View Full Version : Attn: Jeff Dunham fans

07-21-2009, 05:11 PM
I am signed up to get updates from JD's website, and thought I'd pass this along for anyone interested.

Starting Oct 22nd, he will be starting a series on the Comedy Central Network. It looks like it's going to be hilarious, but that's no surprise. I can't wait!

And this Saturday I finally get to see him live at the state fair. We bought our tickets when they went on sale last March, so it's been a long wait. Here's hoping the weather holds out since it is an outdoor theater at the fairgrounds, and this time of year it's typical to have afternoon and evening thunderstorms.

Please send good vibes this way - for no storms!!! :D

07-21-2009, 05:15 PM
Woo Hoo!! I will be hoping the weather is great for you!! That's going to be so much fun!!
I am a fan of his on facebook so I see where he is going to be all the time too. But I didn't know about a series in October. That's going to be awesome! I hope he has some new material. Even though I see the same stuff over and over and can recite it, it still makes me laugh so hard!! :D :D

Have fun!!

07-21-2009, 05:28 PM
Woo Hoo!! I will be hoping the weather is great for you!! That's going to be so much fun!!
I am a fan of his on facebook so I see where he is going to be all the time too. But I didn't know about a series in October. That's going to be awesome! I hope he has some new material. Even though I see the same stuff over and over and can recite it, it still makes me laugh so hard!! :D :D

Have fun!!

A couple of things that they are doing:

They are looking for a couple in the L.A. area that would like one of the guys to do their marriage ceremony - for real. They won't say who will do it, but I'll bet it's Walter or Achmed.

And another, they were recruiting a couple doing a home delivery of their baby. Peanut will be the birthing coach - another for real! Can you imagine that one???

Now that's what I call "new material"!! :D

07-21-2009, 09:21 PM
I just told Bruce I'd do it if Peanut married us. :D :D