View Full Version : Runt needs purrs please++Pretty Mama and babies update *Runt update*

09-11-2009, 09:01 PM
Well, first of all, Runt is ill. He had a high fever today, and we took him to the vet. If it had gotten any higher, he would have had brain damage. The vet gave him something to take the fever down, and gave us some antibiotics. He's pretty sure it's bacterial with how quick it came on and how high the fever got. He's already feeling better:D Thank God for antibiotics and a kickin' kitten;)

And now.....
Pretty Mama and babies:
We kept them around until they were 11 weeks old. We wanted to keep them all, but realized it was not feasible. The original plan was to keep Pretty Mama and 2 babies. During the weaning process, we let PM mingle with the other adults. She stared them all down:eek: Looked like she was going to be queen of the roost. Then, we let her meet Phoebe, our CH baby. It went well the first time. The next time we were letting all the adults mingle, Pretty Mama attacked Phoebe:mad: That don't float around here. So, we took PM and two babies to our local shelter, it's a good one. We ended up keeping Runt and Piggy. Lyle aka Bubby is already taking to them. He's our mister nanny:D

PS. Runt's not so runty anymore :D He's got hair, a collar, and is about the same size as Piggy.

Pinot's Mom
09-14-2009, 06:37 PM
OH- I just saw this! Come on, Runt - you can beat this, sweetie!!

Keep us updated!!!

09-14-2009, 06:42 PM
How is little Runt coming along? Prayers for Runt are on the way.

09-14-2009, 10:55 PM
The next morning, he was running and pouncing like normal. That's a kitten for you;) We think it may have been food poisoning or a 24hr thing, but we're finishing the antibiotics. We seem to have a bad run of luck with male kittens. Lyle had 3 abcesses in 5 months, as a kitten "scar-butt". Had another male kitten years ago (DC) he got a foot abcess, then broke his leg. So, we're PRAYING Runt will break the pattern. Of course, he's already broken his leg and now the bacteria:eek:

09-15-2009, 07:05 AM
Runt is a fighter! He sounds so adorable. I hope he continues to get better and beats this illness.

09-20-2009, 07:40 PM
Runt is doing just fine:D He's running around and being a terrible toddler now:rolleyes: I love babies, but am soooo happy when they get out of the "EVERYTHING is a toy for teeth and claws" stage:p

PS. I'll start posting pics in the general forum of the growing babies later;)

09-21-2009, 08:55 AM
So glad to hear the good news about Runt! I can't wait to see pics! I miss having a kitten around, but I know what you mean with the teeth and claws, especially the male kittens!