View Full Version : It's Ziggy's 3rd Gotcha Day Tomorrow&It Would've Been Starr's 4th Gotcha Day On Thurs

08-26-2009, 01:43 AM
I can't believe that Ziggy has now been with me for 3 years as of 8-26-09. I adopted her from the same place where I got my Pearl which was from K & L another PT'er.:) She's pretty much the complete opposite of Pearl which is a good thing because if I had 2 Pearl's there would be trouble and a lot of fighting in my household. Ziggy has grown into a very large beautiful cat. The only thing tiny about her is her wee widdle high pitched voice. The one thing that she and Pearl have in common other than their place of birth and foster home is that they are mama's girls and they both like to talk to me although Pearl is way more chatier.

HAPPY 3rd GOTCHA DAY ZIGGY STARDUST!!! I hope you'll have many more to come. I love you baby sweetie.:love:

Wee Widdle Ziggy:

Large Grown Up Ziggy:

On a sad note, Thursday Aug. 27th would have been Starr's 4th gotcha day.:( As most of you know, I had to put him to sleep on July 1st because his health was declining and he was having more bad days than good ones. I hope he knows how much I love and miss him. I know he's now in a better place because now he's pain free and able to run and play like a cat should. I'll always love you Peepers.:love:

Pinot's Mom
08-26-2009, 08:02 AM
Happy Gotcha Day, Ziggy!:D
It was a great day when you were adopted by your family - a loving, caring and fun environment to be sure!

Have a great day, sweetie!!

08-26-2009, 01:34 PM
Happy Gotcha Day, Ziggy :)
My- you have a beautiful crew, Tracey :)
And I'll never forget Starr.:(

08-26-2009, 01:47 PM
Happy Gotcha Day, sweet Ziggy! :)

And yes, Barbara is right, we will forget your beautiful Starr here on PT!


08-26-2009, 02:08 PM
And in Switzerland Starr Angel is gathering up treats from Switzerland, Germant, Austria , France and Italy to bring to Ziggy Stardust for thier Gotcha Day Celebrations!!!
That will be a Gala Affait, and Your Family will be there, as Starrs love will never truly go away as long as you have your memoroies , as the love between Our Cats and Us can never die.
It just goes on a short hiatus until our One Fine Day,:love::love::love:

Felicia's Mom
08-26-2009, 03:52 PM
Happy Gotcha day Ziggy Stardust!:D

08-26-2009, 03:57 PM
I love Ziggy's eyes, they make her so unique! Starr knows you still love and miss him.:love: He is just making everything perfect for when everyone joins him where there is no more pain, sadness, or seperations!:)

08-26-2009, 07:22 PM
Happy, happy Gotcha Day, beautiful Ziggy Stardust! And Starr, you are much loved and missed :love:.

08-26-2009, 08:13 PM
HAPPY G-DAY #3, ZIGGY! Looks like you not only grew up, you poofed out, too!

AND HAPPY MEMORIES ON STARR'S G-DAY #4! Starr and all the other angels will be celebrating right along with you!

Boy, this is sure party week in the krazyaboutkatz household..