View Full Version : Bentley the beautiful Lab!

09-03-2009, 07:51 AM
Be still my Labbie loving heart!:love: Good morning beautiful Bentley, happy Labbie Dog of the Day to you! Me and my Labbie girl Star are doing one major happy dance, thudding and swooning all over the place, seeing a handsome Retriever hunk name Bentely being honored here today! So, you're Mommy thought all Labs were "like that?":rolleyes::D Your beloved predecessor Spencer was definitely a one of a kind Labbie, being so mellow and laid back; how blessed they were to have had such a precious furkid in their lives those many years!:) All of my Labs have been more of the "Bentley" mode!:D Nothing like the unbridled exuberance and goofy antics of a Lab to help heal the heart; keeping us smiling and laughing non stop, as your family now knows!

So many of us here know of the indescribable heartbreak your parents experienced after the passing of your much missed, beloved predecessor Spencer; their "boy". I thought my heart would never heal, that my life would never be the same after my beloved heart Lab Jingles left for the Bridge. But just months after her passing in came bouncing this insane, goofy, life loving bundle of Labbie energy named Star, and suddenly my life was bright and filled with joy again! Lucky for you and your family that your former people were either unable or unwilling to commit to the non stop energy and Velcro-ness of a Lab. As is said, their loss is yours and your family's huge, priceless gain!:love: Keep up the good work sweetheart, bringing so much joy and happiness to your people and all who know and love and you! I hope for you and your proud Mom and Dad a very happy, fun and adventure filled, Labalicious Dog of the Day celebration, and a lifetime of shared unconditional love and loyal companionship! Hugs and smoochies, woofs and wags to you beautiful Bentley, from me and my Lab Star!:love::love::love:

09-03-2009, 12:55 PM
Bentley, you are one handsome boy! Enjoy your DOTD status! :)

09-03-2009, 01:02 PM
Good afternoon, and a Happy Dog of the Day to you, Bentley!:D I too have lost babies to the every present time. NO animal can take another's place, and they should never ever have to try. Each baby is unique. Each baby brings something special to their homes. You bring more than your human Mom expected. GOOD!! :love: You have given your human family the knowledge that loving again isn't just possible, it is necessary. You are a gorgeous, energetic, sweet boy. I could not wish any more for someone with a broken heart. You just keep, jumping, Baby Bentley, and keep landing right on their hearts!:D That is the thing that Wolfenstein did for me. I wish that for all people who have lost babies. You have a WONDERFUL, fun filled, happy, healthy life, and know that your Mom loves you with all her heart. Kisses for that stunningly handsome face.:love:

09-03-2009, 04:20 PM
Hello Bentley,

It's good to meet you boy.:love: You sure are a handsome pup. Your
family is lucky you found them.:D You were just in time to help them
ease the loss of Spencer.I hope you continue a happy, healthy life
for a long,long time sweetie. Congratulations on being chosen as our
delightful DOG OF THE DAY. Sending out lots of hugs & kisses.:)

sasha the cat
09-03-2009, 05:22 PM
Bently, enjoy being star dog of the day. With the love you bring to your people making you uber special, we wish you'd come to our Palace and visit. Even though we're cautious with dogs, we'd make an exception for you.

Have a great day and a wonderful life with the humans who love you so much -- love and good homes is what every pet deserves.

You are so cute! :love::love::love::love::love:

Daisy and Delilah
09-03-2009, 07:54 PM
Hi there, big boy!! You are so handsome. We couldn't let another minute pass without saying hello and offering congrats. What a surprise it was to find you after your family's loss of their beloved Spencer. Spencer sounds like a wonderful boy. We're 100% sure you are a wonderful boy too. Just a little bit different than Spencer. You sound like a true Labbie boy. Full of energy and fun. Please except our congrats on your big day today. Ask the family to deliver tons of kisses to you from us. Happiness always!!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Rainy Florida :cool: :cool: