View Full Version : Delilah has a new home

08-26-2009, 02:25 PM
I am sad to tell everyone, that we had to find a new home for Delilah, Samson's sister. We brought Delilah home on November 1, 2008, after she was rescued from a farm. Delilah has never settled in with the Clan, and lately had been returning to very feral behavior. She is in a wonderful place, the vet tech that rescued her, is now her new Mom. We think Delilah will be happier there, where she will be the QUEEN, as an only cat....I tried to upload a photo of her, but it would not work....Godspeed dear Delilah, I miss you little face when I go into the cat room....Laura will keep us posted on how she is doing.....Sandra

08-26-2009, 02:50 PM
Sonetines Sandra, a Cat who is feral will just not fit in at all.
I had to relocate Two Ctas , Roscoe the Orange Cat because he has no litter box skills.
And Smoke who was big and mean and drew blood when the Found Cats came near her.
We pray that Delilah will be at home where she will have a Guardian all to herself!
You gave her a good try out, thats all we Cat Lovers can do!!!

08-26-2009, 04:11 PM
:) Some cats just work out & some dont.. Glad she is in a better place & will be happy.. Good for you for seeing this & letting her go..

08-26-2009, 04:54 PM
Sometimes it's necessary, Sandra, to rehome a cat. It isn't as though you turned her out on the street. Delilah is going to be living w/a vet tech, so you know she's going to be getting good care and lots of love. :love:

08-26-2009, 06:07 PM
Thanks all for your support! We did try Bach Flower Remedies, homeopathy, and a medication to help Delilah....Laura sent me an email. Delilah is under the bed, and did NOT eatthis morning.....Laura asked Delilah to please use the litterbox, scope out the house, and she what she could do about the mice that is very comfortable in the house!!!

08-26-2009, 07:17 PM
Cassie stayed under my sofa for the first two days she was home. My sister lifted it up so I could check on her - and she peed on the carpet, poor widdle one. She didn't even come out to use the litter box till I was not home on the third day.

Big prayers for Delilah to adjust to her new home as an "only" kitty.

08-27-2009, 07:00 AM
Another message from Laura. Delilah heard the sound of canned food on the dish, and out she came!!! Both Laura and I know it takes time to adjust to a new place!!!

Pinot's Mom
08-27-2009, 07:58 AM
You did what you could, obviously, to try to socialize her into your household. It wasn't right after almost a year - you did the right thing and she'll be much better off for it. Bless you for trying, and for realizing you had to do what was best for her.

08-27-2009, 11:56 AM
I'm sorry to know Delilah had to go, but it's great to know she has a new home where she'll be only child and get all the love she deserves, hopefully she'll adjust soon.

My best wishes for her and big hugs to you:love:

08-28-2009, 09:40 AM
Hugs to you, Sandra. You did what is best for Delilah, and sometimes that hurts. She is in a nice place, and safe. Her future still looks bright. Good job, you did for her what she needed!

Love the updates, the one about the canned food, lol. She may not like feline company, but she knows she has it good, loving that smelly canned stuff! ;) Bet she'll do fine, takes time.

08-30-2009, 02:50 PM
Sandra, you are to be commended for putting Delilah's needs as the top priority. You did what had to be done to ensure her happiness. Sounds like the adjustment is going well and she's going to be just fine.

08-31-2009, 07:17 AM
I'm glad to hear that Delilah found a wonderful home :)

Sometimes things just don't work out but it sounds like she is going to be just fine.
