View Full Version : Precious Chica

07-30-2009, 06:48 AM
What a tiny little beauty has popped up on my screen this morning! I just love your outfit. It makes you look like such a girly girl! ;):cool: Chica I can just imagine you jumping in between your human and any threatening object. What bravery in spite of your tiny size! :) I know that many people are swooning right now as they view your precious facie. Happy Dog of the Day to you!

07-30-2009, 07:40 AM
Cuteness alert, cuteness alert, cuteness overload!:D Good morning adorable Chica! Happy Dog of the Day to you, sweetheart! I gasped with *delight* when I clicked on your photo!:D All decked out for a night out on the town with your beloved Papi, no doubt! That is one stylin' outfit you have on there...definitely designed for dancing!:cool: And speaking of your dad, that's one proud Papi we hear talking! Bless your big, beautiful heart Chica, for being there for him during those tough times, for bringing so much joy and comfort, smiles and laughter to his life! How could he not smile when looking at that precious face of yours!:love: You may be a wee in stature Chica, but when it comes to personality and heart, you rank right up there with the big boys...and girls! AND, you're a Nantucket lover; one of the most beautiful spots on eart!!! A girl after my own heart. that you are! What fun you and Papi must have riding the ferry over to the island, taking in all of the sights and smells, romping on the beach, meeting new doggie friends! You truly are an angel Chica, and we're so happy to have had the chance to meet you today and crown you our VERY special and MOST deserving honoree! I wish for you and your family the happiest day of celebration, and many, many more years of fun travels, adventures, and love filled days! Hugs and smoochies to you, precious Chica!:love::love::love: