View Full Version : Ringo

07-31-2009, 06:45 AM
Hi Ringo...........I bet you are a treasure. You are so handsome. I
would love to give you a hug but since I can't your mom can give you one for me and a doggie cookie. Congratulations on DOTD.:love::love::love:

A Dog Lover:love:

Daisy and Delilah
07-31-2009, 07:49 AM
You are a treasure all right!!! You have the name of our Mom's favorite Beatle, Ringo Starr. Get it? Your name is Ringo and you are a star??!! A star to your family every day and our DOTD today, starring in our limelight at Pet Talk. We know the love and devotion associated with Goldens. You are some of the greatest guys on the planet. We have a big nephew in North Carolina that could pass as your twin. His facie is starting to turn white too. It adds character and even more beauty. You have all of his lovely traits. Enjoy your day today as our wonderful DOTD!! Thanks to your family for rescueing you. All of you really hit the jackpot. Please tell Mom to give you kisses from us to help in the celebration. How about some cookies too? Happiness always, handsome boy!!!:love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Hot, Steamy, Rainy, Florida :cool: :cool:

07-31-2009, 08:34 AM
Good morning Ringo and a very, very happy Dog of the Day to you! What a gorgeous Golden guy are Ringo, inside and out! I say it so often here but it's the truth. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing a beautiful, seasoned citizen crowned Dog of the Day, and a rescued senior at that!:love: We can't thank your family enough for not only going the rescue route, but choosing an adult/senior to boot!!!:love: It saddens me to think that you had to be re-homed, just as you were hitting your stride. But oh boy, didn't you land in the happiest, most loving of homes!:cool: AND they kept your name!!! I think that's wonderful, and what's not to love about that name anyway!;) So you're a stuffie lover, are you? Never met a Retriever yet that wasn't, though unlike my girl Star, you don't leave them gutless!:D Thanks to your family for sharing your heartwarming, inspirational story with us; it really was a treat meeting you! As your Mommy says, you truly are a treasure, and life is most definitely better with a Golden by your side! Enjoy your well earned day of honor, precious boy! I hope you and your wonderful family enjoy the happiest day of celebration, and many more happy, peaceful, love filled years together! Hugs and kisses to you, beautiful Ringo!:love::love::love: Oh, please have your Mom give you an extra treat for me today, at the 3pm snack call!:)

07-31-2009, 10:38 AM
Good morning, and Happy Dog of the Day to you, Ringo. I was very happy to hear that you were rescued from a lonely life.:love: You deserve better. I think you are a beautiful boy and I can tell that you are very loved:love: I think your humans are good people, and I can't imagine what might have happened if thy had not found you.:confused: But they did. How wonderful for you to have a home where you are loved and looked after properly:cool:, and how great for your humans to have found such a precious gift as you.:love: Have a great day filled with chipmonk chasing and don't forget the occasional treat.:D:love:

07-31-2009, 12:54 PM
Congrats to Ringo, you obviously deserve to be recognized as Dog of the Day since you are such a special boy. And kudos to your special family for being willing to take in a "mature" dog. I work in Boxer rescue and the seniors are always so hard to place, but to me they are the best of them all. You are both very lucky to have each other.

07-31-2009, 01:47 PM
What a sweetheart and handsome to boot! Glad you found a wonderful new home, Ringo. I also adopted a senior dog. Mickey was 8 or 9 (previous owner wasn't sure) when I brought her to live w/me. She's about 13 now and still going strong. I would definitely adopt a senior dog again.

07-31-2009, 04:30 PM
Hi Ringo,

You are a very handsome pup & a sweetheart too. I am so happy
to know a new family found you for their own.:) Seniors are the best.
I love all of your pictures, especially the one with your stuffies included.:)
Congratulations on being our very special DOG OF THE DAY.:love: Sending
lots of cyber hugs & kisses for your sweet Golden face Ringo.:)

07-31-2009, 06:46 PM
ringo, your pictures made me smile as i recall my first sugar faced golden angel duke. he came to me as a older dog, too. one of the best decisions i ever made bringing duke home with us...sweet memories...ear rubs and a kiss on your nose

07-31-2009, 07:41 PM
Such a handsome face gazing out at me for this fine honor!

Ringo, you don't need us to tell you what a lucky pup you are. I have adopted several senior dogs in the past 3 years, and I know the love you bring to your family is beyond compare! Watch out for those pesky chipmunks!

Happy Dog of the Day!