View Full Version : Does your cat sleep unmoving this long?

07-24-2009, 10:30 AM
Taranis (about 7 years old) settles down somewhere comfortable every morning as I'm getting ready for work. She loves to have something thrown over her - dressing gown, throw, whatever, no matter how warm it is. When I come home 12 hours later, she is in exactly the same place, not a wrinkle in whatever I threw over her. She couldn't have got out and under on her own without wrinkling it up and it really looks like she didn't move at all. She doesn't even get up and out when I come home unless I lift up the cover.

She's a plodding type of cat and slow in all kinds of ways - such as being able to go without peeing for three days, pooping for two, both products being normal. Even though I've had her for 5 years, it's rare that I've seen her play in any way. She was overweight when I adopted her, still is and she certainly won't exercise any weight off. I've tried making her run around but when I try running near her she doesn't budge an inch, even letting me fall into her rather than move at all. She is a quintessential contrary cat, jumping up by me and meowing for fuss and then striking me hard after three strokes (yes, she's a three stroke cat), hating other cats but screeching her head off when I tried to give her the entire daylight basement (living room and bedrooms, all cosy) to herself and streaking upstairs when I let her out so she could be those she loathes.

Do any of your cats, who are still only adults not seniors, sleep that long unmoving every single day?

Laura's Babies
07-24-2009, 10:34 AM
Mine have different places that they sleep at certian times of the day and they always get a nibble or two on the way to the other spot.. Maybe your Taranis is just a lazy cat?

Killearn Kitties
07-24-2009, 10:49 AM
I thought mine were inert! I am not aware that any of mine stay still for so long. They seem to enjoy alternating between a nap in the house and a nap in the garden throughout the day. At least they get some exercise going between the two.

07-24-2009, 10:59 AM
Mack is the laziest of my 4. He will literally lay down, eat from his bowl and then go to sleep in that spot. However, I have never seen him sleep as long as your cat. Mack will play and run if something interests him. I always say he is a "short bus" cat. :D

Have you checked with your vet? I do know when I got my first cat after having dogs all of my life that I was amazed at how much cats do sleep.

Buddy likes to get under the covers. I have often jumped into bed to find a big lump in the middle. :)

07-24-2009, 11:39 AM
Have you checked with your vet? I do know when I got my first cat after having dogs all of my life that I was amazed at how much cats do sleep.

Yes, she's seen the vet but when I've mentioned her not pee'ing for three days, and not moving for twelve hours, he just raises his eyebrows and says "Hmmmm". Since she always passes her exams, blood included, with good results, I think he considers it simply a quirk.

07-24-2009, 11:47 AM
Yes, my RB Starr did this the last few months before I let him go to the bridge.:( He just became very lethargic and some times he didn't even want to eat. He was also very over weight because of the pred he had to be on. I really think that the pred is what caused his decline in health.:( He would poop and pee every day though.

I'm really surprised that your vet isn't more concerned about your cats eliminating habits. I've never heard of such a thing. I do know all cats won't poop every day but all of mine seem to do this. Have you had her heart checked out?

07-24-2009, 12:45 PM
I would find a another vet. Not going for 3 days is not normal. I would tell a new vet about the not peeing for 3 days, not pooping for 2 and the not moving. Yes cats sleep allot but they normally sleep and play in bursts. This almost sounds like diabetes. When our Patches got lethargic we had her checked, she had become diabetic. A insulin shot a day and she was fine for 16 years.

07-24-2009, 01:23 PM
my dearly departed Monego used to stay in one spot for long periods. We'd leave the house for a few hours just to find him in the same spot when we got home. I don't know if he never moved, or he just got up and stretched, then laid back down in the same position. He was always reluctant to move from wherever he was settled too. If he was curled up in a shoebox we could carry the box all over the house without him trying to jump out. He didn't poo every day either but he did pee regularly. The vet kept telling me for years that "some cats just don't poop a lot", but this is what eventually led to his early demise. Please have the vet check to make sure she is not constipated and slooooowly backing up, due to megacolon or something similar.

07-24-2009, 02:06 PM
It almost sounds like anemia to me. Her elimination habits are definitely not normal. I'd get a second opinion ASAP.

07-24-2009, 02:50 PM
My Senior Found Cats all move more than that , and they have a decade on Taranis.:D
Although Tubster Panther when he comes in will sleep like a black log and not move at all too!!!:):)
If Taranis:love: looks and acts healthy, I would just say that hes an Unique Cat , and let it go at that!!!

07-24-2009, 03:16 PM
All tests so far have shown her to be in perfect health. Blood test shows all values to be in normal range, urine test normal. In fact, her urine test came after the three day stint of not peeing and I only know that was how long she went because she was in isolation. The test showed very concentrated urine, but nothing abnormal. In a way, it's good that her kidneys can concentrate her pee that well, but it can't be good for her to retain it that long. Not only did she get wet food night and morning while in isolation but I gave her 150cc subq fluids on the second day because I was so concerned; she still didn't pee until the third day. I was staggered. It makes me uncomfortable just to think of it.

It really looks like she turns down her metabolism whenever she doesn't need to move, rather like an animal going into hibernation. She roars into life if anyone invades her space, not realizing she is under the blanket they jump on. Then she smacks the cat around and races off.

I'm seeing the shelter vet tomorrow and will ask her what she thinks.

07-25-2009, 08:42 AM
Did they specifically do a thyroid test? Some vets consider it routine, some don't.

Love, Columbine

07-25-2009, 10:09 AM
I agree that the eliminating habits seems very unusual and can understand why you are concerned! I think I would get a second opinion. I hope it's nothing ... just a unique kitty!:)