View Full Version : Cooper

07-23-2009, 06:41 AM
Hi Cooper.....What a handsome little fellow you are. You take such a beautiful picture. I can't get my yorkies to sit still long enough to take a picture. I just love the one with you and the horse. No wonder it was love at first site. Congratulations on DOTD.:love::love::love:

A Dog Lover:love::love::love:

07-23-2009, 09:06 AM
Hi, Cooper!!! Congratulations on being DOTD! :D My Sheltie is also named Cooper and apparently really special boys are named Cooper!!! :D:D:D He was DOTD back on May 19th of this year. He was also a rescue but he was in rescue for 3 years so both of you boys had a hard way to go. But, life has given you a great home now and we hope we give our Cooper a wonderful home now. May all the rescue boys named Cooper find such loving homes!!! :):D:)

Mommy to Cooper, William and Mali

07-23-2009, 09:48 AM
Good morning adorable Cooper man! A very happy Dog of the Day to you, sweet boy!:love: Oh my gosh, what great photos your Mommy submitted for your DOTD honors! What a little charmer, what a cunning little heart stealer you are, for sure!:D Those horses look sooo big!:eek: hehe Still, I can tell, you're more than capable of taking on the big boys...WWF style!:D A doggie in love with a horse...and sun lotion! lol TOO cute! I remember the first time I became acquainted with your amazing breed! I was in college and my professor, knowing what a soft touch and animal lover I was, asked me to dog sit her pup while she was on vacation! I had never heard of a "bark-less" dog before, (well sort of bark-less, hehe) a unique trait in itself. But what most impressed me was his spunk and spirit, his curiosity, his love for life! Since then I've been smitten with you personality packed pups! You had a rough start at life sweetheart, languishing far too long in that shelter, but it's clear you're finally living the good life, the love filled, happy life you always deserved, Cooper! Heartfelt thanks to your wonderful parents for welcoming you into their home and hearts! I can just imagine what pride your family will feel, seeing your sweet self up on the big screen today! And I wish for you, and all of adoring fans and friends, including but not limited to your Bensenji buds at the park and your hopefully, your beloved horse friend, the happiest, most fun and love filled day of celebration!:D Lots of love, cuddles and little kisses to you adorable Cooper, our very special and most deserving "top dog!":love::love::love:

07-23-2009, 10:27 AM
Good Morning, Cooper, and Happy Dog of the Day to you!:) You are a precious little boy, what with those pointy ears, and that beautiful red and white coat!:D:love: I was very sorry to hear you had to spend so much time in a shelter. I can't understand that. :( I am, however, very glad that a truly nice person saw you. I am sure that your human loves you beyond measure. :love: I know I would. :D I wish for you a long healthy, happy life with your human companion, and nose kisses from me. Have a terrific Dog of the Day by having fun with your friends and a few special treats.:love::cool:


Daisy and Delilah
07-23-2009, 11:12 AM
Your great love of horses has us smiling from ear to ear. We love the way you're giving the horsey some smooches. You are one cute guy there, Coop!!! We can't believe you spent half your life waiting for the right family to come along and adopt you. Not only are you as handsome as can be, you're a smart little guy as well. Thanks to your family for saving you and giving you the life you were born to live. Congrats on your big day as our DOTD!! Please tell the family to give you a billion kisses today from your fans here in Florida. We hope the celebration is never ending!! Happiness always!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love:

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny, Hot, Sweltering, Florida :cool: :cool:

07-23-2009, 04:18 PM
Hi Cooper,

I loved reading your story Cooper. I must say a curious, smart & loving
pup like you staying so long in a shelter is over. What a waste that would
be for a sweet dog like you. I am so happy your forever family found you.:)
Congratulations on being our honored DOG OF THE DAY. Sending lots of
cuber kisses & hugs just for you sweet boy.:)

Edwina's Secretary
07-23-2009, 08:16 PM
Hey Coop! I would love to hear you sing! What a wonderful story you have to tell - dog loses home...dog finds home...dog loves horse, people, other dogs.

The size of your heart is as amazing as your face is adorable.

Congratulations - Cooper - Dog of the Day!

07-23-2009, 09:10 PM
Cooper, you're so handsome! I am so happy that you have a forever home where you can yodel, play and get snuggled every day of your life. Happy Dog of the Day, Cooper! (p.s., please "baroo" to your person to register you for PT so we can learn more about you and your breed)

07-23-2009, 10:36 PM
Hi Cooper! I couldn't take my eyes off your picture smooching the horsie! I'd never seen anything like it, and it's precious and adorable, just like you! Your human wrote a beautiful story about you too! I agree with everyone..you have a HUGE heart despite what you went through before your loving person rescued you! Ah! If only we hoomans could be as forgiving! I'd love to hear you sing and share oodles of hugs and kisses! Woo! Woo!!!!!