View Full Version : snake scare

09-25-2009, 03:15 PM
Okay I love snakes as much as the next person but last night I let Valentine out to use the facilities and when I walked to the end of the walkway I saw him with his nose on top of a snake sniffin it as it went. It was little, skinny, and black with gold rings. I live in Arizona, and couldn't find any pics that looked like it, it was also dark outside though. I checked my Boo out head to tail and did not see any marks etc but watched him like a hawk all night. Question is if he were bit, what kind of symptoms would show, and how soon? I guess it depends on the snake probably. He is fine though, don't think it was interested in him.

09-25-2009, 03:54 PM
:eek: OMG I would have like Freaked out.. Hope your baby is ok.. So glad the snake left real fast..

09-25-2009, 05:12 PM
Gosh, I bet that was scary!
My first thought was that you saw an Eastern Kingsnake, but you are in Arizona... and I don't think they are around that area. Could it have been a young Common Kingsnake (http://www.desertusa.com/magfeb98/feb_pap/du_kingsnake.html)? ... if so, then it is harmless. :)

09-25-2009, 08:51 PM
it sounds like it could have been an eastern king snake. Just a guess. I'm not even sure if they are in arizona but they are around here, WV, and they are non venomus. My moms dog get snake bit at least once or twice a year and so do the horses. If it is non venomus then they usually wont show any signs, just tenderness at the bite. With venomus such as the copperheads around here, the bite will swell and be very red.. sometimes begin to weep. Cedrik, my moms dog is usually fine within a week. I think she just keeps the wound clean and gives pain meds. The horses are usually the same. She just stopped going to the vet unless the bite is very bad. He is extremly accident prone. I'm glad your pup is fine... they have a way of getting themselves into trouble, lol

09-26-2009, 12:00 PM
About 2 1/2 yrs ago I had 3 4-5month old Collie puppies bit by Copperheads. Not really sure how it happened, they were just out in the large yard playing... 2 of them got bit on the face, and one on the back leg. All three had a lot of swelling around the bite area. The bit on the leg was actually MUCH MUCH worse than the other bites.

All my vet had me do was antibiotics for a week and benadryl for a few days...