View Full Version : Revenge

08-10-2009, 07:54 PM
My mom had cataract surgery so I went to stay with her for a few weeks, to help with eyedrops, housework, and cooking. She's doing great, so I came home on Saturday.

While I was away, my superlative next door neighbor took good care of my cats, but still they didn't appreciate being left.

How could I tell? When I got home I found they had thrown up hairballs on the rug, the bedspread, and in one of my shoes (one of my favorite shoes, of course).

Don't tell me they didn't do it on purpose.

08-10-2009, 08:36 PM
I honestly do not think pets have the ability to reason that way. They could have been missing you and hanging out with your personal belongings that smelled like you and your favorites would most likely have a strong scent from you. Your neighbor/friend most likely did not clean up the hairballs like you would on a regular basis.

08-10-2009, 09:23 PM
I don't know, if I'm gone for a day or two (or sometimes as long as it takes to take the garbage out) my girls can get pretty whacked out. Pieces of dried poop on the floor, cords chewed (which they don't do if I'm home), toilet paper rolls all over the place... I think they get pissy and weird and decide to take revenge. :)

08-10-2009, 09:28 PM
Erp just doubles or triples her shedding if she is angry or stressed. Maybe with Erp the 2 are related.

Laura's Babies
08-10-2009, 09:53 PM
I had a cat that use to run straight to Ries bed and pee on it everytime I treated her for fleas.. I eventually learned to shut the door to her room before I did the flea treatment.. This was also the same cat that use to shut my alarm clock off so she could wake me up every morning.. (YES! The CAT DID IT!)

Now, my babies now KNOW I leave them but I leave them HERE, at HOME. They like that over what I use to do before when they had to go somewhere else while I was gone. They hated that far, far worse... so they are GLAD to be here without me. Other than the normal everyday accident (Amy) and throwing up the fur ball (Giz), Boo's shedding... they are happy to be here and don't make a mess or destroy the house..

They WILL pee on my luggage if I leave it where they can get to it, they know when that comes out, it is time for me to leave them...

08-11-2009, 05:35 PM
The only time I was away from the Found Cats with hospitization they didnt get angry at all, they really didnt even see to miss me all that much.
The one who missed me most was Moose the MagnifiCat:love::love: , and thats fair as I sure miss My Moose!!