View Full Version : Torque

08-29-2009, 06:52 AM
We work with pits and Im pretty sure there maybe some pit in that dog. I love that face what a lucky dog!!

08-29-2009, 09:03 AM
Good morning dear Torque. I'm so happy that you got rescued and now have a loving forever home. Sounds like you're a bit of a mommy's boy and that's okay. It's nice to be cuddled isn't it, and who could resist a good belly rub. Wishing you lots of hugs and treats and long happy life. Congratulations Torque, on being our DOTD.

Daisy and Delilah
08-29-2009, 11:01 AM
What a handsome lad we have as our DOTD today!!! Rescue doggies make the best companions!! You are no exception, Mr. Torquemeister. We're in love with your sweet, black and white, facie. Such a gentle sweetheart of a boy and so grateful you have your forever family. That big smile is adorable. Kudos to your family for saving you. Congrats on your big day. We send kisses and treats for your kong toy. Please tell the family to do the honors for us and deliver those kisses. Happiness always!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny, Very Hot, Florida :cool: :cool:

08-29-2009, 12:02 PM
Your eyes! That did it for me - and melted my heart.

Congratulations Torque - you are a well deserving Dog of the Day!

08-29-2009, 01:04 PM
Happy Dog of the Day to you, precious Torque! Seeing your beautiful, sweet, smiling face up on my monitor, reading of the great joy and love you bring to your family's life, is the perfect *sunshiny* remedy for my cool, dreary, rainy day!:) We cannot thank your parents enough for taking a chance on you, for going the rescue route, "long distance," no less! Better still, they're hooked on rescue; as the saying goes, you can't stop at just one!;) What a life, accompanying your Dad to work each day, proudly taking your rightful spot next to him in your truck. Then, after a hard day's work, snuggling up next to your Mom for an evening of love and belly rubs. Now that's what I call living the good life!:cool: How blessed you are to have found your way to such a loving forever home; how blessed is your family, having a best friend and loving companion in you!:)

Much love and bunches of hugs and belly rubs to you on your much deserved day of honor, precious Torque! Hope you and your wonderful family enjoy a very happy and fun filled day of celebration!:love::love::love:

08-29-2009, 04:39 PM
Hi Torque, What a handsome fella you are. I am so happy to know
you are a rescue boy.:love: They are the best.It's so nice to see what
a great family you have Torque. Congratulations on being our celebrated
DOG OF THE DAY.:) Enjoy a long, happy and healthy life sweetheart.

08-29-2009, 06:49 PM
Torgue, Happy Dog of the Day to you! :love: You are just SO very handsome. :)I am very happy that someone came to your rescue. :D You deserve a wonderful life filled with love and companionship. :love: I hope that you have seen the worse life can throw at you, and ONLY the best is yet to come. Have a terrific evening, and have some fun and a few tasty treats!:love: