View Full Version : Lily's vet visit

09-08-2009, 01:07 PM
Lily went to the vet today. She's been dewormed, and her teeth were checked. I cannot give her any pills here at home, it's absolutely impossible to medicate her, but it works at the vet's. Also, she's going to have a dental cleaning sooner or later.

She was such a good girl! While she was still crying in the car, she behaved very well in the vet's office. She was so relaxed that she laid down on the table and purred. She made the new vet tech fall in love with her! :)

This was her in her carrier today:



09-08-2009, 01:19 PM
What a good girl you are, Lily! :) Does Lily have to take any medicine?

Fister agrees, the trip to the vet - or aywhere, is no fun. He's going for his yearly check-up very soon. I had actually booked for friday, but have to cancel it, as I'm going for a Mammografi that day. So... next week!

09-08-2009, 01:20 PM
Hi Lily,
I'm happy to know that your check up with the vet went well. Our hoomins don't understand why we get upset going to see the vet but that's a kitty thing. Meowmie always says that Doctor is my friend and wants to make sure I stay healthy and strong. By the way, we're planning another Catmobile adventure and I hope you and Luna will join us for lots of fun and party time.

Your friend,

09-08-2009, 01:34 PM
Randi, luckily Lily doesn't have to take any meds, and it better stays that way! I'm glad that it's easy to medicate Luna, as she has to take pills every day!
Good luck for your mammography! I had one myself today! :)

Groucho, Luna and Lily will gladly join the catmobile adeventure! :) And they agree with you 100% re. vet visits! :D


09-08-2009, 01:58 PM
Groucho, Luna and Lily will gladly join the catmobile adeventure! :)

Lily and Luna, I'm so happy that you'll be joining us on our next Catmobile trip.We always have a whole lot of fun. We'll work out transportation for you. I'll be in touch as things develop.

Your friend,

Edwina's Secretary
09-08-2009, 04:37 PM
She was such a good girl! While she was still crying in the car, she behaved very well in the vet's office. She was so relaxed that she laid down on the table and purred. She made the new vet tech fall in love with her! :)

Oh that sounds exactly like Edwina when she goes to the vet....NOT:rolleyes::rolleyes: Love is not exactly the feeling the vet techs develop about my girl!

Good girl Lily!

09-08-2009, 07:09 PM
Awwww, sweet Lily! You have another adoring fan at the veterinarian's office, beautiful girl!

09-09-2009, 01:29 AM
I'm glad that she was such a good girl at the vets. Hopefully she'll continue to remain a happy and healthy cat.:) My cats are usually so scared at the vets that the vet and vet techs can do pretty much anything to them without any problems.;)

09-09-2009, 03:02 PM
Thanks! :) It's true, if I ever saw a happy kitty in my life, it would be Lily! :love:
