View Full Version : Just When You Think Things Couldn't Get Worse

K & L
09-01-2009, 06:48 PM
OK, so we lost Gabby, Shadow had teeth/mouth surgery, Bo just got out of the hospital, only to have Sable (mom cat) there today. Sadly she has come down with the same throat condition as Gabby.:( They will be running more tests to try and figure out just what this is and what is causing it. It's all so scary and expensive. If this continues we will have to make some pretty sad decisions and choices. We have over 30 cats and no way can afford vet bills for all. Shadow was over $700, Bo was over $600, Gabby was montly shot of $30, and Blaze has an issue we have to medicate with monthly also.

Unfortunately a lot of our cats are getting up in the years, at least 10 - 13 and more and more will begin to happen. :( Let's hope Sable has a stronger immune system since she is much younger than Gabby was.

All blood work is coming back fine with all cats. Cultures are a different story.

09-01-2009, 06:55 PM
Is there something that could be put in the food or something to boost the immune systems?

How awfully sad...I hope it stops with Sable, and that she and Bo recover.

Maybe the cheapest route (relatively speaking) would be to put them all on antibiotics?

HUGS and PRAYERS!!!:love::love::love:

K & L
09-01-2009, 06:59 PM
Is there something that could be put in the food or something to boost the immune systems?

How awfully sad...I hope it stops with Sable, and that she and Bo recover.

Maybe the cheapest route (relatively speaking) would be to put them all on antibiotics?

HUGS and PRAYERS!!!:love::love::love:

That might not be a bad idea. Waiting now for Kevin to get home from the vet and hope for at least some better news!

09-01-2009, 07:57 PM
Is there something that could be put in the food or something to boost the immune systems?


I am so sorry to hear of the troubles. And I understand totally. Prayers for everyone.

09-01-2009, 08:41 PM
Yes, I think Catty1's idea is a good one. It would probably be less expensive to get some Clindamycin and administer it yourself to your cats but Convenia is great. One injection and they're good for two weeks. I can definitely sympathize w/you and the vet expense. It comes in waves here. We go for a while w/no problems and then suddenly several get sick at once. The vet bills become crippling at times. I do hope that things improve for you and your furkids soon. Keep the faythe. :)

09-01-2009, 10:23 PM
I'm so sorry for all your cats health problems, I know how you feel on a much smaller scale. I have a fraction of the cats you have and they have had alot of health issues. I was going to suggest L-lysine but I see someone already did, it's suposed to boost the immune system.

30 cats! wow, how do you have the room for them? seems like you could almost register as a cat rescue, and then I wonder if there are places where you could apply for some financial help? just a thought, I don't know how many cats are considered a rescue.

have you talked to the vets, maybe they can help you with the payments, let you pay the bills off on a monthly basis?

Prairie Purrs
09-01-2009, 10:38 PM
I'm so sorry. Fear over the kitties' health and anxiety over money is a horrible combination.

I hope that Sable can shake off her illness and that the vet figures out a way to stop it from spreading.

09-01-2009, 11:00 PM
Lisa, consider the Convenia shot that Mary mentioned. Could a vet visit and give them all the one-time 2 week shot?

Or even come outside and do them in their carriers while they are in your vehicle?


K & L
09-02-2009, 04:51 AM
The vets are feeling a bit confused over all this. Gabby had this for quite some time and now all of a sudden Sable has come down with it. The confusion is where did it start (cats are indoor only) and who/what is the host. We will all be working on solving this and hopefuly no others come down with it. Sable does seem to be handling it a bit better than Gabby. She at least has the desire to eat where Gabby didn't.

K & L
09-02-2009, 04:54 AM
I'm so sorry for all your cats health problems, I know how you feel on a much smaller scale. I have a fraction of the cats you have and they have had alot of health issues. I was going to suggest L-lysine but I see someone already did, it's suposed to boost the immune system.

30 cats! wow, how do you have the room for them? seems like you could almost register as a cat rescue, and then I wonder if there are places where you could apply for some financial help? just a thought, I don't know how many cats are considered a rescue.

have you talked to the vets, maybe they can help you with the payments, let you pay the bills off on a monthly basis?

Actually our vets have given/gives us breaks wherever possible.

As far a room, we have a large outside cat run that they have access to along with the garage and the inside house. We have those that want nothing to do with coming in the house and will stay mainly between the garage (which has an a/c, food, water, beds) and the cat run. Surprisingly it all works out well.:) This is a very old picture but will give you an idea what the cat run looks like
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8dc26b3127ccec31a985c3f6a00000010O02Abs2jNq5Zsg e3nwk/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/

And here's Sable
http://im1.shutterfly.com/media/47b8df10b3127ccec36aa0eae18f00000010O02Abs2jNq5Zsg e3nwk/cC/f%3D0/ps%3D50/r%3D0/rx%3D550/ry%3D400/

09-02-2009, 12:31 PM
Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear this.:( Hopefully you'll be able to find out what's causing it. I feel overwhelmed by my 5 cats at times so I can't even imagine how you're feeling right now. Things will get better. Lots more prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

09-02-2009, 01:25 PM
I'm sorry you are going through this now Lisa, and I know just how you feel. You desperately want to give your cats the very best but that can run into thousands of dollars, especially when you are waging war on something ill defined. I feel guilty every time I spend more (often much more) on a foster than I should because the shelter won't, and then one of my own needs a visit to the vet. I'm forced to medicate them myself and hope for the best until the next pay check. I just had to borrow money from a cat rescue friend to pay for Maeve's extractions (which were done at a cheap spay/neuter vet she knows and trusts) because I'd shelled out nearly $1,000 on a foster. It can get very depressing and definitely frightening. This afternoon I need to leave early because I have to dig a grave for a foster who was with me only 10 days. I hate, hate doing that but I can't spend money on private cremation when it's needed for general care.

I'm hoping for the very best for Sable - isn't she the mom cat you rescued along with two kittens, one of them called Gable, or am I getting things mixed up?

I've had two viruses in my home that kept going through several of the cats at a time, coming in waves, and they each started with one cat. The vomiting/no appetite virus was Sam's Virus, and the copious violent sneezing snot flying up the walls one was Taranis' Virus. The second one has cost me a fortune in vet fees though it seems to be in abeyance at present. Here's hoping this virus wave of yours will pass soon.

09-02-2009, 04:37 PM
I will have to ask my Vet about L Lysine and Covenia Shots for Michael 18, Princess 18 and JJJ3 16.
And Of Course the Kitten trio and any New Found Cats too.
This is such a good site , as I have never heard of those options before!!

K & L
09-02-2009, 06:10 PM
I'm sorry you are going through this now Lisa, and I know just how you feel. You desperately want to give your cats the very best but that can run into thousands of dollars, especially when you are waging war on something ill defined. I feel guilty every time I spend more (often much more) on a foster than I should because the shelter won't, and then one of my own needs a visit to the vet. I'm forced to medicate them myself and hope for the best until the next pay check. I just had to borrow money from a cat rescue friend to pay for Maeve's extractions (which were done at a cheap spay/neuter vet she knows and trusts) because I'd shelled out nearly $1,000 on a foster. It can get very depressing and definitely frightening. This afternoon I need to leave early because I have to dig a grave for a foster who was with me only 10 days. I hate, hate doing that but I can't spend money on private cremation when it's needed for general care.

I'm hoping for the very best for Sable - isn't she the mom cat you rescued along with two kittens, one of them called Gable, or am I getting things mixed up?

I've had two viruses in my home that kept going through several of the cats at a time, coming in waves, and they each started with one cat. The vomiting/no appetite virus was Sam's Virus, and the copious violent sneezing snot flying up the walls one was Taranis' Virus. The second one has cost me a fortune in vet fees though it seems to be in abeyance at present. Here's hoping this virus wave of yours will pass soon.

I'm sorry for you also. It's not easy rescuing and trying to come up with funds when things go wrong. Sadly it seems it comes in waves. We haven't had issues for a long time and now all this!

Yes Sable was rescued with her 2 kittens Gable and Garbo. They all still reside here and have been some of our most pleasant rescues. All very loving.

K & L
09-03-2009, 06:09 AM
Woo Hoo...Sable ate dry food this morning!! All I've been able to get down her is baby food. Yee Haw....

09-03-2009, 09:26 AM
All good wishes and prayers for Sable, and all your cats, to be well. That sounds promising that Sable ate some grownup food this morning.

09-03-2009, 08:07 PM
Paws crossed for Sable to overcome what ails her and be up and about and into her usual routine in no time.

And for no others to catch "what ever it is."

Hugs to you and Kevin.

K & L
09-05-2009, 08:59 AM
It's still touch and go with Sable. One day she'll eat and the next she won't. She is now hanging her head at the water bowl. I conveyed this to our vet yesterday and he said the shots she is given makes them more thirsty and urinate more. Her blood work came back excellent so no worries of diabetes or anything.

The good thing is she is so easy to pill. I just keep popping antibiotics and pain meds and hope she gets through this. So far no symptoms in the others so one can only hope.

09-05-2009, 09:08 AM
When you say that Sable is hanging her head, do you mean as a horse does and as my Boo did? See attached pic. In this pic it appears as though he's looking at something but he isn't. He sat w/his head hanging like this and my vet felt that it was because he was in pain. The Metacam helps a lot but he still does it on occasion. I sure hope that your sweet Sable isn't in too much pain. :love:

K & L
09-05-2009, 09:31 AM
When you say that Sable is hanging her head, do you mean as a horse does and as my Boo did? See attached pic. In this pic it appears as though he's looking at something but he isn't. He sat w/his head hanging like this and my vet felt that it was because he was in pain. The Metacam helps a lot but he still does it on occasion. I sure hope that your sweet Sable isn't in too much pain. :love:

No it's not quite like that. Also we do have her on pain meds. She actually is laying down with chin rested on edge of water bowl. It's like she's thirsty and doesn't want to venture too far. She isn't doing it all the time, but I hadn't noticed this until after the vet visit. I do believe it may have to do with the shot making her more thirsty. I didn't realize this until our vet explained it could have that effect.

09-05-2009, 12:15 PM
More prayers and love, and a candle for Sable too: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=9110500

09-05-2009, 12:18 PM
And one for you and all your household, K&L: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=9110512

09-05-2009, 01:48 PM
I hope that Sable continues to improve and will recover quickly. Lots more prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.