View Full Version : Madison

08-18-2009, 01:31 AM
My Dear Madison, you look so very majestic in you photograph and absolutely beautiful. What a blessed day it was when your people found you...it was a big blessing for them and for you. It warms my heart to know of such wonderfully bonded love that your story portrays.

08-18-2009, 08:49 AM
You have top wonder how someone can leave a puppy tied to a tree with no food or water! (That's why there are shelters.)Thanks goodness, you came along and rescued her. She now has a good home with lots of love, which she so abundently returns. Enjoy her for many years to come.

Nancy A

08-18-2009, 10:27 AM
Madison - I am so glad that you were discovered tied to that tree! Whoever did that to you should be flogged! So - kudos on being the Dog of the Day, pretty girl! :love::love::love:

08-18-2009, 10:49 AM
Thank you for your story, Madison. As I sit here crying for the pain you endured, I also cry for joy that someone so very special saved you. :love: I am always amazed that ANYONE could do something so very horrible! :( You are just stunning! I love Shepherds, and you are a perfect example! Your ears are perky with curiosity, your mask is gorgeous, and your smile tells how happy you are. :):love: You deserve to be Dog of the Day EVERY day for your human, and I am sure you are! Congratulations on your day, and spend it having fun with the neighborhood kids, and your beloved human. Kisses for that beautiful nose from me, and doggie kisses from the Wolfman!:love::)


08-18-2009, 11:05 AM
Good morning Madison! A very happy Dog of the Day to you!:love: What a beautiful, magnificent GSD you are! Your photos take my breath away! Majestic IS the perfect word to describe you!:) How anyone could be so unbelievably cruel and heartless as to leave a defenseless animal tied to a tree without food or water is beyond my comprehension.:(:mad: I think there's no doubting what your fate would have been were it not for your guardian angel coming to your rescue! Your human may not have thought she wanted a dog in her life at the time but you know, we humans can be a little slow at times (unlike you smarte than smart GSDs)!:p And in the end your story couldn't have had a happier ending, for you and for your wonderful human...as your person has said, "the rest is history!":cool: How blessed is your family, your person, having a beautiful, gentle, loving "best friend to all" in you! I hope you enjoy a very special and love filled day beautiful girl, celebrating your well earned reign with your devoted guardian and all of your adoring friends and fans, especially the young ones! Bunches of hugs and kisses to you, beautiful Madison!:love::love::love:

Daisy and Delilah
08-18-2009, 11:24 AM
We will be happy on the day that misfortune comes back to the monster that left you. That is absolutely unthinkable!!:mad: Such a beautiful little girl, left to fend for herself. This is so disturbing. We're thrilled to hear that your forever family came along and saved you from that terrible situation. Truly, a match made in heaven. You have to be one of the prettiest GSD's we've ever seen. A good girl too. No wonder your Mom loves you so much. Congrats to you on your big day today as our most deserving DOTD!! Please tell Mom to shower you with kisses from us to help celebrate. We love your pictures!! Happiness always and thanks to your Mom for saving you!!:love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Hot, Sunny, Florida :cool: :cool:

08-18-2009, 11:36 AM
God bless you, Madison. It still amazes me that people have no compassion, how anyone could leave an animal tied to a tree left to die, is beyond me. I'm so glad you found your lucky human. My dog, Zoe, was dog of the day back on June 21, 2002. All dogs are special but enjoy this day!!

08-18-2009, 04:25 PM
Hi Madison,

What a gorgeous girl you are.:love: It makes me so happy to know what
a great life you have now. I would scoop you up in a minute, if I had found
you.:) Big congratulations on being chosen as DOG OF THE DAY.:) I think
you could very easily be a dog of a lifetime. Sending lots of cyber hugs and
kisses too.:)