View Full Version : Mikey's Faux Declaw

08-23-2009, 10:18 AM
Mikey's going home with my daughter today (as is Mystic) and I finished as much of his faux declaw as I could. She'll bring him home next weekend for further trimming, but I think I got far enough to appease the landlord.... should they ever perform a random claw check.

I trimmed a little too much today and got some blood :( but it needed to be done. A little blood now is nothing compared to a complete declaw!

He says "back away with the clippers!"

Seriously... I'm gonna miss the M&M boys. I have a couple photos of them to upload, but I'll do so after work (I'm late as it is :o)

08-23-2009, 02:56 PM
I have to declaw once in a blue moon. Michael, JJJ3 and My Princess are all right, but theres no way I can catch the Kitten Trio , and I hope that they never get anything like an ingrow claw , as I couldnt catch them at all!!!

08-23-2009, 04:12 PM
Will this procedure need to be done on a consistent basis, or will this be it? Thank goodness my landord is a cat lover! She would never make anyone declaw their cats!:D

08-23-2009, 05:48 PM
Will this procedure need to be done on a consistent basis, or will this be it?

He'll have to have frequent nail trims. Its nothing more than a regular nail trim, with the nail cut so far back that the vein isn't showing. It took me 3 weeks of constant trimming to get the vein to be pushed back like that. I only nipped the vein a teeny bit today. If I hadn't done it gradually, we'd have had aa majorly bloody paw, because the vein would have been so thick.

He HATES having his nails trimmed, but its something he has to have done in order to have the nice home he's getting. :)

I miss him, and he's only been gone a few hours.

08-23-2009, 06:03 PM
Excellent work! :cool:

08-23-2009, 09:45 PM
My boys have never attempted to scratch me or the furniture, but I trim their claws back about once a month.

08-24-2009, 12:01 AM
I'm glad to hear that both boys will be able to have a home with your daughter.:) Please continue to keep us updated about them. I've never been able to trim my cats nails that short. I usually trim them at least once a month or as needed.