to be an only cat.:(

If there's some kind of food that he loves, then I'd try putting this in the carrier to see if he'll go for it. You might have to do this for a few weeks. Maybe you could just try feeding him in a carrier with the door open so then over time he won't be afraid of it. Good luck.:)

09-29-2009, 05:06 AM
Oh, he's gorgeous too. I hope he comes around.

09-29-2009, 06:43 AM
Have you considered getting Jorgie to calm down by using a homeopathic/natural product? When I first brought my 2nd cat in the household, the 1st cat went ballistic. It took me some time before I decided to use a product I found at Petsmart called Calm??? or something like that. Let me see if I can find the link.

This is another product I've used in the past to detense my older cat when a younger cat was introduced into the family:

Both worked and I was able to reduce the dosage until she was totally calm and no more anxieties existed.

You may want to consider something like this? I would dose some wet cat food for your ferel cat (of course keep the other cats away from that food) and maybe then you'll be able to Jorgie into a cat carrier.

Laura's Babies
09-29-2009, 07:38 AM
What a beautiful boy he is!

09-29-2009, 08:15 AM
I still have that problem with Scrappy 2 , Miquelito and Pouncierge who are friendly , but theres no way that I could ever get them into a carrier and get them in to see Our Vet , or even have him look at them.
I pray that you can calm Jorgie down enough to have him groomed, maybe even a Lion Cut so his fuur grows back in slowly.
Hes a Great Gentle Giant, and it may take time before he trusts and loves you back.:love:

09-29-2009, 11:03 AM
:love: Oh my He is of Such Beauty.. I would say get him in a room by himself & put a carrier in their with food in the back of it & try to temp him that way.. Maybe talk to your Vet about something to put in his food that will make him drowsy/sleepy & then you could catch him..

09-29-2009, 11:03 AM
Oh, he's gorgeous too. I hope he comes around.

He's been with me for almost 5 years.... it would be nice if he'd come around soon, lol.

09-29-2009, 11:05 AM
:love: Oh my He is of Such Beauty.. I would say get him in a room by himself & put a carrier in their with food in the back of it & try to temp him that way.. Maybe talk to your Vet about something to put in his food that will make him drowsy/sleepy & then you could catch him..

I'm thinking maybe a tranq might be the answer to my problem of getting him in a carrier. It's hard to get him in a room by himself, he panics and tries to climb the walls and the windows. He just totally freaks out. :(

I'll have to see if I can find something to put in the water and maybe that will help. Does any one use Rescue Remedy with any kind of success?? I tried that Calm stuff from PetSmart and didn't see any kind of change at all.

09-29-2009, 11:19 AM
I used with success something that came in a cobalt blue bottle, with an eyedropper in the lid. The name escapes me at the moment . . . but I found it in my local pet store.

This is what I was thinking of:

09-29-2009, 05:42 PM
He's been with me for almost 5 years.... it would be nice if he'd come around soon, lol.

They take their own time in these matters..

09-29-2009, 07:59 PM
He is so beautiful, Jenn. I hope you can find a way to work this out.