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View Full Version : Please say a Prayer for my dear Cally..

Lori Jordan
09-14-2009, 11:54 AM
I don't post over here that much im usally in dog general,My Cat Cally is going into the vet today at 2,She seems to have a broken rib(I think)She has a bone sticking out under Her rib cage,So im just assuming.She has not been doing well this past year,Im thinking the worst right now,I dont think she is strong enough to go through the surgery,And i will not do that to her.

I'm having a hard time right now typing as i have not been able to stop weeping since i called,Im so worried i will not be coming home with her,Her illness is basically based on the manx breed,Some have complications,which she has it seems to never stop with her,I dont want to loose her,But im not going to be selfish and prelong her life.

Please Pray for my dear Girl.

Here are some photos of her in better years.



Laura's Babies
09-14-2009, 01:25 PM
Oh my, this has to be so stressful for you. She is so lovely! Prayers for her are on the way, may it not be as bad as you think and tons of healing for her to come.

09-14-2009, 01:26 PM
Just said a prayer for her now.

09-14-2009, 01:55 PM
I will keep you and Cally in my thoughts that this is nothing too serious. She is so beautiful. :)

Lori Jordan
09-14-2009, 02:29 PM
Thanks everyone,We went in and it is her Sternum,What has happend is the sternum is supposed to bend,Well hers grew outward,He said this was something that did not happen overnight.Cally has never been the cuddly kind of cat,She comes to you when she wants attention.So this is why i never noticed this right away.The outcome is never good,Surgery is not an option in her case,It just adds to the problem.And she will have to kept alive by a breathing device,Which i would never do to her.

So for now she is not suffering in anyway,But the outcome is (i am no good with doctor terms)If she was to jump,or push in her sternum it will go into her airway and damage it,So she will have to be put to sleep,There is nothing they could do for her then.

So she has to be monitured which will be hard,How do you keep a cat from jumping up or off things??

I will keep you all updated on her progress,Im going to do some research so i can understand things a bit better,I was frantic when i went in today.So i did not catch but only every other word.

Thanks for the prayers.

09-14-2009, 02:36 PM
So sorry to hear about your sweet kitty. She is beautiful. It is never hard to put them down. I just went through this last week with the Labrador love of my life. You definitely have to weigh the options of what quality of life she will have and if she will end up suffering if she injures herself. It is hard to do but I actually feel relieved that I do not have to worry about Casey any longer. She is in Heaven and is happy and healthy again. I worried so much about her the last month that I was getting physically ill myself. Prayers are going out for you and your kitty and family.

09-14-2009, 03:02 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about your Cally, she is a beautiful girl. I know how hard this is for you. :( As happylabs say, you have to weigh the options of what quality of life she will have, and these decisions are never easy.

My best wishes that Callie won't suffer - give her some kisses from us, please! :love:


09-14-2009, 03:14 PM
Maybe Cally will just limit her own jumping if it causes her pain? Poor baby, she'll be in our prayers.

09-14-2009, 04:41 PM
I'm sorry to read about dear Cally. This has got to be a blow for you and quite stressful. Prayers going up that she'll limit her jumping and thereby limit her pain and danger. Keep the faythe. :love:

09-14-2009, 04:52 PM
We are saying prayers for your Dear Beautiful Cally and pray that your Vet can put her right again, its remarkable the strides that they have made in Veterinary Medicine.
Every month in Cat Fancy you read about a new technique that helps Our Furry Companions :love:
And we are Praying hard that theres a cure for Your Friend Cally :love:

09-14-2009, 05:19 PM
I am praying for Dear Cally.

09-14-2009, 07:06 PM
Prayers for your beautiful beloved Cally. And a candle: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=9170063

Lori Jordan
09-14-2009, 07:25 PM
Thank you all,You do not realise how much i appreciate all of this,Phesina thank you so much for the candle xx

09-14-2009, 07:50 PM
big prayers for precious Cally

Lori Jordan
09-14-2009, 07:50 PM
Here are a few photos of her resting tonight..





09-14-2009, 08:12 PM
Oh - seeing that picture, if that's her favorite napping spot, how about making a simple ramp up to it for her? A wide chunk of board, with carpet scraps tacked on for traction, though you may want to nail together a triangle ramp as just a board leaning on the chair would inevitably get knocked down by a doggie or (in my case) a human ankle.

Cinder & Smoke
09-14-2009, 08:27 PM

She seems to know how to *get comfortable*. ;)

Call the Vet's Office and ask for the Office Manager or Head Vet Tech.
Tell that person just what you said here ...

"I was frantic when i went in today.
So i did not catch but only every other word."

They should understand where you're coming from.

ASK them to print out the Doctor's case notes and then
ADD IN the layman's translation ... and then get the Doc to review
what they've done. Be sure they include his Instructions.

Ask to have the final write-up fax'd, e-mailed, or snail-mailed to you
if you can't easily stop by the office..

I've asked for this a couple of times - both Clinics we go to have done it
very willingly.

{{{Hugs}}} to you and Cally.

Lori Jordan
09-14-2009, 08:35 PM
Oh - seeing that picture, if that's her favorite napping spot, how about making a simple ramp up to it for her? A wide chunk of board, with carpet scraps tacked on for traction, though you may want to nail together a triangle ramp as just a board leaning on the chair would inevitably get knocked down by a doggie or (in my case) a human ankle.

Already done,I orderd 3 off of Ebay tonight,Its so hard to keep her from Jumping,I am hoping that she gets the hang of using them,She has actually never slept on the arm of the couch,She normally sleeps on the top of couch or my bed.

The ramps should be here by the end of the week.

Lori Jordan
09-14-2009, 08:40 PM

She seems to know how to *get comfortable*. ;)

Call the Vet's Office and ask for the Office Manager or Head Vet Tech.
Tell that person just what you said here ...

"I was frantic when i went in today.
So i did not catch but only every other word."

They should understand where you're coming from.

ASK them to print out the Doctor's case notes and then
ADD IN the layman's translation ... and then get the Doc to review
what they've done. Be sure they include his Instructions.

Ask to have the final write-up fax'd, e-mailed, or snail-mailed to you
if you can't easily stop by the office..

I've asked for this a couple of times - both Clinics we go to have done it
very willingly.

{{{Hugs}}} to you and Cally.

Thank you so much,I never even thought of that,I have been looking on the net to try and understand everything,I have not read ANYTHING i was told today,I don't know what to do,I know the bone is out,That is visable,But there being no Option?I dont see or have read that anywhere.

I am going to make her another appointment tomorrow at another vet,My vet is going on 70,I dont want to say he is a bad vet,But things do not add up to me.

Im going to do that,Im going to get the notes,and ill take them into the other vet tomorrow.Im going to be switching vets sooner or later,Doc Gray is not going to be doing this forever,I can't stand the thought of nothing can be done,to pretty much wait for something bad to happen to her,Thank you all for all your support,But i am going to get to the bottom of this,And if there is surgery that can be done,and will not harm her in anyway,It will be done,She is young 6 is not old for a feline.

Thanks Again

09-15-2009, 03:40 AM
I am so sorry to read this:(

09-15-2009, 04:21 AM
Prayers on the way for your beautiful Cally, and you too.

Lori Jordan
09-15-2009, 08:37 AM
Thank you all for you support,There is a story behind how Cally came to live with us.It was the Summer of 2003,My SIL has dozens of stray cats that live in her and her neighbors back yards,They feed them so there always there,The neighbor built a cat house for the cats so they had somewhere warm to stay,One was Cally's Mom.BUT she never brought her kittens in the house,They were in a Culvert,And Wild to boot.One day Becca found 5 I took her the hole day to catch them offcourse,I still remember my little Rebecca running around with gloves on trying to catch these Kittens.

She first caught Cally's brother who was a grey and white Manx,She started putting them in the "Cat House" one by one,Cally was the last to be caught,As soon as i seen her i wanted her!We broght her into my SIL,fed her called the vet right away and took her over,By that time they were around 7 weeks old and could be away from there mom,In the mist of all of this we were moving.So we took her over got everything done such as
shots,wormed her and of course got her treated for Flees.

So Cally came to our new home with us,We were taking care of a 2 week old kittle we found also,But sadly for whatever reason the kitten took a mouthful of "Clumping Litter" during the night,and we woke up the next morning to the baby gone,It broke our hearts,And after talking we said we would adopt another kitten from that litter and that is how Alex came into the picture,She is Cally's sister,You would not know it they look completly different.

Here is a picture of the two on our cellar stairs...

Cally is on the right,Alex on the left.

09-15-2009, 08:40 AM
I'm now just seeing this Thread and I'm glad you now know what's up with her.

I will continue to say a daily pray for Cally and hope that she will learn how to use the ramps for her own safety.
