View Full Version : Hi Tank !!~~

Daisy and Delilah
09-28-2009, 05:00 AM
That video of you is absolutely hilarious. Tank, you are one silly boy. What a great thing it is that your humans got your dance recorded. You are such a great looking boy as well. No wonder everyone stops you guys to talk to you. Your markings are fabulous. It's a great pleasure to meet you today and hear your story. We love your pictures. We especially loved hearing about Indy and seeing a picture of both of you. Congrats on your big day today as our well chosen DOTD!! Please tell the family to cover all those spots with tons of kisses from us to help celebrate--some for Indy too. We wish you all happiness always!!! By the way, we love your name too. :love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny, Cooling off this week-YAY, Florida :cool: :cool:

09-28-2009, 11:19 AM
Hi there hunky handsome Tank!!! Happy Dog of the Day to you!:) You're killing us with those heart melting photos! You were one precious puppy and oh, what a beautiful big boy you're grown up to be (though me thinks you still see yourself as that 2 mo. old puppy, just as your Mommy says!:D) I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting a Catahoula Leopard before; what a stunning breed/blend! I just love your coloring and markings, sweetheart! And how precious are those freckles sprinkled over that sweet face of yours! It's no wonder you turn heads wherever you go! And I'm with D&D...your video is hilarious!:D What a goofer!:p (That bone wouldn't have lasted a minute in my Lab's mouth, lol) You've already won over your humans big time Tank, and while sister Indy still may need a little work to be convinced just how special you are, that shot of you and her snuggling says it all!:love: Thanks to your wonderful family for opening up their home and hearts to one most deserving doggie; rescue is definitely the way to go, and you're living proof of that, Tank!:cool: Enjoy a very happy, fun filled day of celebration, sweetheart! Hopefully you'll get to visit the doggie park, to let all of your pup pals in on the big news!:D Big hugs and kisses to you adorable Tank, and to Indy too!:love::love::love:

09-28-2009, 12:31 PM
OH boy are you gorgeous!!! I love Catahoulas and have always wanted one! He is like the prettiest one I have seen, and his facial features are very handsome! Very cute boy !!!

09-28-2009, 04:17 PM
Hello Tank,

I love your freckles sweet boy. You are a very handsome fella & it's
great to meet you today. I loved your puppy picture and also the photo
of you with Indy.:) Big congratulations on being chosen for special honor
as our DOG OF THE DAY.:) I enjoyed watching your dance video too.:)
Sending lots of cyber hugs & kisses sweetie.:)

09-28-2009, 06:00 PM
What a gorgeous boy you are Tank! It sounds like you're a really fun pup! Congratulations on being DOTD!
Have fun!:D

09-28-2009, 06:14 PM
How handsome you are, Hank!:love: I have to say you are bigger than MY lap dogs, but not as big as some I have had the pleasure to share my couch with! :D I was very please to hear that you were rescued, but sad to know that you needed to be. :eek: Tell Indy that she is a very beautiful girl and we would love to know all about her, too. I know you don't want to give her the big head, but she is pretty. :) Congratulations on being named Dog of the Day. :DI hope you had a wonderful day, big guy, and I hope you have a long and happy life with your sister and your human family. Lots of love to you and Indy. :love: